Ghost Council - Gaben: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Tribe- Red Talon Babble (Red Talon Rank 1) The Garou invoking this Gift can cause another to lose the ability to read, write or speak any language. That person will only be able to grunt like an animal. The effect lasts for one scene and is taught by a parrot spirit. System: The Garou must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Primal Urge, difficulty 7, resisted by an Intelligence + Linguistics roll, difficulty 7. Beast Speech (Red Talon…“)
(10 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Tribe- Red Talon
=Rang 1=

Babble (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Fast Track ==
    The Garou invoking this Gift can cause another to lose the ability to read, write or speak any language. That person will only be able to grunt like an animal. The effect lasts for one scene and is taught by a parrot spirit.
(Uktena Rank 1 - Scouts)
    System: The Garou must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Primal Urge, difficulty 7, resisted by an Intelligence + Linguistics roll, difficulty 7.
This Gift strengthens the Garou's stamina and allows her to travel much more quickly than would be normally possible. Using the Gift allows the Garou to determine the path of least resistance, so she can move from one place to another with great speed and less interference. While not a replacement for a Moon Bridge, Fast Track lets the Garou continue traveling long past the time she would normally become exhausted. She can effectively make a forced march that covers three times the distance she would normally cover in the same amount of time and arrive no more tired than usual. This Gift is taught by a Bear spirit.
System: The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) and spend a point of Gnosis. A single success allows the Garou to make a forced quick-march by trotting at a ground-covering pace that does not exhaust her. This Gift is not meant to make the Garou a speed-demon, and cannot be used to escape pursuit or pursue fleeing foes by running faster. It can be used for those purposes if it is a matter of outlasting pursuers or pursued.

Beast Speech (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Sense Magic ==
    The Garou may speak to animals, from pigeons in the park to beavers at their dam or fish in the sea. This does not change their basic reactions - a hungry tiger is still hungry and may well attack. This Gift is taught by a Nature-spirit.
The Garou is able to sense Garou rituals and Gifts, the Thaumaturgy of the Tremere, the Spheres of the mages, fetishes and other magical phenomena. This Gift senses the presence of magic and its general strength; it reveals only basic information about the magic itself. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena.
    System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). This roll must be made for each type of animal and for each encounter.  
System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength and subtlety of the magic. The radius is 10 foot for each success.
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Sense Secrets ==
        System: No roll need be made - the gift effects are permanent and constant.

Eye of the Hunter (Red Talon Rank 1)
(I can't be bothered changing the text for Uktena).
    Just as wolves may assess a herd of prey animals, this Gift enables the Garou to correctly determine the weakest and strongest member of any group she can see. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
Centuries of association with the fae people have taught the Fianna the nature of secrets. Things deliberately hidden, whether obscured by brush or dropped down a mineshaft, make their presence known to the Fiann. The Gift gives no indication as to the nature of a secret, only to its existence. A Squirrel-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, then the Garou learns which members of a chosen group within sight are the strongest or weakest and which is the leader. If the Garou attacks the group after employing this Gift, she gains one extra attack die against only the weakest individual for the rest of the scene.  
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Every success improves the Fianna's sensitivity. One success detects cursory or slipshod concealment, such as tumbleweeds pulled across a cave's mouth; five successes detect the presence of the most painstaking obscurement, including hidden passsageways and the like.  
    Taught by: Wolf
Taught by: Squirrel-spirit
    Book: WW20
Book: Wild West Companion

Hidden Killer (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Sense Wyrm ==
    The Red Talons didn't survive for so long without learning ways to conceal themselves. This Gift allows a werewolf to leave behind no physical evidence that would betray her hand (or claws, or teeth) in a slaying. This Gift is taught by a snake-spirit.
Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.
    System: After a battle, the Garou must touch or lick once each corpse she slew. The player rolls Intelligence + Larceny (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the wounds alter themselves so that they resemble stabbing or slashing injuries rather than bite or claw marks. Any peripheral damage (smashed furniture, for example) remains as it was, but all forensic evidence such as hair, saliva, or blood from the werewolf's body disappears from the scene.
    Taught by: Snake
    Book: WW20

Prey's Cry (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Shroud ==
    Medieval legends aplenty tell of terrible beasts that mimic human voices or the cries of game animals to lure travelers into their gaping maws. The Ret Talons have learned this trick for themselves. Many a traveler has died at Talon jaws after following what they believed to be a fair young girl's cry of distress...
    This Gift is learned from a Raven, Mockingbird or Manticore-spirit (the last is a member of Griffin's spirit brood).
    System: The player rolls Wits + Expression. The difficulty depends on the animal noise imitated; a rabbit's death-scream or wild bison's call is difficulty 5, whereas a human plea for help might be difficulty 7, or even 9 if the Talon wants "a voice that sounds like one of their priests" or a similarly complicated mimicry. If successful, any mortal or animal believes that the cry is that of the Red Talon's intended creature, even to the point of recognising "a noble's inflection" or believing a female voice that of "a maiden pure of virtue". The Red Talon need not know that much about the creature mimicked - even if the Talon has never heard a soldier cry for help, he can emit a cry that humans would instantly take for the call of a man-at-arms.
    Taught by: Raven, Mockingbird or Manticore-spirit
    Book: WWtDA

Rouse to Anger (Red Talon Rank 1)
The Garou can create a patch of inky black darkness. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Night.
    This Gift enables the Garou to say or do something that causes her target to refresh her inner Rage. This might involve shaming an individual, slapping her in the face or telling her something to arouse her anger. The Garou can also summon within herself a memory or an emotion that assists her in replenishing her own capacity for righteous anger.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty from 3 to 9, depending on the current conditions. For each success, a 10' by 10' area within the Garou's sight is covered in pitch-black darkness.
    System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Gnosis point. A successful roll enables the character to speak or act in such a way that her target gains a point of Rage. Each additional success allows the character to affect another individual, including herself.  
    Taught by: Rorg
    Book: RatH

