Timeline und Breed - Gaben: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

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=Timeline of LA=

==1800 - 1900==
== Metis ==

» Vor 1800
Breed - Metis
<ul>Ursprüngliche Lande der Uktena - ein Werwolfstamm</ul>

» 1828
Create Element (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Die ersten Vampire lassen sich in Los Angeles nieder, allen voran [[Christopher Haughton]], ein 200 Jahre alter Toreador im Körper eines 13-Jährigen.</ul>
    The Garou can create a small amount of one of the four basic elements - fire, air, earth or water. In this way, a Garou can replenish the air supply in an airtight room, make a rock to throw at someone, create a fire without matches or wood, or fill a bathtub without any faucet or pipes. Precious metals (especially silver) cannot be created, nor can lethal gases or acid. This Gift is taught by an elemental.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). One cubic foot of the desired element is created per success, to a maximum weight of 100lbs. The element is now permanent until used up (breathed in the case of air or burned up in the case of fire without any fuel to keep it going).  
    Alternative Versions

» 1877
        From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Christopher Haughton hat die Vision Los Angeles zu einem Mekka für Künstler und Träumer zu machen</ul>
        System: The player spends one Gnosis point and roll Gnosis. Each success allows the character to create roughly one cubic foot (.3 cubic meter) of the desired element to a maximum weight of 100 lbs (45 kg), anywhere she can see within 60 feet (18 m). The element remains in existence until used up (breathed, in the case of air, or burned up, in the case of fire without any fuel to keep it going). The flames created by this Gift inflict one health level of damage per success, to a maximum of three level of damage.
        Taught by: Elemental
        From: Damien (Metis Rank 1)
        System: Earth and water can only be created on a surface - a sudden burst of water cannot be created in mid-air for instance, but it could be conjured from the character's hands. Air and fire can be created any point the character can see, though a Perception + Alertness roll may be needed to be precisely judge where to create the elemental source.
        Taught by: Elemental

» 25. Dezember 1870
Primal Anger (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Christopher erschafft den Toreador Don Sebastian und ernennt ihn zum [[Camarilla|Prinzen]] von Los Angeles</ul>
    The metis learns to focus the anger within her heart and use it to increase her Rage. The anger takes a physical toll on the werewolf, and it is up to her to unleash it on her enemies. The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift. Few members of other breeds have suffered enough shame and suffering to learn this Gift.

» 1909
    System: A character with this Gift may sacrifice a single health level, once per scene, and gain two extra points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her above her permanent Rage rating). The health level is treated as aggravated.
<ul>Christopher entdeckt seine Muse. Angezogen von den ersten Filmen beschließt er dies zu seinem Geschenk an die Welt zu machen. Durch Beherrschung von Filmemacher, "überredet" er diese die Hollywood Filmstudios zu bauen.</ul>
    Taught by: ancestor
    Book: WW3e
    Alternative Versions

» 1917
        From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Die Glaswandler wie Knochenbeisser lassen sich in Los Angeles nieder und bauen einen Caern auf.</ul>
        The metis gives of herself to feed the Rage in her heart, burning away her very blood and muscle in the process. The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift; few members of other breeds have endured enough shame and suffering to learn it.
        System: The character may inflict a single level of aggravated damage on herself once per scene, and gain three points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent Rage rating).  
        Taught by: Ancestor spirit

» 1920 -1940
Rat Head (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Die Ausbreitung des [[Sabbats]] an der Ostküste sorgt dafür, dass viele Vampire - hauptsächlich Anarchen - in den Westen, nach Kalifornien flüchten. Don Sebastian heißt diese Willkommen und hofft dadurch seine Macht über die Kindred zu vergrößern.</ul>
    Metis are born into a world where they metaphorically don't belong; it seemed only natural to rat-spirits to teach them to get into such places in the literal sense as well. This Gift renders the metis's bone structure collapsible, allowing her to squeeze through any gap she can fit her head into.
    System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For the rest of the scene, the metis may squirm through any gap she can fit her face
    into, moving at her walking speed to do so.
    Taught by: Rat spirit
    Book: WW20

» 1943
Sense Wyrm (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Jeremy McNeill ein englischer Brujah kommt nach Los Angeles, welcher in Europa einen Ruf als Rebell besitzt.</ul>
    The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm." This power requires active concentration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
    System: The Garou rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty for this Gift is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence (sensing a single formor in a room would have a difficulty of 6). Vampires can be sensed using this Gift, but only those with Humanity scores lower than 7.  
    Alternative Versions

» Frühjahr 1944
        From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Christopher Haughton verbündet sich mit Jeremy McNeill und schließt sich der [[Anarchen|Anarchenbewegung]] an. Sie träumen von einer Welt ohne Prinzen oder Herren jeglicher Art.</ul>
        The werewolf can sense nearby manifestations of the Wyrm. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory im- age, although Garou often describe the Wyrm's spiritual emanations as a stench. This Gift doesn't necessarily sense dedication to the Wyrm, merely contact with its spiritual essence, which can cling to even blameless souls. Sense Wyrm requires active concentration; the spiritual sense it provides doesn't function passively. The Gift may be taught by any Gaian spirit.
        System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence: sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be dif- ficulty 7. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity ratings of 7 or higher.  
        Taught by: Gaian spirit
        From: Damien (Metis Rank 1)
        System: The player rolls Perception + Lore (replacement for Technology Knowledge)

» Sommer 1944
Shed (Metis Rank 1)
<ul>Don Sebastian lässt Jeremy McNeill verprügeln und misshandeln und zwingt ihn die Stadt zu verlassen. Die Anarchen sind empört und erste Stimmen der Revolution werden laut. Der Ventrue-Primogen Louis Fortier kehrt daraufhin der Camarilla den Rücken und schließt sich den Anarchen an.</ul>
    The Garou knows the trick of shedding and growing fur at an alarming rate. This gift makes the Garou especially hard to grapples successfully; opponents find themselves holding tufts of fur instead of their target. The Garou can also slide through tight spaces using his shedding fur as natural lubrication. A Lizard-spirit or Snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The Garou may use his slick outer coating to avoid being grappled. With a successful Dexterity + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 7), he can free himself from any successful grappling attack. The fur also reduces by two the werewolf's difficulty whenever he squeezes through tight spaces or slips restraints, such as handcuffs.

» Herbst 1944
Burrow (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Zerstörung des Setiten-Tempels in Malibu durch Schwarze Furien</ul>
    The Garou can burrow a tunnel into the earth. The tunnel is relatively permanent, and other can follow the Garou through it, although it is tight and only one person at a time can go through. However, no being larger than the Garou can travel the tunnel. The Garou must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift, but the tunnel will only be as large as the form he assumed while burrowing it (only Lupus- or smaller-sized beings can travel a tunnel burrowed by a Garou in Lupus form). The tunnel is not structurally sound and will collapse over time. This Gift is taught by a Mole-spirit.
    System: The Garou rolls Strength + Athletics against a difficulty depending on the substance to be excavated (4 for loose mud, 9 for solid rock). One yard per turn can be burrowed for each success.

» 21. Dezember 1944
Curse of Hatred (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Nach langer Planung und Vorbereitung greifen die Anarchen schwer bewaffnet, diverse Camarilla-Vampire in höheren Posten an und töten oder vertreiben diese aus Los Angeles.</ul>
    The Garou may verbalize the hatred in her heart, disheartening opponents with the intensity of her emotion. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Hate.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower). If the Garou succeeds, her opponent lose two Willpower points and two Rage points. This may only be used on an opponent once per scene.

» 22. Dezember 1944
Form Mastery (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Los Angeles fällt in die Hände der Anarchen und Jeremy McNeill ruft den Anarchen-Freistaat aus. Die Taten der LA-Anarchen um Jeremy McNeill verbreite sich wie ein Lauffeuer und Anarchen in anderen Städten wie San Diego, Fresno und San Francisco beginnen ebenfalls zu rebellieren. </ul>
    This Gift empower the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1, and the player no longer needs to roll a single success just to initiate the transformation (thus, shifting from Homid to Glabro would be difficulty 5 and
    require only one success). Additionally, when enacting partial transformations (see p. 286), the player need no longer spend a Willpower point, and the difficulty of the roll is 7. This Gift's effects are permanent.
    Taught by: Wolf spirit
    Book: WW20

» 1944 - 1954
Grovel (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Immer mehr Vampire die sich der Anarchen-Bewegung anschließen wollen, lassen sich in LA und Umgebung nieder. Sie schließen sich in Banden und Gangs zusammen und beginnen sich untereinander zu bekriegen.</ul>
    By calling upon the behaviour ingrained into Garou by the Litany, the possessor of this Gift can all but force an attacker to accept their surrender. This does not mean the attacker will leave the Gift user alone. They may continue to watch you and may verbally berate you, but they will not harm your as long as you do not initiate any attack. This Gift lasts for a scene and is taught by any Canine spirit.
    System: By spending an Gnosis point and rolling Charisma + Performance (difficulty 6, resisted by the other's Rage), the character may effectively surrender. In certain situations, the use of this Gift may induce an Honor loss or an increase in Social difficulties for a time.