Scent of Running Water (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Spirit of the Lizard ==
    The Garou can completely mask her scent, making herself virtually impossible to track. This Gift is taught by a Fox-spirit.
    System: The difficulties of all rolls to track the Garou are increased by two. This Gift becomes an innate ability to the Garou who learns it though she can suppress it at will. She need not expend any points or make any rolls.
    Taught by: Fox

Speed of Thought (Red Talon Rank 1 - Kucha Ekundu)
The werewolf's hands and feet spout hundreds of tiny hooks, allowing her to climb across or cling to any surface -- even sheer horizontal surfaces and ceilings. A gecko-spirit teaches this Gift.
    The Garou can double her land speed. This Gift is taught by a Roadrunner or Cheetah spirit.
System: The player spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character can move across any solid surface at her normal walking speed. Staying attached to a vertical surface or ceiling while taking any more strenuous movement (fighting, moving faster than walking speed, attempting to dislodge a steam grate) requires a reflexive Stamina + Athletics roll, difficulty 7).
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. The effect lasts for one scene.  
Taught by: Gecko
    Book: WW20
Book: WW20

Water Sense (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Spirit Speech ==
    The most precious resource in the unsettled wilderness may be drinking water, but it can be hard to find. With this Gift, the Red Talon never goes thirsty. Red Talons also use this Gift to lose pursuers by crossing rivers or to locate prey near watering holes. A Water-spirit teaches this Gift.
Diese Gabe ermöglicht es dem Garou, mit Geistern zu kommunizieren. Der Garou kann mit ihnen sprechen, ob sie es wollen oder nicht. Natürlich kann der Geist (normalerweise) nicht daran gehindert werden den Anwender zu ignorieren oder einfach zu gehen. Einmal erlernt, erlaubt diese Gabe dem Garou, die Kommunikation der Geister intuitiv zu verstehen. Besonders fremdartige Geister können aber immernoch schwierig zu verstehen sein - oder im Falle von Banes sogar schmerzvoll. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Geist erlernt werden.
    System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 6). The character can detect water from a distance of 100 meters for every success.  
    Taught by: Water-spirit
    Book: Wild West Companion

Wolf at the Door (Red Talon Rank 1)
== Uncloak the Hidden ==
    Some humans can't just be splattered all over the nearest tree. Some of them have to be taught a lesson and left alive, for whatever reason. However, the Red Talons know how to make the message stick. This Gift induces a terrible dread of and respect for the forest, and it makes a human targtet afraid to tamper with it in any way. Any predator spirit can teach this Gift.
    System: The Garou must make eye contact with the target, but he can be in any form when he does so. The player then rolls Charisma + Primal Urge (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The effects last for one day per success. During this time, the human must roll Willpower to leave his home, and he may not go near anything resembling a forest without spending a Willpower point. If the human does leave his home he is shaky and fearful until he returns, nd his player loses two dice from all Mental and Social dice pools. This Gift functions on Kinfolk, mages, ghouls and other supernatural homids, but the difficulty increases by two, to a maximum of 10.
    Taught by: Predator spirits
    Book: WW3e
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 1)
By concentrating on a person, object or area, the Garou can determine whether or not her target is hiding anything. The Garou can spot disguises, concealed weapons and wires; determine if a room contains trapdoors, hidden cameras, microphones and wire taps; or if someone lurks in a hidden passage. The Gift does not, however, allow the Garou to seek beneath the disguise, determine the nature of a concealed weapon or tell what lies within a hidden wall safe - this trick reveals only that a deception is present. The Garou must concentrate on the target in order to invoke this Gift.
        System: The werewolf must make eye contact with the target, but can be in any form when she does so. The player then rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty equals the target's Willpower). The effects last for one day per success. During this time, the human must roll Willpower to leave his home, and he may not go near anything resembling a forest, tundra, swamp, or other untamed wilderness area without spending a Willpower point. If the human does leave his home, he is shaky and fearful until he returns, and his player loses three dice from all Mental and Social dice pools. Alternately, this Gift can affect a number of humans equal to his Rage at once (difficulty equals the highest Willpower in the group). In this case, rather than making eye contact, the humans must hear the werewolf howl in Lupus form. This Gift can be used on Kinfolk, mages, ghouls, and other "supernatural" humans, but the difficulty increases by two.  
System: The player rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 8). Extra successes might reveal more facts about the subject, if multiple secrets exist to be sought out. The Storyteller should inform the player of her characters' knowledge in general terms ("That man has some sort of disguise"; "The floor contains a hollow beneath the floorboards").  
        Taught by: Predator spirits
Taught by: Hakahe
Book: RatH

Aura of Ferocity (Red Talon Rank 2)
=Rang 2=
    The harsh, untamed wilderness frequently brings death to humans who venture into it unprepared. With this Gift, the Garou can heighten the fear humans have of the wild. A panic-stricken human may be unable to act or have to flee the area. An Ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The Garou must spend one Rage point to activate the Gift and must growl (even in human form) for the effect to work. All normal humans lose one die from their Dice Pools within 20 feet of the Garou. Those humans not used to dealing with wild animals must make a Willpower roll (difficulty equals the Garou's Rage) or flee the area.
    Taught by: Ancestor-spirit
    Book: Wild West Companion

Beastmind (Red Talon Rank 2)
== Coils of the Serpent ==
    The Garou can reduce the mental faculties of a target to those of an animal for a short time. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Griffin
    System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The effect lasts for one turn per success.
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 2)
The Garou may summon serpentine ropes of darkness, mist or fog to grasp enemies and render them immobile. Each coil is four feet long and has the Strength, Dexterity and Brawl ratings as the Garou who summons it. A Snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
        The werewolf can reduce the mental faculties of his victim to that of an animal for a time. The victim doesn't necessarily become less intelligent, but human thinking (logic, complex tool use, language, and the like) becomes impossible. An avatar of Griffin teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 7). Each success beings forth one one coil from the prevailing element (darkness, shadow, mist, fog, dust). The Garou must direct the coils' attacks if she wishes to target multiple opponents; otherwise, the coils focus on the person or creature closest to their manifestation. The coils may only grasp to immobilise; they aren't capable of greater manipulation.  
        System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy against a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower. The effects last for one minute per success, during which the target behaves like a wild animal. If a point of Rage is spent when directing this Gift at an ordinary human target, its effects last for one day per success.  
Alternative Versions