» 1955
Haunting Stare (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>McNeill erkennt dass die Lose Struktur von Vampire nicht funktioniert. Nach Diskussionen und Verhandlungen mit den Gangs, werden Barone eingesetzt die für Recht und Ordnung sorgen, aber die Vampire in ihrer Domäne nicht wie Prinzen kontrollieren.</ul>
    The Garou summons her hereditary instability and focuses it into her stare. Going into the eyes of the metis leaves the victim choking with horror. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her will, but the Gift takes effect immediately. Upon making eye contact, the victim must successfully roll her Willpower (difficulty 8) or be unable to act during her next turn. The difficulty to use Haunting Stare increases by one against Garou who are insane (including Silver Fangs).  
    Taught by: Ancestor-spirit
    Book: Wild West Companion

» 1956
Sense Silver (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Der [[Sabbat]] hatte schon lange seine Spione in LA und die Anarchen eingeschleust und nutzte Aufstände um die Anarchen anzugreifen. Die anfänglichen Nächte sah es aus als würden die Sabbat War Parties gegen die zerstreuten und sich untereinander bekriegenden Anarchen gewinnen, doch diese legten ihre Zwiste bei Seite und arbeiteten wieder zusammen um den größeren Feind zu besiegen. Unter ihnen eine Lasombra Antiribu namens Mohammed al-Muthilim, der sich rasch großer Beliebtheit erfreuen durfte. Der Sabbat zog sich zurück und die Camarilla entsandte Archons um die Überreste des Sabbat die sie finden konnten, auszurotten. Die Camarilla ging danach wieder ohne die Anarchen zu belangen.</ul>
    Ahroun are the Garou least concerned by humnans, but even the greatest can be brought low by silver weapons. Thus, the Ahroun have learned to sense when they need to be more cautious. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
    System: The Garou rolls Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, she can detect the presence of silver. Three successes allow her to pinpoint the silver's location.  
    Taught by: Lune
    Book: WW20

» 1961
Wriggle (Metis Rank 2)
<ul>Die Glaswandler und Knochenbeisser Septe beschützt ihre Caerns gegen die Vampire, sowie Diener des Wyrms. Ihre geschwächten Reihen werden gefüllt indem sie beginnen Garou von anderen Stämmen aufzunehmen. </ul>
    Metis sometimes have to hide in all the wrong places at the wrong times. With this Gift, they can take best advantage of their surroudings to get away and take a breather. The spirit of a Cockroach teaches this gift.
    System: Spend a Gnosis point and the Gift takes effect immediately. For the rest of the scene, no matter what her form, the metis can squeeze into a space no less than half the size of her body. Storytellers should make judgements on space limitations.
    Taught by: Cockroach
    Book: GotC

» 1969
Awaken Beast (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Die Setiten halten Einzug in Los Angeles und gründen einen Tempel in den Hollywood Hills. Von dort aus beginnen sie Menschen und Kindred zu korrumpieren.</ul>
    This is the old ability out of legends and folklore; the power to change someone else into a werewolf by biting him. If the Gift is successfully used on a victim, their Beast awakens and they begin to Frenzy. The effect lasts for a single scene, although a human bit with this Gift may develop permanent derangements.
    System: After a successful bite attack, the metis' player may spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Primal Urge (difficulty 6) against a resisted roll of the target's Willpower (difficulty 7) - B'et'e may add their Primal Urge score to the Willpower pool. If the attack is successful, the victim begins to Frenzy and will come to believe they are a werewolf.

» 1970 - 1980
Chameleon (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Trotz diverser Streitigkeiten untereinander haben die Anarchen weiteren Angriffen des Sabbat standgehalten. </ul>
    Like the Gift's reptilian namesake, the Garou can blend with her natural surroundings. Unlike the lizard, however, the Gift user shifts fluidly with changing backgrounds, thus allowing the Garou to move about and even attack. A Chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. Anyone trying to see the Garuo, even in open ground, must make Perception rolls (difficulty equals the Garou's Wits + Stelath). Failure indicates that the Garou remains undetected. Once the Garou attackes, the difficulty drops by three. Note that the Gift affects only visual senses, and it provides no camouflage for sound or scent.
    Taught by: Chameleon-Spirit
    Book: Wild West Companion

» 1984
Eyes of the Cat (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Die Toreador Antitribu Vivianne de Charbonneau wird von dem Sabbat als Erzbischöfin eingesetzt, welche dafür sorgen soll die Stadt dem Sabbat zu gewinnen.</ul>
    The Garou may see clearly in pitch darkness. The Garou's eyes will glow a lambent green while this power is in effect. This Gift is taught by a Cat-spirit.
    System: The Garou must state when this Gift is in effect, but there is no roll or cost expenditure. The Garou suffers no difficulty or Dice Pool penalties from darkness.

» 1995
Frozen Form (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Die Cathayer, asiatische Vampire auch als Kuei-Jin bezeichnet, fallen in Los Angeles ein. Ihre fremdartigen Fähigkeiten die den Disziplinen der Vampire überlegen sind, sorgen dafür, dass die Anarchen hohe Verluste einbüßen mussten. Die Kuei-Jin erobern Chinatown und Little Tokyo setzen sich dort wie ein Geschwür fest.</ul>
    Homids and lupus have no idea what its like to grow up as a metis, never changing from Crinos form for years upon years. This Gift, taught by any aerial spirit, lets a metis give others a taste of what spending extended time in Crinos is really like.
    System: Spend a Willpower point and roll Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty 6. For each success, the target must spend one full day in Crinos, consecutively if more than one success is rolled. This Gift works only on other Garou, including Black Spiral Dancers.  
    Taught by: Aerial spirits.
    Book: GotC

» 17. Juni 1995
Mental Speech (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Jeremy McNeill verschwindet nach einem Kampf gegen die Kuei-Jin und auch Christopher Haughton.</ul>
    The Garou may mentally communicate with another being over great distances. This does not allow mind-reading, but does allow the Garou to use Social Abilities, such as Intimidation, from a distance. The Garou must know the person with whom he is attempting to communicate (although he does not have to be friends with that person). If he does not know the person, he must have something that belongs to that person, such as a lock of his hair. This Gift is taught by a Bird-spirit or any spirit affiliated with intellect.
    System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8). The Garou may transmit a maximum distance of 10 miles per success.  
    Alternative Versions

» 1996
        From: WW20 (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Die LA - Werwolf-Septe erlebt einen herben Rückschlag, als ihr fähigster Krieger, der Fianna Ahroun [[Hunts-The-Spiral|James "Hunts-The-Spiral" McReary]] im Kampf gegen Tänzer der Schwarzen Spirale stirbt.</ul>
        System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Willpower point; the effects last a scene. The Garou may transmit a maximum distance of 10 miles per success.  
        Taught by: Bird spirit; Intellect spirit

» 1997
Shell (Metis Rank 3)
<ul>Die Camarilla nutzt das Chaos und die Kämpfe zwischen Kuei-Jin, Anarchen und Sabbat aus, um wieder Fuß in Los Angeles zu fassen und mit straffer Struktur wieder etwas Ordnung in Los Angeles zu bringen. Der Ventrue [[Sebastian LaCroix]] wird zum Prinzen von LA ernannt.</ul>
    Consider the state of the Metis cub. He is outcast from birth, knows this from the moment he can talk, and is trapped within a body that reacts powerfully to his slightest emotional twinge. Once you appreciate this state, it becomes easy to understand how this Gift was first learned. Shell places an emotional and instinctual barrier around the metis. A turtle spirit teaches this Gift.

» 1999
    System: While active, the metis cannot use Rage nor acheive any successes on Rage rolls, nor will mind-altering Gifts or magic affect him. However, he can also not attempt any rolls using Empathy or Primal Urge, and suffers a -1 dice penalty on all initiative rolls.  
<ul>Ein [[Roter Stern]] taucht am Nachthimmel auf der nur von Übernatürlichen Wesen gesehen werden kann und Menschen die auf die eine oder andere Art mit Vampiren, Werwölfen oder sonstigen Monstern konfrontiert werden, beginnen Kräfte zu entwickeln und diese Wesen zu jagen. Auch in Los Angeles tauchen diese [[Imbued|Hunter]] vermehrt auf. </ul>
    Taught by: Turtle
    Book: PG3e

Splintered Claw (Metis Rank 3)
» 2000 - 2015
    This painful Gift causes the metis' claws to splinter as they piece flesh. Tiny bits of claw imbed themselves deep in the victim's body, thus causing tremendous irritation. Healing such a wound without first removing the splinters is both painful and stupid. Unfortunately the Gift's user loses her claws until she spends a round regenerating new ones. A Tree-spirit teaches this Gift (especially one with thorns or spiky seedpods). Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers can learn this Gift from spirits living in houses or other wooden constructs.
<ul>Los Angeles ist ein Pulverfass aus verschiedenen Sekten und Fraktionen, Straßenkämpfe und "Banden-Kriege" stehen auf der Tagesliste. Es ist eine Frage der Zeit bis das Fass explodiert.</ul>
    System: After a successful attack that causes at least one Health Level of damage, the Garou may spend a Rage point to activate the Gift. Any damage that the target does not soak cannot be healed until he removes the bits of claw. As with all other werewolf claw attacks, the wounds are aggravated. The attacking Garou receives one automatic, nonaggravated wound. The werewolf cannot soak this wound, but can heal it as normal. Until the Garou heals the wound, he has no claws.

» 3. August 2015
Badger's Heart (Metis Rank 4)
<ul>Nach Jahrelanger Planung greift der Sabbat mit Massen von Spatenköpfen Los Angeles und besonders das Gebiet um Down Town  und den Venture Tower - den Sitz der Camarilla - an, was den Tod vieler Menschen und Vampire sowie einen riesigen Maskeradenbruch zur Folge hat. Der Sabbat konnte durch die  Kräfte von Camarilla, Anarchen, der Armee und Werwölfen, die in da Geschehen reingerissen wurden, zurückgeschlagen werden. Sebastian LaCroix Asche wird in den oberen Stockwerken des Venture Towers gefunden. Es gibt keinerlei Hinweise auf seinen Mörder.  
    Metis often possess angry hearts, and in their own way, they have a keen understanding of Rage, no matter what their auspice. This Gift allows them to affect the Rage of other werewolves, causing their enemies to expend more of it than necessary. A Badger spirit teaches this Gift.
Die Nacht geht als die  [http://wod.bloodlines-rpg.de/showthread.php?tid=58 Devils Night] in die Geschichte von LA ein. </ul>
    System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpower, difficulty 7. Three successes are necessary, but if the roll is made, the target expends twice as many Rage points as he normally would. For example, if Merryk Winterchase successfully uses this Gift on Mari Cabrah while they're in combat, each time she spent one Rage point, she would actually use two, without gaining any benefit of the second Rage point. This Gift lasts an entire day.  
    Taught by: Badger spirits
    Book: GotC

» 4. August 2015
Gift of the Porcupine (Metis Rank 4)
<ul>Der Alpha des Glaswandler-Rudels - [[Tyrome Stoudmire]] - stirbt bei den Kämpfen während der Devils Night.</ul>
    This Gift allows a Garou's fur to become bristly and sharp like the quills of a porcupine. The Garou must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form. This Gift is, of course, taught by a Porcupine-spirit.
    System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point to sharpen his fur. Anyone whom the Garou body slams, grapples or immobilizes takes aggravated damage from the Garou's sharp fur (Strength + 1). Furthermore, anyone who hits the Garou with bare flesh and scores fewer than five successes takes damage based on the attacker's Strength, although the Garou still takes normal damage. This Gift lasts for one scene or until the Garou deactivates it.

» August - September 2015
Lash of Rage (Metis Rank 4)
<ul>Der Primogenrat sowie die durch sie kontrollieren Medien vertuschen den Sabbat-Angriff als islamisch-fundamentalistische Terror-Anschläge. Nun heißt es nicht mehr <i>Jes suis Charlie</i> sondern <i>I am Los Angeles</i>. </ul>
    The metis harnesses all of the shame, hate, and fury coiled in his heart and lashes out with it, destroying another. Bones snap, organs rupture, and cavities fill with blood as the metis's Rage tears the target apart. A spirit of fury teaches this Gift.
    System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls his Rage rating. A target within 100 yards (91 m) takes one level of unsoakable aggravated damage for each success. This Gift can be used safely only once per scene. Any additional uses inflict the Gift's full damage on both the metis and his target.
    Taught by: Fury spirit
    Book: WW20

» Oktober - Dezember 2015
Rattler's bite (Metis Rank 4)
<ul>Die Angst vor dem Terrorismus ist unter den Menschen immer noch präsent. Um den Sabbat wurde es merkwürdigerweise ruhig und weitere Angriffe blieben aus. Die Camarilla versucht noch immer die Maskeradenbrüche zu kitten, während die Anarchen beginnen sich auf zukünftige Sabbat-Attacken vorzubereiten.</ul>
    The metis' canines lengthen, and she can inject a deadly poison with her bite.
    Spider- and snake-spirits teach this Gift.

» Januar 2016
    System: The player spends a Rage point when attempting to bite an opponent. If the bite is successful, any remaining damage after soak is doubled.
<ul>High School Masaker in San Francisco auf einem Schulball. <br>
    Taught by: Snake spirit; Spider spirit
Die [http://fhtagn.bloodlines-rpg.de/showthread.php?tid=59 Skinner Mordserie] beginnt und hält Los Angeles in Atem.<br>
    Book: WW20
Sabbat Drohung an die Camarilla während der [http://wod.bloodlines-rpg.de/showthread.php?tid=57 Vernissage] der Harpiye [[Diego Perez]]</ul>

Wither Limb (Metis Rank 4)
    The Garou can cause a target's limb to wither, making it useless. Which limb is withered is the Garou's choice, but is must be an arm or leg. If the victim is a creature with regenerative properties, such as a Garou or vampire, the limb will regenerate whole after one scene. This Gift is taught by a venomous animal spirit or a spirit of Disease.
    System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the victim's Stamina + 4).

» Februar 2016
<ul>Bandenkrieg in Downtown "Cowboy & Indianer", verantwortlich ist hierfür der Sabbat.<br>
Mord im Waisenheim an mehreren Kinder, zwei Fianna Kinfolk kommen dabei ums leben.</ul>