Cull the Herd (Red Talon Rank 2)
From: WW20
    A Red Talon using this Gift measures the vitality of her prey to plan her attack strategy effectively. During the Impergium, Red Talons used this Gift to pick the weakest of the humans and destroy them. Occasionally, the Red Talons killed the strongest of the humans to remove them from the breeding pool. Today, the Gift continues to help Red Talons hunt and kill their prey. An Avatar of wolf teaches his children how to detect the easiest prey.
System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success causes a single coil to emerge from the air at a point within 100 feet (30 m) of the Uktena. The player must use a turn's concentration and a Dexterity + Brawl roll to aim the tentacles. The coils focus on a single target, unless the player makes attack rolls against multiple targets, with the normal penalties for multiple actions. The coils only bind; they can't inflict damage. To break free, the victim must make a Strength roll, difficulty 7; if his successes exceed the number of coils entangling him, he struggles free. The tentacles last until the end of the scene or until dismissed, whichever is sooner.  
    System: The Red Talon need only succeed on a Perception + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 7) to determine the general health and fitness of an individual. This Gift also works on animals and Garou as well as humans. One success detects any injuries, whereas five successes would reveal the creature's entire physiology.

Feed the Pack (Red Talon Rank 2 - Kucha Ekundu)
== Fetish Fetch ==
    This Gift allows the werewolf to "eat for the pack." Any food the Kucha Ekundu ingests feeds not only him, but the rest of his pack as well. The spirit of a hunting dog teaches this Gift.
    System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6 for packmates, 7 for Kinfolk) before the character eats. For each success, whatever the character eats also nourishes another being.
    Taught by: Hunting dog
    Book: WW20

Foetracker (Red Talon Rank 2)
The Uktena need not carry her fetishes with her at all. She may draw them from a hidden cache whenever she needs them, no matter the distance. A Packrat-spirit teaches this Gift.
    By using this Gift, the Garou can follow her quarry without risking losing the trail. The scent of the target becomes so powerful to the Garou that she can follow it even under conditions that might otherwise abscure the trail. Even if the victim crosses water, lays down a false trail or attempts to mask his scent with some other odour, the Garou unerringly follows her prey. However, the Gift's effects become fainter with time and distance.
System: The first part of the Gift involves creating the secret hiding spot for the fetishes. The player spends one Gnosis and buries or covers her items. Once this ritual is complete, she needs to spend a Gnosis point to summon any or all of her fetishes. The fetish appears in her hand as if from thin air. Just one hiding spot can exist at any one time, but the Uktena can create a new spot at any time.  
    System: The players spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal Urge. Each success allows the character to track her target unerringly for one scene up to a maximum of five scenes, after which the effects of the Gift end, and the trail becomes too faint to follow.  
Taught by: Packrat-spirit
    Taught by: Rorg
Book: Wild West Companion
    Book: RatH

Howls in the Night (Red Talon Rank 2)
== Medicine Dreams ==
    The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia's enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

    System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl will be jolted awake if asleep, and rendered unable to sleep for the next (successes x 3) hours.
When the humans began hunting animals, the animals retaliated by sending disease amongst the humans to kill them. Once they saw that their diseases killed good people as well as bad, they relented and herb-spirits came to medicine men in dreams to tell them how to heal the sick. Wise Uktena still know that medicine comes from these spirits in dreams, and this Gift allows them to call forth the herbs for wisdom. It is taught by the spirit of an aloe plant.
    Taught by: Wolf
System: This Gift is used when an Uktena is attempting to heal someone seriously ill. Before the Uktena goes to sleep, the player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Occult, difficulty 8. If the roll is successful, then the Uktena will awaken with new insights in how to heal the sick person. Each success on the Occult roll adds one dice to any Medicine rolls for that day. Should this grant the Uktena more than ten dice on his Medicine dice pool, he may even attempt to cure incurable illnesses such as terminal cancer or HIV/AIDS. To do so, six or more successes are needed on appropriate Medicine rolls.  
    Book: WW20
Taught by: Aloe plant
Book: PG3e

Primal Instinct (Red Talon Rank 2)
== Natural Camouflage ==
    The Red Talon can strip away the layers of humanity that cover up man's basic instinct. A human assaulted with this Gift finds himself behaving like a beast. Momentarily losing all civility, the human strips naked, runs through the streets, growls at threats and makes numerous, uninvited overtures toward members of the opposite sex. All thoughts of business meetings, colour television and BMW's vanish in favour of the basic drives of survival. Red Talons use whatever means necessary to force Ape-spirits to teach them this Gift.
    System: The Red Talon must spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty equal to the target's Willpower). The number of successes indicates the extent to which the human target loses his humanity. One success causes a certain absent-mindedness and preoccupation with food and sex. Five successes, on the other hand, probably cause the raving target to be locked up and tranquilised.
    Taught by: Ape spirits
    Book: PG3e

Sense of the Prey (Red Talon Rank 2)
By crouching down and remaining still in a natural environment (woods, desert, swamp), the Garou may appear as part of the landscape. Unless someone is actively searching for the Garou, she will be dismissed as a hummock, tree stump or some other natural feature. This Gift is taught by a taught by a Chameleon spirit.
    The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the Umbra as well as to find beings on Earth. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit.
System: The Garou merely needs to hunker down and think of blending in. Unlike the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, the Garou does not actually become invisible, but becomes like an unnoticeable feature of the landscape. Someone searching for the Garou must roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 9) to see through the camouflage. The Garou may spend a Gnosis point to negate being seen in this fashion. If mostly unobserved (ie: the searcher may be scanning the area but has his back to the Garou, only occasionally turning her direction), the Garou may remain camouflaged while moving slowly toward or away from the searcher, stopping whenever the searcher looks her way. Even slow movement while the searcher is looking in the Garou's direction will break the illusion, however.
    System: No roll is required unless the target is actively hiding, in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit's Gnosis.

Shadows of the Impergium (Red Talon Rank 2)
== Shadow of the Ebon Whisperer ==
    The Red Talon becomes the embodiment of all human-ancient terror about her. A fear-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The werewolf inflicts the Delirium in Hispo form, though observers are considered to be at +2 Willpower when judging their reaction (see p. 262). Anyone who succumbs to the Delirium because of seeing the werewolf in Crinos form is considered to have a Willpower five points lower than their true rating (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining reaction. This Gift's effects are permanent, though they can be suppressed for a scene if desired.
    Taught by: Fear
    Book: WW20

Snuff Flames (Red Talon Rank 2)
This Gift makes the Garou as insubstantial as a shadow and as hard to see. The physical form of the Garou fades to a murky, dark shape that can slither and flow almost anywhere. Although others can use certain Gifts to spot the "shadow" werewolf, anyone wishing to do so must first have a reason to suspect the presence of the Gift's user. This Gift does not function in bright daylight or in places where no shadows exists - such as a brightly lit room (or a room in total darkness, for that matter).
    The Red Talons are mistrustful of huamnity's control of fire. This Gift allows them to take one of the hated humans' most prized tools away from them, dousing almost any fire within their line of sight.
System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty as assigned by the Storyteller depending on the surroundings). Each success allows the character to assume the shadow-form for one scene (or one combat round); even one success can give the character the advantage of surprise in a battle.  
    This Gift is taught by a Water spirit.
Taught by: Hakahe
    System: The player rolls Willpower, difficulty 6 (or 8 when trying to affect oil fires). The Talon may extinguish all fire within a radius of two yards per success. The fuel may be relit, but it's difficulty to do so - a torch becomes as tricky to light as if it were damp, extinguished oil fires gutter fitfully and refuse to catch fully light, and so on.  
Book: RatH
    Taught by: Water spirits
    Book: WWtDA

Elemental Favour (Red Talon Rank 3)
== Shadows at Dawn ==
    By cajoling a nearby elemental, the Garou can get the elemental to perform one "favor" for her. This can include the manipulation or even destruction of the elemental's material reflection - thus a rock might roll onto enemies, fire may explode, water may flow at the Garou's whim, or winds may knock foes to their feet. This Gift is taught by any elemental.
    System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Subterfuge against a difficulty of the elemental's Gnosis.

Herding the Infant Ape (Red Talon Rank 3)
Sometimes one must give information to get information. However, Uktena are notoriously tightfisted with secrets. With this Gift, the werewolf can share a bit of knowledge that later vanishes from the subject's memory. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
    Perhaps the most unpopular Gift in the entire tribe, this Gift is hidden by Whelp's Compromise, although a few Warders of the Land use it in more... experimental ways. It turns a human child of no older than ten years old into a creature of the wild, unable to set foot in a city. Some suggest this Gift is responsible for myths such as Romulus and Remus, or the tale of Mowgli. Whelp's Compromise camp members use this to show that humans themselves can exist in harmony with Gaia, it is the City that is evil and needs to be destroyed.
System: After relating a bit of lore, the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the opponent's Wits + Subterfuge). If the roll succeeds, whatever information the Uktena imparted completely vanishes from the target's memory when the sun next rises.
Taught by: Ancestor
Book: WW20

    System: This Gift can only be used on a human child of no more than ten years. The player pends three Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge. The difficulty is the child's age; any child less than a year old automatically is barred from setting foot in a city for the rest of their life. For children aged one and up, the number of successes rolled becomes the number of decades that pass before they can re-enter a city. If they do so before then, they suffer incapacitating cramps, refuse to eat, and stay immobile until removed from the city.
== Spirit of the Bird ==
    Since this Gift only works on those too small to fend for themselves, few who use it simply abandon their charges. After all, a dead human child in the wild isn't the example the Whelp's Compromise wants to make.
    Taught by: Wolf or Ape spirit
    Book: PG3e

Render Down (Red Talon Rank 3)
The Garou may hover and float in the air. This Gift is taught by any Bird-spirit.
    The Talon can destroy any man-made substance. Plastics, alloys, and other materials not found in nature disintegrate with just a touch. Lawn chairs dissolve into oily puddles and steel melts into iron and carbon. A cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift. (see also "Recycle", rank 4)
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. He may move at 20 mph, and the duration is one hour. Maneuvering requires a roll of Dexterity + Occult, and the difficulties of all complex actions, such as combat, are increased by two.  
Taught by: Bird
Alternative Versions

    System: The character must touch the material; only materials that are not naturally occurring are viable targets. For instance, a wooden table would be unaffected, whereas a plastic table would melt to the ground. The player makes a Rage roll (difficulty 7); each success reduces twenty pounds of the target material to its base components.  
From: WW20
    Taught by: Cockroach
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and with an audible rush of mighty-but-unseen wings, the character takes to the air. The Garou can fly at 20 mph and hover as she desires. The difficulties of all combat maneuvers increase by one. This Gift lasts for one hour.  
    Book: WW20

Savagery of the Taloned Hunter (Red Talon Rank 3)
== Spirit of the Fish ==
    This Gift allows a Garou to gain twice the advantage of his Rage, thus increasing the ferocity and frequency of attacks or else allowing him to accomplish more under stress than he normally would.
    System: The player spends a Rage point, which he may then convert into the equivilent of two points of Rage for the character. This enables a character to take two extra actions in a combat at the cost of a Rage point. Another use of the Gift allows the character to recover from a stunned state and take an extra action in the same turn.
    Taught by: Rorg
    Book: RatH