» Juli 2016
== Lupus ==
<ul>Aktueller Inplayzeitraum</ul>
Breed - Lupus

[[Category:Los Angeles]]
Find Water (Lupus Rank 1)
    This gift allows a Garou to locate any body of water within 20 miles. This Gift is taught by a Frog spirit
    System: The Garou makes a Perception + Survival roll against a difficulty of 6 to use this Gift. One or two successes will indicate the genera direction of the water. Three or four success will indicate the distance, and five successes will allow the Garou to determine if the water is contaminated in any way.
Hare's Leap (Lupus Rank 1)
    The werewolf can leap impossible distances. Hare-spirits teach this Gift
    naturally, though cat-, frog-, kangaroo-, and even flea spirits occasionally do so as well.
    System: The player makes a reflexive Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 7) to activate this Gift. If successful, the character's leaping distances are doubled for the
    scene -- or tripled for a single turn with the expenditure of a Willpower point (see Jumping, p. 271).
    Taught by: Hare spirit; Cat spirit; Frog spirit; Kangaroo spirit; Flea spirit
    Book: WW20
Heightened Senses (Lupus Rank 1)
    The Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid or Glabro form, her senses become as sharp as those of a wolf, while in her wolf forms, her senses become preternaturally potent. This gift is taught by Wolf-spirits.
    System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. Homid and Glabro forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by two; roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by three; +1 to Primal-Urge Dice Pools.
Leap of the Kangaroo (Lupus Rank 1)
    This Gift was originally developed by the lost Bunyip tribe. By invoking the Gift, Garou may leap incredible distance. Despite its name, this Gift is taught by Hare- or Cat-spirits (marsupial-spirits seem loath to aid the Garou these days...).
    System: The Garou rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). If successful, she may double her normal jumping distance. See the Jumping Chart, pg212.
Predator's Arsenal (Lupus Rank 1)
    One of the most unnerving aspects of the Homid shape is its lack of proper weapons. This Gift remedies that problem (while still retaining much of the Homid shape's ability to blend in with the human world), granting the Garou battle-ready claws and teeth in Homid form. It is taught by a wolf-spirit.
    System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn to gain access to bite and claw attacks in Homid form for the rest of the scene, or until she dismisses the transformation. These attacks inflict lethal rather than aggravated damage, and may be concealed by simple expediencies such as the werewolf keeping her mouth closed, wearing long sleeves, or keeping her hands in her pockets. She can even speak normally without giving herself away, as long as she's careful not to open her mouth too wide or smile so that her teeth show, although her voice sounds rough and a bit distorted (attempting to discern that there's something amiss with a Garou taking such precautions requires a Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 9).
    Taught by: Wolf spirit
    Book: WW20
Prey Mind (Lupus Rank 1)
    The wolf is not always the predator, as lupus sorely realise. Humans' capability for destruction grows ever greater, and more wolves die at their hands every day. When the predator becomes prey, it is this Gift that comes to the fore and assists the Garou in evasion, showing them places to hide, ways to run, and even chances to attack back. A lamb or deer spirit teaches the Gift
    System: The player rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7 in the wild, 9 in urban lands). Success guides the wolf in how to best evade her pursuers; she gains three dice to any pool made to escape, outdistance or evade pursuit. The Gift's effects last for one turn per success, so if the lupus hasn't thrown pursuit by then, she's on her own.
    Taught by: Lamb and deer spirits
    Book: PG3e
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 1)
        System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge; difficulty 7 in the wilderness, 9 in urban environments. Each success adds one die to all pools made to escape, outdistance, hide from or evade pursuit for the remainder of the scene.
        Taught by: Hare spirit; Deer spirit
Sense Prey (Lupus Rank 1)
    Werewolves used this ancient Gift during hard winters to feed their packs. The Gift letes Garou locate enough prey to feed a pack. In the urban environment, This Gift guides the lupus to prey within the city, usually in parks, sewers, animal shelters and even zoos. The Gift will tell the werewolf the location of large numbers of prey within 50 miles in the wilds, and within the limits of a city and its suburbs. Humans and wolves do no register as prey animals (as per the Litany), but it is said that the Red Talons know a variant of this Gift that acts otherwise. A wolf spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The Garou makes a roll using Perception + Primal-Urge against a difficulty of 7. Success will lead the Garou to a suitable animal sufficient to feed a pack of up to 12 wolves. The range extends up to 50 miles.
    Taught by: Wolf spirit
    Book: WW3e
Sense Wyld (Lupus Rank 1)
    The Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit
    System: The player must roll Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest would be difficulty 5).
Axis Mundi (Lupus Rank 2)
    The Garou with this Gift can center herself in relation to Gaia, and always know which direction she is traveling in or facing, no matter where she may be in the Gaia realms. In addition, the werewolf carries her "territory" around with her, in a mystical sense. Wolves will detect this, and concede her right to travel through their territories and hunt there. Other animals will also recognize this, and not attack the intruder.
    System: To activate this Gift, the player must expend a point of Gnosis. Animals will automatically sense the presence of the Garou and leave her be, and even other lupus must make a Willpower roll not to recognize this right.
Eye of the Eagle (Lupus Rank 2)
    This gift allows the user to see long distance, over "two looks away". This gift will not work well in the city, as buildings tend to get in the way. It is, eeriely enough, taught by an Eagle spirit.
    System: Roll Perception + Alertness against an 8 difficulty. The number of successes is the number of miles away one can see as normal.
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 2)
        This Gift allows the werewolf to see over impossibly long distances, though not through obstacles -- good vantage points are invaluable, and this Gift is in much demand among caern guardians. It is taught by an eagle-spirit.
        System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). The number of successes is the number of miles added to the Garou's clear visual range.
        Taught by: Eagle spirit
Scent of Sight (Lupus Rank 2)
    The Garou can use his sense of smell to compensate completely for his eyes; thus, he could attack invisible creatures normally, or roughly navigate in absolute darkness. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit.
    System: The Garou rolls Perception + Primal-Urge against a Storyteller-determined difficulty (depends on how powerful local smells are). The Storyteller should not require rolls every turn, but only when something could cause the Garou to lose his opponent's scent (he ran through water, they are fighting in a smelly alley, etc.)
Sense the Unnatural (Lupus Rank 2)
    The Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its approximate strength and type. supernatural presences can include: magic, spirits, the Wyrm, wraiths, etc. This will detect vampires, but only those with Humanity scores below 7. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
    System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The more successes rolled, the more information is gained. However, understanding the information might require an Intelligence + Occult roll (Storyteller's option).
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 3)
        The Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its approximate strength and type. Supernatural presences can include magic, spirits, Wyrm taint, ghosts, vampires, faeries, and any other such unnatural manifestation - although it won't pick them out specifically as such. A werewolf may sense a person plagued by haunting as easily as a ghost. Any spirit servant of Gaia can teach this Gift
        System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The more successes he rolls, the more information he gains. The sensory input is somewhat vague and subject to interpretation, though. For instance, a vampire might smell of clotted blood, fear, corpse-meat or whatever else the Storyteller finds appropriate.
        Taught by: Gaian spirits
Wyld Ferocity (Lupus Rank 2)
    The harsh, untamed wilderness frequently brings death to humans who venture into it unprepared. With this Gift, the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of the wild. A panic-stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must growl (even in human form) for the effect to work. All normal humans lose one die from their Dice Pools within 20 feet of the Garou. Those humans not used to dealing with wild animals must make a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the Garou's Rage) or flee the area.
    Taught by: Ancestor-spirit
    Book: Wild West Companion
Catfeet (Lupus Rank 3)
    This Gift gives the Garou the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under 100 feet (he lands on his feet just right). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body slams and grappling are reduced by two. This Gift is taught by a Cat-spirit.
    System: The Garou does not need to expend points or roll for this ability; it becomes innate to those who learn the Gift.
Death Whispers (Lupus Rank 3)
    The ancient Greeks associated the wolf with death. Hecate wore three wolf heads, while Charon wore wolf ears. Lupus with this Gift echo that connection. By standing entirely still near a recently dead body, the lupus can hear the final worlds of the deceased. These words are often rambling and incoherent, but can provide clues and understanding of what happened at the moment of their death, or of their most prominent thoughts at the moment of their demise.
    System: The lupus must stand next to the corpse and stay entirely still, trying to hear the very soft whispers. The player then rolls Perception + Occult (diff 7). To successfully hear the death whispers, the lupus must obtain more successes than the number of hours the body has been dead. More successes than required increase the clarity of the whisper. This Gift may be attempt only once per dead body.
    Taught by: Wolf
    Book: PG3e
Monkey Tail (Lupus Rank 3)
    Although the lupus' tail retains the appearance of a regular wolf's tail, it gains far more agility and flexibility. Although incapable of fine manipulation, the tail can grasp objects, wrap around branches or allow the Garou to hang upside down. The tail can also attack from an unexpected direction. A Monkey-spirit must be persuaded to teach a Garou this Gift
    System: After learning this Gift, the Garou's tail automatically becomes prehensile whenever she likes. In order to manipulate the tail successfully, the player must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). The difficulty can increase for very delicate operations. If the Garou's strength exceeds her Stamina, she can use the tail to hang or swing. When attempting to lift objects with her tail, the Garou's strength rating is halved. If used as an attack, the damage from the tail is Strength-1.
Name the Spirit (Lupus Rank 3)
    The Garou is able to detect the type of approximate Trait levels (Rage, Power, etc) of a spirit. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Uktena totem.
    System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8).
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 2)
        The werewolf gains an instinctive rapport with denizens of the Umbra. He can sense the type and approximate Trait levels (Rage, Gnosis, Willpower) of spirits. Owl- and raven-spirits teach this Gift.
        System: The Player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8).
        Taught by: Owl spirits; Raven spirits
Silence the Weaver (Lupus Rank 3)
    The lupus releases a shattering howl, destroying all nearby delicate electronics -- computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets and the like. Simpler machines such as land line phones, cars, and firearms are unaffected. A storm-spirit teaches
    this Gift.
    System: The lupus spends a turn howling. The player then spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge. Delicate electronics are destroyed within a radius of (20 x successes) yards (or meters) in a flash of sparks.
    Taught by: Storm spirits
    Book: WW20
Strength of Gaia (Lupus Rank 3)
    The Goddess blesses her child with enhanced strength to defeat her enemies. The Garou must maintain her Lupus form, but she retains the might of the Crinos.
    System: The player must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift. Her base strength increases by four, rather than the normal one, in her Lupus form. The Gift works only in Lupus form and its effects cease if she shapeshifts. In any case, the Gift's effects last one scene.
    Book: Wild West Companion
Beast Life (Lupus Rank 4)
    The Garou may not only communicate with animals, but can attract and command them. If there are no animals of the sort desired in the vicinity, none can be called. This Gift is taught by any Animal-spirit.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). One success causes animals within a 10-mile radius to be affected. Each additional success add 10 miles (two successes indicate a 20-mile radius). The effect lasts for one scene, but the time may be extended by spending one Gnosis point per extra scene.
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 4)
        The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals and attract or even command them. Domesticated animals may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves over to the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
        System: The character gains the permanent ability to communicate with all animals, regardless of the form she wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). All animals within 10 miles (16 km) per success respond to the summons, and will follow any requests the Garou makes.It is considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any animal ordered to sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do otherwise risks angering the spirit world.
        Taught by: Animal spirit
        From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 4)
        The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals and attract or even command them. Domesticated animals may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves over to the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
        System: The character gains the permanent ability to communicate with all animals, regardless of the form she wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). All animals within 10 miles (16 km) per success respond to the summons, and will follow any requests the Garou makes.It is considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any animal ordered to sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do otherwise risks angering the spirit world.
        Taught by: Animal spirit
Gnaw (Lupus Rank 4)
    The Garou may strengthen her jaws to the point that, given time, she can chew through just about anything. In addition, her jaws do more damage in combat. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit.
    System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + 4 against a variable difficulty (3 for wood, 6 for steel cables, 9 for a titanium door). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something is up to the Storyteller. When employing this power in combat, the Garou's bite does an extra die of damage.
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 4)
        The werewolf's jaws strengthen until she can chew through nearly anything. Her fangs inflict more damage in combat, and only death will break her grip if she clamps her teeth into an opponent. Hyena- and wolf-spirits teach this Gift.
        System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + 4 against a variable difficulty (3 for wood, 6 for steel handcuffs, 9 for a train car coupling). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something depends on the number of successes. Additionally, the Gift grants a character's bite two extra dice of damage for the rest of the scene.
        Taught by: Hyena spirit; Wolf spirit
Scream of Gaia (Lupus Rank 4)
    The Garou emits a horrible, ragged scream imbued with Rage and the pain of Gaia. The force of the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet. Storm-spirits teach this Gift.
    System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Rage. Everyone within a 50-foot (15 m) radius, except for the werewolf's pack, is blasted to the ground to suffer one unsoakable health level of bashing damage per success as a shockwave rips through the area.
    Taught by: Storm
    Book: WW20
Terror of the Dire Wolf (Lupus Rank 4)
    Wolves haunt the ancestral nightmares of humanity, and of those monsters that were once human. The werewolf lets out a fierce snarl that triggers primordial terror in opponents and drowns them in the Delirium. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower or, if he is affecting a group, the highest Willpower represented). If successful, the werewolf invokes the full effect of the Delirium on any human, formerly-human, or partly-human creature who can see her - including those normally immune to the Delirium, such as mages and vampires. Only other werewolves and Fera are immune. It may be used in any form, although Homid and Glabro raise the difficulty of the Primal-Urge roll by one.
    Taught by: Wolf
    Book: WW20
Venom (Lupus Rank 4)
    A common trick of desert-dwelling Garou, this Gift allows the user to produce a noxious venom. The werewolf's bile can incapacitate or even kill a victim. The Garou is immune to her own poison, but she can be incapacitated by another Garou's venom attack. A venomous snake spirit teaches this gift. Most Garou hesitate to make deals with snakes or serpents, but sometimes necessity outweighs prejudice.
    System: After making a successful bite attack, the Garou must roll Stamina+Primal Urge in a resisted roll against the target's Stamina+4. For every additional success the attacker gets, the victim receives an additional nonsoakable, aggravated wound along with whatever damage the bite caused. Each success also reduces the target's Stamina by one level until the victim loses consciousness. Additional poison bites can force the victim into a coma and eventually kill her.
    Taught by: Snake spirits

Version vom 6. Februar 2024, 05:33 Uhr


Breed - Metis

Create Element (Metis Rank 1)

   The Garou can create a small amount of one of the four basic elements - fire, air, earth or water. In this way, a Garou can replenish the air supply in an airtight room, make a rock to throw at someone, create a fire without matches or wood, or fill a bathtub without any faucet or pipes. Precious metals (especially silver) cannot be created, nor can lethal gases or acid. This Gift is taught by an elemental.
   System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). One cubic foot of the desired element is created per success, to a maximum weight of 100lbs. The element is now permanent until used up (breathed in the case of air or burned up in the case of fire without any fuel to keep it going). 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
       System: The player spends one Gnosis point and roll Gnosis. Each success allows the character to create roughly one cubic foot (.3 cubic meter) of the desired element to a maximum weight of 100 lbs (45 kg), anywhere she can see within 60 feet (18 m). The element remains in existence until used up (breathed, in the case of air, or burned up, in the case of fire without any fuel to keep it going). The flames created by this Gift inflict one health level of damage per success, to a maximum of three level of damage. 
       Taught by: Elemental 
       From: Damien (Metis Rank 1)
       System: Earth and water can only be created on a surface - a sudden burst of water cannot be created in mid-air for instance, but it could be conjured from the character's hands. Air and fire can be created any point the character can see, though a Perception + Alertness roll may be needed to be precisely judge where to create the elemental source. 
       Taught by: Elemental 

Primal Anger (Metis Rank 1)

   The metis learns to focus the anger within her heart and use it to increase her Rage. The anger takes a physical toll on the werewolf, and it is up to her to unleash it on her enemies. The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift. Few members of other breeds have suffered enough shame and suffering to learn this Gift.
   System: A character with this Gift may sacrifice a single health level, once per scene, and gain two extra points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her above her permanent Rage rating). The health level is treated as aggravated.
   Taught by: ancestor 
   Book: WW3e 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
       The metis gives of herself to feed the Rage in her heart, burning away her very blood and muscle in the process. The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift; few members of other breeds have endured enough shame and suffering to learn it.
       System: The character may inflict a single level of aggravated damage on herself once per scene, and gain three points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent Rage rating). 
       Taught by: Ancestor spirit 

Rat Head (Metis Rank 1)

   Metis are born into a world where they metaphorically don't belong; it seemed only natural to rat-spirits to teach them to get into such places in the literal sense as well. This Gift renders the metis's bone structure collapsible, allowing her to squeeze through any gap she can fit her head into.
   System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For the rest of the scene, the metis may squirm through any gap she can fit her face
   into, moving at her walking speed to do so.
   Taught by: Rat spirit 
   Book: WW20

Sense Wyrm (Metis Rank 1)

   The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm." This power requires active concentration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
   System: The Garou rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty for this Gift is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence (sensing a single formor in a room would have a difficulty of 6). Vampires can be sensed using this Gift, but only those with Humanity scores lower than 7. 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Metis Rank 1)
       The werewolf can sense nearby manifestations of the Wyrm. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory im- age, although Garou often describe the Wyrm's spiritual emanations as a stench. This Gift doesn't necessarily sense dedication to the Wyrm, merely contact with its spiritual essence, which can cling to even blameless souls. Sense Wyrm requires active concentration; the spiritual sense it provides doesn't function passively. The Gift may be taught by any Gaian spirit.
       System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence: sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be dif- ficulty 7. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity ratings of 7 or higher. 
       Taught by: Gaian spirit 
       From: Damien (Metis Rank 1)
       System: The player rolls Perception + Lore (replacement for Technology Knowledge) 

Shed (Metis Rank 1)

   The Garou knows the trick of shedding and growing fur at an alarming rate. This gift makes the Garou especially hard to grapples successfully; opponents find themselves holding tufts of fur instead of their target. The Garou can also slide through tight spaces using his shedding fur as natural lubrication. A Lizard-spirit or Snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The Garou may use his slick outer coating to avoid being grappled. With a successful Dexterity + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 7), he can free himself from any successful grappling attack. The fur also reduces by two the werewolf's difficulty whenever he squeezes through tight spaces or slips restraints, such as handcuffs.