Snap Man's Chains (Red Talon Rank 3)
The Garou may breathe underwater and swim as fast as he can run in Hispo form. This Gift is taught by any Fish spirit.
    The Red Talons look on humanity's domestication and subsequent abuse of animals as nothing less than a sin against Gaia. With this Gift, the Red Talon can undo that offense, if only for as long as a night. The Talon releases a howl that drives domesticated animals completely feral - horses throw their rides and bolt as far as they can, oxen throw themselves against fences in a frenzy, dogs turn on their masters at the first sign of weakness. Needless to say, this Gift's use often drives surviving humans on a quest for the witch among their numbers that surely must be responsible.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). The effect lasts for one hour per success.  
    This Gift is taught by any Animal-spirit, although the spirits of wolves and wild oxen are particular generous with its secret.
Alternative Versions
    System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge. Success makes any animals within earshot uneasy and difficult to manage, but the actual amount of animals driven feral depends on the number of successes rolled.
    Successes Area of Effect
    One A single barn, kennel, stable or mews
    Two A farmstead
    Three A small keep
    Four A village or large keep
    Five A town
    Six+ A city or valley
    The Talon cannot influence the actions taken by the newly feral animals; most will try to flee human territory, although some might attack their masters in a fit of panic or hunger. The effect lasts until the sun rises or sets, whichever comes first.  
    Taught by: Animal spirits
    Book: WWtDA

Territory (Red Talon Rank 3)
From: WW20
    The Red Talon with this Gift doesn't need to patrol his hunting ground to know what transpires there. With but a moment of concentration, he may extend his senses to any area he has marked. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
System: Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 7).  
    System: The Red Talon must first mark one or more areas with his own urine. A Talon may have a number of marked locations equal to his Gnosis (and doesn't have to establish such a mark in every place that he urinates). Thereafter, the player may roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to extend the Talon's senses to that location. The character can sense the area as though standing in the same place he was in when he marked the area originally. The scent marks last for one week per dot of Gnosis the character possesses (for wilderness) or one day per dot of Gnosis (for urban environments).  
    Taught by: Wolf
    Book: WW20
    Alternative Versions

        Predator's Many Eyes - From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 3 - Kucha Ekundu )
== Uktena's Freezing Stare ==
        The Kucha Ekundu don't regard themselves as "Lords of the Savannah," especially given the strength of Africa's other Fera, but they still wish to do their job as Garou. This Gift facilitates that job, allowing the werewolf to "mark" a predator and thereafter look through its eyes.
        System: As the Red Talon Gift: Territory. The Red Talon needs not urinate on the animal it wishes to mark; the player must merely roll Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7) while the predator is in sight. Using this Gift on other Fera is possible but requires the Fera's consent. In all other respects, this Gift functions as Territory.

Trackless Waste (Red Talon Rank 3)
Like a snake mesmerising its prey, the Uktena can paralyse a foe merely by staring into its eyes. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Uktena.
    The Garou employing this Gift must have at least a rough familiarity with the terrain in a given area (have spent at least a week in the vicinity). The Garou may completely disrupt others' perceptions of that terrain's landmarks, etc. Humans and the like will automatically become lost (compasses won't work and maps will become misleading). Even Garou may become lost. This Gift is taught by any wilderness-oriented spirit.
System: The Garou must meet the eyes of whoever she wishes to paralyse, then her player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower). The paralysis lasts one scene or until the foe is physically or magically attacked.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). Each success enables a two-mile radius to be affected. Other Garou must roll Perception + Primal Urge (difficulty 6) and equal or exceed the Gift users's roll. The effect lasts four hours.  
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 3)
== Umbral Compass ==
        System: This Gift lasts until the sun next rises
(Uktena Rank 2 - Sky Dancer Camp)
This Gift helps the Garou cross the Gauntlet and traverse the Umbra more easily. Once in the Umbra, the Gift helps the Garou orient herself so she has less chance of becoming lost or confused as to where she is. Further, it seems to urge the Garou toward a direction she needs to travel. Thus, if something terrible is happening in the Umbra, use of this Gift will point the Garou right toward it. This could be a good thing or very inconvenient and potentially deadly, depending on the Garou's point of view and her ability to talk or fight her way out of difficult situations. This Gift is taught by a Bird spirit.
System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 7). A single success allows the Garou to lower the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet by one and to find her way through the Umbra with little difficulty. If she then needs guidance while in the Umbra, she may roll her Gnosis (difficulty 6) to find her way. Should the Garou using Umbral Compass botch her roll to cross through the Gauntlet, she is allowed to make a single Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) to escape the effects of the botch. Failure on this roll means the botch takes effect as normal, while a botched means the caught Garou is difficult for others to find and free.

Avalanche (Red Talon Rank 4)
=Rang 3=
    The Garou must be in a mountainous or otherwise tectonically unstable area. The Gift causes an avalanche, mudslide, etc to engulf his foes. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental.
== Ancestral Recall ==
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty determined by the Storyteller depending on the instability of the terrain). The more successes, the more powerful the effect. On a botch, the Garou is caught in the avalanche.
(Uktena Rank 3 - Earth Guide Camp)
By accustoming themselves to a particular area or tribal group, the Earth Guides can "recall" pertinent information about tribal practices or traditions that may have been lost over time. This might uncover hidden lore of the tribe or simply reveal everyday information not generally known by outsiders. The Gift is taught by an Uktena Ancestor spirit. The Garou using this Gift need not have Past Life.
System: The Garou must have spent at least 24 hours in the presence of those whose tribal memories she is trying to access. The player then rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines the strength and obscurity of the information available. If the Garou can access hidden or forgotten lore, the player must spend a point of Gnosis to learn it.