Burrow (Metis Rank 2)

   The Garou can burrow a tunnel into the earth. The tunnel is relatively permanent, and other can follow the Garou through it, although it is tight and only one person at a time can go through. However, no being larger than the Garou can travel the tunnel. The Garou must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form to use this Gift, but the tunnel will only be as large as the form he assumed while burrowing it (only Lupus- or smaller-sized beings can travel a tunnel burrowed by a Garou in Lupus form). The tunnel is not structurally sound and will collapse over time. This Gift is taught by a Mole-spirit.
   System: The Garou rolls Strength + Athletics against a difficulty depending on the substance to be excavated (4 for loose mud, 9 for solid rock). One yard per turn can be burrowed for each success.

Curse of Hatred (Metis Rank 2)

   The Garou may verbalize the hatred in her heart, disheartening opponents with the intensity of her emotion. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Hate.
   System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower). If the Garou succeeds, her opponent lose two Willpower points and two Rage points. This may only be used on an opponent once per scene.

Form Mastery (Metis Rank 2)

   This Gift empower the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1, and the player no longer needs to roll a single success just to initiate the transformation (thus, shifting from Homid to Glabro would be difficulty 5 and
   require only one success). Additionally, when enacting partial transformations (see p. 286), the player need no longer spend a Willpower point, and the difficulty of the roll is 7. This Gift's effects are permanent.
   Taught by: Wolf spirit 
   Book: WW20

Grovel (Metis Rank 2)

   By calling upon the behaviour ingrained into Garou by the Litany, the possessor of this Gift can all but force an attacker to accept their surrender. This does not mean the attacker will leave the Gift user alone. They may continue to watch you and may verbally berate you, but they will not harm your as long as you do not initiate any attack. This Gift lasts for a scene and is taught by any Canine spirit.
   System: By spending an Gnosis point and rolling Charisma + Performance (difficulty 6, resisted by the other's Rage), the character may effectively surrender. In certain situations, the use of this Gift may induce an Honor loss or an increase in Social difficulties for a time.

Haunting Stare (Metis Rank 2)

   The Garou summons her hereditary instability and focuses it into her stare. Going into the eyes of the metis leaves the victim choking with horror. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her will, but the Gift takes effect immediately. Upon making eye contact, the victim must successfully roll her Willpower (difficulty 8) or be unable to act during her next turn. The difficulty to use Haunting Stare increases by one against Garou who are insane (including Silver Fangs). 
   Taught by: Ancestor-spirit 
   Book: Wild West Companion

Sense Silver (Metis Rank 2)

   Ahroun are the Garou least concerned by humnans, but even the greatest can be brought low by silver weapons. Thus, the Ahroun have learned to sense when they need to be more cautious. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
   System: The Garou rolls Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, she can detect the presence of silver. Three successes allow her to pinpoint the silver's location. 
   Taught by: Lune 
   Book: WW20

Wriggle (Metis Rank 2)

   Metis sometimes have to hide in all the wrong places at the wrong times. With this Gift, they can take best advantage of their surroudings to get away and take a breather. The spirit of a Cockroach teaches this gift.
   System: Spend a Gnosis point and the Gift takes effect immediately. For the rest of the scene, no matter what her form, the metis can squeeze into a space no less than half the size of her body. Storytellers should make judgements on space limitations. 
   Taught by: Cockroach 
   Book: GotC

Awaken Beast (Metis Rank 3)

   This is the old ability out of legends and folklore; the power to change someone else into a werewolf by biting him. If the Gift is successfully used on a victim, their Beast awakens and they begin to Frenzy. The effect lasts for a single scene, although a human bit with this Gift may develop permanent derangements.
   System: After a successful bite attack, the metis' player may spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Primal Urge (difficulty 6) against a resisted roll of the target's Willpower (difficulty 7) - B'et'e may add their Primal Urge score to the Willpower pool. If the attack is successful, the victim begins to Frenzy and will come to believe they are a werewolf.

Chameleon (Metis Rank 3)

   Like the Gift's reptilian namesake, the Garou can blend with her natural surroundings. Unlike the lizard, however, the Gift user shifts fluidly with changing backgrounds, thus allowing the Garou to move about and even attack. A Chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the Gift. Anyone trying to see the Garuo, even in open ground, must make Perception rolls (difficulty equals the Garou's Wits + Stelath). Failure indicates that the Garou remains undetected. Once the Garou attackes, the difficulty drops by three. Note that the Gift affects only visual senses, and it provides no camouflage for sound or scent. 
   Taught by: Chameleon-Spirit 
   Book: Wild West Companion

Eyes of the Cat (Metis Rank 3)

   The Garou may see clearly in pitch darkness. The Garou's eyes will glow a lambent green while this power is in effect. This Gift is taught by a Cat-spirit.
   System: The Garou must state when this Gift is in effect, but there is no roll or cost expenditure. The Garou suffers no difficulty or Dice Pool penalties from darkness.

Frozen Form (Metis Rank 3)

   Homids and lupus have no idea what its like to grow up as a metis, never changing from Crinos form for years upon years. This Gift, taught by any aerial spirit, lets a metis give others a taste of what spending extended time in Crinos is really like.
   System: Spend a Willpower point and roll Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty 6. For each success, the target must spend one full day in Crinos, consecutively if more than one success is rolled. This Gift works only on other Garou, including Black Spiral Dancers. 
   Taught by: Aerial spirits. 
   Book: GotC

Mental Speech (Metis Rank 3)

   The Garou may mentally communicate with another being over great distances. This does not allow mind-reading, but does allow the Garou to use Social Abilities, such as Intimidation, from a distance. The Garou must know the person with whom he is attempting to communicate (although he does not have to be friends with that person). If he does not know the person, he must have something that belongs to that person, such as a lock of his hair. This Gift is taught by a Bird-spirit or any spirit affiliated with intellect.
   System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8). The Garou may transmit a maximum distance of 10 miles per success. 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Metis Rank 3)
       System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Willpower point; the effects last a scene. The Garou may transmit a maximum distance of 10 miles per success. 
       Taught by: Bird spirit; Intellect spirit 

Shell (Metis Rank 3)

   Consider the state of the Metis cub. He is outcast from birth, knows this from the moment he can talk, and is trapped within a body that reacts powerfully to his slightest emotional twinge. Once you appreciate this state, it becomes easy to understand how this Gift was first learned. Shell places an emotional and instinctual barrier around the metis. A turtle spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: While active, the metis cannot use Rage nor acheive any successes on Rage rolls, nor will mind-altering Gifts or magic affect him. However, he can also not attempt any rolls using Empathy or Primal Urge, and suffers a -1 dice penalty on all initiative rolls. 
   Taught by: Turtle 
   Book: PG3e

Splintered Claw (Metis Rank 3)

   This painful Gift causes the metis' claws to splinter as they piece flesh. Tiny bits of claw imbed themselves deep in the victim's body, thus causing tremendous irritation. Healing such a wound without first removing the splinters is both painful and stupid. Unfortunately the Gift's user loses her claws until she spends a round regenerating new ones. A Tree-spirit teaches this Gift (especially one with thorns or spiky seedpods). Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers can learn this Gift from spirits living in houses or other wooden constructs.
   System: After a successful attack that causes at least one Health Level of damage, the Garou may spend a Rage point to activate the Gift. Any damage that the target does not soak cannot be healed until he removes the bits of claw. As with all other werewolf claw attacks, the wounds are aggravated. The attacking Garou receives one automatic, nonaggravated wound. The werewolf cannot soak this wound, but can heal it as normal. Until the Garou heals the wound, he has no claws.

Badger's Heart (Metis Rank 4)

   Metis often possess angry hearts, and in their own way, they have a keen understanding of Rage, no matter what their auspice. This Gift allows them to affect the Rage of other werewolves, causing their enemies to expend more of it than necessary. A Badger spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpower, difficulty 7. Three successes are necessary, but if the roll is made, the target expends twice as many Rage points as he normally would. For example, if Merryk Winterchase successfully uses this Gift on Mari Cabrah while they're in combat, each time she spent one Rage point, she would actually use two, without gaining any benefit of the second Rage point. This Gift lasts an entire day. 
   Taught by: Badger spirits 
   Book: GotC

Gift of the Porcupine (Metis Rank 4)

   This Gift allows a Garou's fur to become bristly and sharp like the quills of a porcupine. The Garou must be in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form. This Gift is, of course, taught by a Porcupine-spirit.
   System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point to sharpen his fur. Anyone whom the Garou body slams, grapples or immobilizes takes aggravated damage from the Garou's sharp fur (Strength + 1). Furthermore, anyone who hits the Garou with bare flesh and scores fewer than five successes takes damage based on the attacker's Strength, although the Garou still takes normal damage. This Gift lasts for one scene or until the Garou deactivates it.

Lash of Rage (Metis Rank 4)

   The metis harnesses all of the shame, hate, and fury coiled in his heart and lashes out with it, destroying another. Bones snap, organs rupture, and cavities fill with blood as the metis's Rage tears the target apart. A spirit of fury teaches this Gift.
   System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls his Rage rating. A target within 100 yards (91 m) takes one level of unsoakable aggravated damage for each success. This Gift can be used safely only once per scene. Any additional uses inflict the Gift's full damage on both the metis and his target.
   Taught by: Fury spirit 
   Book: WW20

Rattler's bite (Metis Rank 4)

   The metis' canines lengthen, and she can inject a deadly poison with her bite.
   Spider- and snake-spirits teach this Gift.
   System: The player spends a Rage point when attempting to bite an opponent. If the bite is successful, any remaining damage after soak is doubled.
   Taught by: Snake spirit; Spider spirit 
   Book: WW20

Wither Limb (Metis Rank 4)

   The Garou can cause a target's limb to wither, making it useless. Which limb is withered is the Garou's choice, but is must be an arm or leg. If the victim is a creature with regenerative properties, such as a Garou or vampire, the limb will regenerate whole after one scene. This Gift is taught by a venomous animal spirit or a spirit of Disease.
   System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the victim's Stamina + 4). 


Breed - Lupus

Find Water (Lupus Rank 1)

   This gift allows a Garou to locate any body of water within 20 miles. This Gift is taught by a Frog spirit
   System: The Garou makes a Perception + Survival roll against a difficulty of 6 to use this Gift. One or two successes will indicate the genera direction of the water. Three or four success will indicate the distance, and five successes will allow the Garou to determine if the water is contaminated in any way.

Hare's Leap (Lupus Rank 1)

   The werewolf can leap impossible distances. Hare-spirits teach this Gift
   naturally, though cat-, frog-, kangaroo-, and even flea spirits occasionally do so as well.
   System: The player makes a reflexive Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 7) to activate this Gift. If successful, the character's leaping distances are doubled for the
   scene -- or tripled for a single turn with the expenditure of a Willpower point (see Jumping, p. 271).
   Taught by: Hare spirit; Cat spirit; Frog spirit; Kangaroo spirit; Flea spirit 
   Book: WW20

Heightened Senses (Lupus Rank 1)

   The Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid or Glabro form, her senses become as sharp as those of a wolf, while in her wolf forms, her senses become preternaturally potent. This gift is taught by Wolf-spirits.
   System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. Homid and Glabro forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by two; roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by three; +1 to Primal-Urge Dice Pools.

Leap of the Kangaroo (Lupus Rank 1)

   This Gift was originally developed by the lost Bunyip tribe. By invoking the Gift, Garou may leap incredible distance. Despite its name, this Gift is taught by Hare- or Cat-spirits (marsupial-spirits seem loath to aid the Garou these days...).
   System: The Garou rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). If successful, she may double her normal jumping distance. See the Jumping Chart, pg212.

Predator's Arsenal (Lupus Rank 1)

   One of the most unnerving aspects of the Homid shape is its lack of proper weapons. This Gift remedies that problem (while still retaining much of the Homid shape's ability to blend in with the human world), granting the Garou battle-ready claws and teeth in Homid form. It is taught by a wolf-spirit.
   System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn to gain access to bite and claw attacks in Homid form for the rest of the scene, or until she dismisses the transformation. These attacks inflict lethal rather than aggravated damage, and may be concealed by simple expediencies such as the werewolf keeping her mouth closed, wearing long sleeves, or keeping her hands in her pockets. She can even speak normally without giving herself away, as long as she's careful not to open her mouth too wide or smile so that her teeth show, although her voice sounds rough and a bit distorted (attempting to discern that there's something amiss with a Garou taking such precautions requires a Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 9). 
   Taught by: Wolf spirit 
   Book: WW20

Prey Mind (Lupus Rank 1)

   The wolf is not always the predator, as lupus sorely realise. Humans' capability for destruction grows ever greater, and more wolves die at their hands every day. When the predator becomes prey, it is this Gift that comes to the fore and assists the Garou in evasion, showing them places to hide, ways to run, and even chances to attack back. A lamb or deer spirit teaches the Gift
   System: The player rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7 in the wild, 9 in urban lands). Success guides the wolf in how to best evade her pursuers; she gains three dice to any pool made to escape, outdistance or evade pursuit. The Gift's effects last for one turn per success, so if the lupus hasn't thrown pursuit by then, she's on her own. 
   Taught by: Lamb and deer spirits 
   Book: PG3e 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 1)
       System: The player rolls Wits + Primal-Urge; difficulty 7 in the wilderness, 9 in urban environments. Each success adds one die to all pools made to escape, outdistance, hide from or evade pursuit for the remainder of the scene. 
       Taught by: Hare spirit; Deer spirit 

Sense Prey (Lupus Rank 1)

   Werewolves used this ancient Gift during hard winters to feed their packs. The Gift letes Garou locate enough prey to feed a pack. In the urban environment, This Gift guides the lupus to prey within the city, usually in parks, sewers, animal shelters and even zoos. The Gift will tell the werewolf the location of large numbers of prey within 50 miles in the wilds, and within the limits of a city and its suburbs. Humans and wolves do no register as prey animals (as per the Litany), but it is said that the Red Talons know a variant of this Gift that acts otherwise. A wolf spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The Garou makes a roll using Perception + Primal-Urge against a difficulty of 7. Success will lead the Garou to a suitable animal sufficient to feed a pack of up to 12 wolves. The range extends up to 50 miles. 
   Taught by: Wolf spirit 
   Book: WW3e

Sense Wyld (Lupus Rank 1)

   The Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit
   System: The player must roll Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest would be difficulty 5).

Axis Mundi (Lupus Rank 2)

   The Garou with this Gift can center herself in relation to Gaia, and always know which direction she is traveling in or facing, no matter where she may be in the Gaia realms. In addition, the werewolf carries her "territory" around with her, in a mystical sense. Wolves will detect this, and concede her right to travel through their territories and hunt there. Other animals will also recognize this, and not attack the intruder.
   System: To activate this Gift, the player must expend a point of Gnosis. Animals will automatically sense the presence of the Garou and leave her be, and even other lupus must make a Willpower roll not to recognize this right.

Eye of the Eagle (Lupus Rank 2)

   This gift allows the user to see long distance, over "two looks away". This gift will not work well in the city, as buildings tend to get in the way. It is, eeriely enough, taught by an Eagle spirit.
   System: Roll Perception + Alertness against an 8 difficulty. The number of successes is the number of miles away one can see as normal. 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 2)
       This Gift allows the werewolf to see over impossibly long distances, though not through obstacles -- good vantage points are invaluable, and this Gift is in much demand among caern guardians. It is taught by an eagle-spirit.
       System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). The number of successes is the number of miles added to the Garou's clear visual range. 
       Taught by: Eagle spirit 

Scent of Sight (Lupus Rank 2)

   The Garou can use his sense of smell to compensate completely for his eyes; thus, he could attack invisible creatures normally, or roughly navigate in absolute darkness. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit.
   System: The Garou rolls Perception + Primal-Urge against a Storyteller-determined difficulty (depends on how powerful local smells are). The Storyteller should not require rolls every turn, but only when something could cause the Garou to lose his opponent's scent (he ran through water, they are fighting in a smelly alley, etc.)