Clenched Grip (Red Talon Rank 4 - Kuchu Ekundu)
== Banish Totem ==
    The Garou's jaw can become a grip of steel, clamping down on a foe and not releasing it until the Garou chooses. This Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
    System: After making a successful bite attack, the Garou, by spending a point of Rage, makes her grip unbreakable. While foes can make a typical resisted Strength roll to break the grip, the Garou gains an automatic success per point of Strength, and can roll half her Willpower pool (rounding down) to add more successes.
    Book: WW20

Form of Akhlut (Red Talon Rank 4)
By speaking words of forbiddance, the Uktena can bar pack or personal totems from giving their children aid. Doing so also disrupts the spiritual rapport between packmates, making it difficulty for them to execute pack tactics or work in concert. An ancestor spirit teaches this Gift.
    Inuit myth tells of Akhlut, a killer whale that turned into a wolf to walk on land. The legends are almost right, of course. This Gift allows a Red Talon to take on an aquatic form such as a fish, dolphin or whale. It is believed by some that this Gift is how the Red Talons spread from their original lands to other continents. The Gift is taught by the spirit of an appropriate pelagic animal, although the Red Talons respect the orca most of all.
System: The Uktena must concentrate for a full turn, and he must know which totem his victim's follow. The player spends a Gnosis point and a Willpower point and he rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the pack's combined Totem scores (max 10). If successful, the pack members lose all Traits associated with their totem, and they cannot use pack tactics or act in concert for the remainder of the scene.If the Uktena is rendered unconscious or killed, the Gift is cancelled.  
    System: Two Gnosis points are required to activate this Gift, and then the player rolls Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty 8. Each success allows the Red Talon to become a more powerful aquatic denizen. One success might allow the Red Talon to become a goldfish, three a dolphin and five the genuine killer whale of legend.  
Taught by: Ancestor spirits  
    Taught by: Whale or dolphin spirits  
Book: WW3e
    Book: PG3e

Gorge (Red Talon Rank 4)
== Call Flame Spirit ==
    Natural wolves will eat as much as possible when food is available, for they never know when their next meal will arrive. With this Gift, a Red Talon can do much the same thing with Rage, Gnosis or Willpower, storing such energy against the day she will need it. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: Upon learning this Gift, the player chooses which Trait (Rage, Gnosis or Willpower) her character can store. Thereafter, the character can hold three more points in the appropriate Trait than her permanent rating. These extra points must be regained as usual, and they do not add extra dice to rolls involving these Traits.
    Taught by: Wolf
    Book: WW3e

Howl of Death (Red Talon Rank 4)
The Garou may summon a spirit of fire to perform one task for her. She must have a fire source for this Gift, even if it is only a cigarette lighter. The fire spirit will ignite flammable objects or hurl itself at her foe, blasting it in a great explosion as it departs the material world. This Gift is taught by a fire elemental.
    The Talon with this Gift may infuse her howl with Rage and pain, causing grievous wounds to one target. The werewolf must be able to see her target clearly, and the target must be able to hear the howl. Only the intended target is affected by the Gift, though anyone else who hears it is disquieted and frightened. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). A spirit's explosion inflicts two dice of aggravated damage plus another dice for each success rolled. A botch on the summoning roll calls a hostile spirit.
    System: The player rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Each success inflicts one level of lethal damage, which the target may soak if he is able. The damage manifests as massive internal damage, as the target's innards suddenly rupture.
    Taught by: Pain
    Book: WW20

Hunter's Horn (Red Talon Rank 4)
== Chains of Mist ==
    This Gift enables the Garou to create a sound so horrible and mind-chilling that it sends enemies into utter panic and causes them to flee an area without regard for direction or destination. Enemies so affected cannot attempt to evade pursuit or disguise their passage. This makes hunting them down and dispatching them a fairly simple task.
    System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the group). Each success affects one victim with uncontrollable panic, causing them to run blindly from an area. Garou affected by this Gift enter a state of fox frenzy, while others simply become mindless panicked creatures of prey. The effect lasts for an entire scene, during which time the character (and any allies) may hunt down and slay the victims if they so desire.
    Taught by: Rorg
    Book: RatH

Quicksand (Red Talon Rank 4)
Silvery filaments spin out from the Garou's claws, becoming streamers of mist that enwrap and confound nearby spirits, sapping their strength. A fog-spirit teaches this Gift.
    The Garou can turn the local ground into a sticky mass that can catch foes and prevent them from moving easily. This Gift is taught by Earth elementals.
System: The Uktena concentrates for a turn; and the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 7). One spirit of the player's choice within 200 feet (60 m) is affected per success. Spirits struck by this Gift treat their Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower ratings as though they were one lower than they truly are for the purpose of all dice rolls for the rest of the scene.
    System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). Each success turns a 10-foot area of ground into a viscious, sticky substance. Anyone in the area save the Garou can only move at half walking speed, and no combat maneuvers requiring movement may be executed. Additionally, the difficulties for all attacks involving actions more complext than basic grappling are increased by one.
Taught by: Fog
Book: WW20

Recycle (Red Talon Rank 4)
== Hidden Heart ==
    Red Talons who possess this powerful Gift can destroy any man-made substance. Plastics, alloys and other material not found in nature, disintegrate with just a touch. Lawn chairs dissolve into oily puddles and steel melts into iron and carbon. A cockroach spirit, which has witnesses the humans' secret creation rites, knows the Gifts that can dissolve nearly anything.
    System: The Garou must touch the material for the Gift to work. Only materials which science has manufactured are viable targets. For instance, a wooden chair would be unaffected (although the glue holding it together would not be), whereas a plastic chair would melt to the ground. The Garou must roll her Rage against a difficulty determined by the item's complexity. The difficulty ranges from iron (difficulty 6) and ordinary plastics (difficulty 7) to rare and complex metal allows (difficulty 9). Every success reduces five pounds of the target material to its base components.

Crocodile Pact (Red Talon Rank 5 - Kucha Ekundu)
This Gift allows the Garou to take a dangerous piece of knowledge she possesses and lock it away in her mind so that it becomes inaccessible without a key. The concealed information cannot be taken from her through mental powers or coercion; she can neither access the information nor remember that she has something hidden away in her mind. Until someone speaks the trigger word, performs the appropriate jesture or enacts the conditions set forth in the activation of the Gift, the Garou remains blissfully unaware of the information she has hidden from everyone - including herself.
    When the Red Talons first came to Africa and struck their deal with the Mokolé, the mighty werecrocodiles agreed that if the Garou could breed with the hunting dogs and do their appointed task in Africa without making war on the other Fera, they could stay. The Red Talons have (thus far) made good on their promises, and the eldest of the Kucha Ekundu have been rewarded with this Gift. The werewolf may call upon the Mokolé-mbembe for aid, in battle or otherwise. The spirits of the Dragon Kings teach this Gift.
System: Before using this Gift, the Garou must set the conditions which will cause the information to become available to her. This information should be given a trusted ally - after all, the Garou herself won't even remember that she has a key word, much less a secret. After describing the trigger, the player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls the character's Willpower (difficulty 8). Only one success is necessary for the Gift to take effect. The effect of the Gift lasts until the hidden information is triggered.
    System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the Garou receives aid within the hour, whether it's from a local clutch or from the spirits who witnessed the pacts between the Memory of Gaia and the Garou. The Storyteller has the final say over exactly what form the Garou's succor takes, but it might range from rampaging werecrocodiles arriving to fight with the Kucha Ekundu to great ancestor-spirits called forth by the Mokolé to give the Garou advice
Taught by: Hakahe
    Taught by: Dragon kings
Book: RatH
    Book: WW20

Curse of Dionysis (Red Talon Rank 5)
== Invisibility ==
    The Garou may transform any human or Garou into a normal wolf. Garou will stay in this form for the duration of the scene; against humans, this effect is permanent. This Gift is taught by a Wolf spirit.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and then rolls Gnosis against a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower.

Curse of the Scab Walker (Red Talon Rank 5)
This Gift makes the Garou invisible to sight and difficult to hear or smell. When employing this Gift, the Garou must concentrate on its use at all times; the Garou may not move any faster than half speed, nor may he do anything that would distract her. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena.
    The Red Talon suffuses a target with a superabundance of Wyld energy, making them violently allergic to the Weaver-works of man. Any artificial material blisters and abrades the target's skin, concrete sidewalks and artificial carpet fibers shred her feet, polyester clothing causes her body to break out in weeping sores, and steel tools blister her hands. An avatar of Griffin teaches this Gift.
System: The Garou concentrates for a turn and spends a Gnosis point. He then rolls his Intelligence + Occult against a difficulty set by the Storyteller (based on conditions). The number of successes must be recorded; anyone who attempts to see through the invisibility must roll more successes on a Perception + Alertness roll than the Garou rolled when invoking this Gift.  
    System: The Red Talon spends a turn snarling at a target within 20 feet (6 m). The player then spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7). The target takes one level of bashing damage per turn of physical contact with any non-natural material (crafted objects formed entirely of natural materials, such as wooden furniture held together with iron nails, are safe). This curse lasts for one day per success, and can easily prove fatal if invoked in the heart of a city.  
Alternative Versions
    Taught by: Griffin
    Book: WW20

Gaia's Vengeance (Red Talon Rank 5)
From: WW20
    The Garou can cause the very features of the land to animate and attack intruders: branches will lash out, rocks will roll and smash, vines will trip, water will such victims under. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Gaia herself.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if already concealed, 6 if in the open, 9 in plain sight). Anyone looking for the Garou must score more successes on a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8) than the player did on the initial roll. Anyone not actively seeking the Garou will not spot her at all.
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and then one Rage point. He then rolls Charisma + Enimgas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The game effects are up to the Storyteller.  
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Red Talon Rank 5)
== Name the Spirit ==
        System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point, then rolls Charisma + Primal-urge (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The exact effects depend on the terrain and are left to the Storyteller.  
Der Werwolf gewinnt ein instinktives Verständnis für die Bewohner der Umbra. Er kann die Art von Geistern erkennen und ihre ungefähre, spirituelle Stärke einschätzen. Eulen- und Raben-Geister, sowie andere Diener des Ghost Council Totems lehren diese Gabe.