Sense the Unnatural (Lupus Rank 2)

   The Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its approximate strength and type. supernatural presences can include: magic, spirits, the Wyrm, wraiths, etc. This will detect vampires, but only those with Humanity scores below 7. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
   System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The more successes rolled, the more information is gained. However, understanding the information might require an Intelligence + Occult roll (Storyteller's option). 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 3)
       The Garou can sense any unnatural presence and determine its approximate strength and type. Supernatural presences can include magic, spirits, Wyrm taint, ghosts, vampires, faeries, and any other such unnatural manifestation - although it won't pick them out specifically as such. A werewolf may sense a person plagued by haunting as easily as a ghost. Any spirit servant of Gaia can teach this Gift
       System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 6). The more successes he rolls, the more information he gains. The sensory input is somewhat vague and subject to interpretation, though. For instance, a vampire might smell of clotted blood, fear, corpse-meat or whatever else the Storyteller finds appropriate. 
       Taught by: Gaian spirits 

Wyld Ferocity (Lupus Rank 2)

   The harsh, untamed wilderness frequently brings death to humans who venture into it unprepared. With this Gift, the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of the wild. A panic-stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must growl (even in human form) for the effect to work. All normal humans lose one die from their Dice Pools within 20 feet of the Garou. Those humans not used to dealing with wild animals must make a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the Garou's Rage) or flee the area. 
   Taught by: Ancestor-spirit 
   Book: Wild West Companion

Catfeet (Lupus Rank 3)

   This Gift gives the Garou the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under 100 feet (he lands on his feet just right). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body slams and grappling are reduced by two. This Gift is taught by a Cat-spirit.
   System: The Garou does not need to expend points or roll for this ability; it becomes innate to those who learn the Gift.

Death Whispers (Lupus Rank 3)

   The ancient Greeks associated the wolf with death. Hecate wore three wolf heads, while Charon wore wolf ears. Lupus with this Gift echo that connection. By standing entirely still near a recently dead body, the lupus can hear the final worlds of the deceased. These words are often rambling and incoherent, but can provide clues and understanding of what happened at the moment of their death, or of their most prominent thoughts at the moment of their demise.
   System: The lupus must stand next to the corpse and stay entirely still, trying to hear the very soft whispers. The player then rolls Perception + Occult (diff 7). To successfully hear the death whispers, the lupus must obtain more successes than the number of hours the body has been dead. More successes than required increase the clarity of the whisper. This Gift may be attempt only once per dead body. 
   Taught by: Wolf 
   Book: PG3e

Monkey Tail (Lupus Rank 3)

   Although the lupus' tail retains the appearance of a regular wolf's tail, it gains far more agility and flexibility. Although incapable of fine manipulation, the tail can grasp objects, wrap around branches or allow the Garou to hang upside down. The tail can also attack from an unexpected direction. A Monkey-spirit must be persuaded to teach a Garou this Gift
   System: After learning this Gift, the Garou's tail automatically becomes prehensile whenever she likes. In order to manipulate the tail successfully, the player must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). The difficulty can increase for very delicate operations. If the Garou's strength exceeds her Stamina, she can use the tail to hang or swing. When attempting to lift objects with her tail, the Garou's strength rating is halved. If used as an attack, the damage from the tail is Strength-1.

Name the Spirit (Lupus Rank 3)

   The Garou is able to detect the type of approximate Trait levels (Rage, Power, etc) of a spirit. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of the Uktena totem.
   System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 2)
       The werewolf gains an instinctive rapport with denizens of the Umbra. He can sense the type and approximate Trait levels (Rage, Gnosis, Willpower) of spirits. Owl- and raven-spirits teach this Gift.
       System: The Player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). 
       Taught by: Owl spirits; Raven spirits 

Silence the Weaver (Lupus Rank 3)

   The lupus releases a shattering howl, destroying all nearby delicate electronics -- computers, laptops, smart phones, tablets and the like. Simpler machines such as land line phones, cars, and firearms are unaffected. A storm-spirit teaches
   this Gift.
   System: The lupus spends a turn howling. The player then spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge. Delicate electronics are destroyed within a radius of (20 x successes) yards (or meters) in a flash of sparks.
   Taught by: Storm spirits 
   Book: WW20

Strength of Gaia (Lupus Rank 3)

   The Goddess blesses her child with enhanced strength to defeat her enemies. The Garou must maintain her Lupus form, but she retains the might of the Crinos.
   System: The player must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift. Her base strength increases by four, rather than the normal one, in her Lupus form. The Gift works only in Lupus form and its effects cease if she shapeshifts. In any case, the Gift's effects last one scene. 
   Book: Wild West Companion

Beast Life (Lupus Rank 4)

   The Garou may not only communicate with animals, but can attract and command them. If there are no animals of the sort desired in the vicinity, none can be called. This Gift is taught by any Animal-spirit.
   System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). One success causes animals within a 10-mile radius to be affected. Each additional success add 10 miles (two successes indicate a 20-mile radius). The effect lasts for one scene, but the time may be extended by spending one Gnosis point per extra scene. 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 4)
       The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals and attract or even command them. Domesticated animals may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves over to the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
       System: The character gains the permanent ability to communicate with all animals, regardless of the form she wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). All animals within 10 miles (16 km) per success respond to the summons, and will follow any requests the Garou makes.It is considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any animal ordered to sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do otherwise risks angering the spirit world. 
       Taught by: Animal spirit 
       From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 4)
       The werewolf can communicate with other wild animals and attract or even command them. Domesticated animals may speak with the Garou, but they have given themselves over to the ways of humans and will provide no aid beyond information. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift, although lupus prefer to learn it from lion- or wolf-spirits.
       System: The character gains the permanent ability to communicate with all animals, regardless of the form she wears. To attract animals, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). All animals within 10 miles (16 km) per success respond to the summons, and will follow any requests the Garou makes.It is considered customary to pay homage to the spirit of any animal ordered to sacrifice itself with this Gift; to do otherwise risks angering the spirit world. 
       Taught by: Animal spirit 

Gnaw (Lupus Rank 4)

   The Garou may strengthen her jaws to the point that, given time, she can chew through just about anything. In addition, her jaws do more damage in combat. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit.
   System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + 4 against a variable difficulty (3 for wood, 6 for steel cables, 9 for a titanium door). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something is up to the Storyteller. When employing this power in combat, the Garou's bite does an extra die of damage. 
   Alternative Versions
       From: WW20 (Lupus Rank 4)
       The werewolf's jaws strengthen until she can chew through nearly anything. Her fangs inflict more damage in combat, and only death will break her grip if she clamps her teeth into an opponent. Hyena- and wolf-spirits teach this Gift.
       System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + 4 against a variable difficulty (3 for wood, 6 for steel handcuffs, 9 for a train car coupling). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something depends on the number of successes. Additionally, the Gift grants a character's bite two extra dice of damage for the rest of the scene. 
       Taught by: Hyena spirit; Wolf spirit 

Scream of Gaia (Lupus Rank 4)

   The Garou emits a horrible, ragged scream imbued with Rage and the pain of Gaia. The force of the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet. Storm-spirits teach this Gift.
   System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Rage. Everyone within a 50-foot (15 m) radius, except for the werewolf's pack, is blasted to the ground to suffer one unsoakable health level of bashing damage per success as a shockwave rips through the area.
   Taught by: Storm 
   Book: WW20

Terror of the Dire Wolf (Lupus Rank 4)

   Wolves haunt the ancestral nightmares of humanity, and of those monsters that were once human. The werewolf lets out a fierce snarl that triggers primordial terror in opponents and drowns them in the Delirium. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
   System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower or, if he is affecting a group, the highest Willpower represented). If successful, the werewolf invokes the full effect of the Delirium on any human, formerly-human, or partly-human creature who can see her - including those normally immune to the Delirium, such as mages and vampires. Only other werewolves and Fera are immune. It may be used in any form, although Homid and Glabro raise the difficulty of the Primal-Urge roll by one.
   Taught by: Wolf 
   Book: WW20

Venom (Lupus Rank 4)

   A common trick of desert-dwelling Garou, this Gift allows the user to produce a noxious venom. The werewolf's bile can incapacitate or even kill a victim. The Garou is immune to her own poison, but she can be incapacitated by another Garou's venom attack. A venomous snake spirit teaches this gift. Most Garou hesitate to make deals with snakes or serpents, but sometimes necessity outweighs prejudice.
   System: After making a successful bite attack, the Garou must roll Stamina+Primal Urge in a resisted roll against the target's Stamina+4. For every additional success the attacker gets, the victim receives an additional nonsoakable, aggravated wound along with whatever damage the bite caused. Each success also reduces the target's Stamina by one level until the victim loses consciousness. Additional poison bites can force the victim into a coma and eventually kill her. 
   Taught by: Snake spirits