Natural Renewal (Red Talon Rank 5)
== Rending the Craft ==
    Even as the United States carries out Manifest Destiny, the Red Talons seek to preserve the unconquered wilderness. Under the effects of this Gift, nature recovers from ravages created by humanity. Landslides refill the deep mining shafts that pierce the earth, wildlife infests building and technology fails. A Seedling-spirit teaches this Gift.
    System: The player must spend three Gnosis points and howl (or sing) to the wilderness spirits. These spirits encourage rampant plant growth that can even overcome man-made roads, mineshafts and buildings. Also no technology can function within 30 feet of the Garou. The exact effects of the Gift are up to the Storyteller, but nature does its best to renew itself despite humanity's efforts.  
The werewolf's claws burn with mystic force, rending apart the delicate workings of magic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
    Taught by: Seedling-spirit
System: After the werewolf makes a successful claw attack, the player may spend a point of Willpower to end the effects of any ongoing magical power enhancing the target (such as the Gift: Razor Claws, or the Armor Charm). Permanent magical effects cannot be rent asunder by this Gift, nor powers that are innate to the nature of the target. For example, a werewolf's Gifts could be cancelled, but not her ability to shapeshift; a vampire's Disciplines could be disrupted, but not her immortality or her ability to spend blood to raise her Attributes. In the event that a magical effect mixes permanent and temporary elements, the permanent elements are retained while transitory elements are disabled. For example, a vampire's Potence would continue to passively grant extra Strength dice, but blood could not be spent to transform those dice into automatic successes.
    Book: Wild West Companion
Taught by: Ancestor
Book: WW20
== Scrying ==
By starting into a mirror or other reflective surface, the Uktena can witness distant events or spy on rivals. She can follow a comrade's progress into a dangerous ambush or sneak a peak into a Tremere chantry house. Other supernaturals, especially ones with similar abilities, may have defenses against this Gift, which is taught by a Fly-spirit.
System: After spending one Gnosis point, the player must roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). The difficulty increases to 10 if the Garou does not possess an item owned by the target or something taken from the chosen area. The Uktena can see everything as if she was the proverbial fly on the wall.
Taught by: Fly-spirit.
== Secrets ==
(Uktena Rank 3)
Uktena are said to possess more hidden knowledge than any other tribe. This Gift may be one reason it is so. With Secrets, an Uktena can have one specific questions answered by touching somebody who knows the answer. The answer to any question - such as "Where is the vampire;s lair?" - leaps into the Garou's mind if, in fact, the target knows the answer in the first place. A Dream-spirit can teach this Gift after being caught.
System: After formulating a mental question, the Garou must touch the target. She must also roll Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8) and spend one Gnosis point. The deeper the secret, the more successes are required. Learning a target's favourite colour requires only one success, whereas uncovering his secret lair might be four or more. If the target is aware of the mental intrusion, she may resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).
== Sing Down the Rain ==
By intoning a ritual chant, the Garou can call down rain for the purpose of cleansing or watering the ground, or, adversely, to cause flooding or mudslides. This Gift is taught by a Frog spirit.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the amount of rainfall summoned. One success calls down a light drizzle; three successes results in a full rain shower. For or more successes causes a torrential rain to fall. The effect lasts for one scene, although the Garou may extend the duration by continuing to spend Gnosis. Depending on the affected terrain and the Garou's intent, this Gift can cleanse a piece of ground ravaged by acid rain, return moisture to a parched field or cause rivers to overflow their banks.
== Strength of the Guardian ==
(Uktena Rank 3 - Bane Tender)
This Gift provides Bane Tenders with extra power when attempting to bind or destroy a Bane (or other troublesome spirit) or keep it locked within its bindings. This is usually used against a Bane that the Garou is responsible for overseeing. Occasionally, another Bane Tender will be overcome, and the Garou must use this to regain control over the loosed Bane. Even more rare are those instances when a Garou is asked to locate and bind a particular Bane. This Gift is never used simply to overcome a Bane met by chance - it is too costly. The Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit.
System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). Each success allows her to boost a chosen Attribute by one point - even if goes beyond normal maximum. When used, the Garou decides whether she wishes to increase her Strength, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation and/or Willpower to aid her in the battle. Thus a Garou who gets five successes might raise her Willpower by 2, her Charisma by 1 and her Strength by 2. The cost of this over-exertion is a conmeasurate exhaustion. When the Gift comes to an end, the Garou loses an equal number of points from the Attributes and Willpower raised as she gained. This loss remains for 24 hours. Raising one's Attributes beyond their normal doubling is very dangerous, for if they then fall below zero, the Garou dies unless immediately healed with Mother's Touch.
== Wyrm Whispers ==
Considered too dangerous by the other tribes, this Gift gives the Uktena insight into the thoughts of Wyrm creatures. The Uktena can read even the most vile thoughts of Banes, if the Garou can hold her stomach. A Dream-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls her Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). With one success, she can detect nearby sentient Wyrm creatures. For every additional success, she telepathically reads one complete thought from the creature's mind. If she receives five or more successes, she must make a frenzy roll. Regular use of this gift can cause Derangements or even Wyrm-taint.
Taught by: Dream-spirit
Book: Wild West Companion
=Rang 4=
== Bare the Heart ==
(Uktena Rank 4 - Earth Guide Camp)
This Gift is only taught to those who join the Earth Guide camp and utilises the Uktena's noted penchant for delving into the deepest secrets. The Earth Guides use this Gift to examine Bane Tenders for signs of Wyrm-taint. Using the clear sight granted to him by this Gift, the Uktena can look beyond outward manifestations, internal manipulations and even magical disguises that might mask Wyrm-taint, corruption or evil intent and pierce straight to the heart of the truth. Thus, the Garou might note that an otherwise normal-looking person is really a fomor or a Black Spiral Dancer by use of this Gift. Garou using the Gift could also determine that someone is disguised (via cosmetic means or magical change), but only if that person has evil intent (ie: intends to commit some evil - as defined by the Garou's concept of evil - while so disguised. Thus, if a bank robbery was in the offing, the Garou might not see through the mask unless he cares about that bank, but he would unmask someone intending to clear-cut a virgin forest). This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.
System: The Garou using this Gift must spend at least one turn intently observing the person he wishes to examine. While doing so, he attunes himself to the person's innermost core, the truth of the heart, and spend two points of Gnosis. The player then rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6). Even one success uncovers a falsehood if one exists and the nature of the mask (cosmetic, magical, etc). Two successes pinpoint how deeply the taint runs and the exact nature of the hidden heart (ie: the target is Wyrm-corrupted, a Bane, a vampire, etc) while three successes allows the Garou to discover such a creature's immediate intent (ie: what its plans are for the rest of the scene).
== Call Elemental ==
The Garou is able to call one of the four classical elementals (air, earth, water, fire) of his choice to him. This Gift is taught by an elemental spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the area's Gauntlet) to summon the elemental. He must then roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to cause the elemental to look favourably upon him. At the end of the scene, the elemental will return from whence it came.
== Call Forth the Wyld ==
(Uktena Rank 4 - Wyld Children)
Using this Gift, a Garou can summon the Wyld in its raw essence to disrupt manifestations of the Weaver. This energy must be concentrated to interfere with the working of machinery or technological items to be effective. Unlike the Homid Gift: Jam Technology, Call Forth the Wyld permanently disrupts the devices it affects. Barring costly repairs and replacements of fizzled parts, the item will never work properly again. Not that items cease to function; they just work in an odd, and unforeseen manner. Rather than merely creating a glitch, this Gift actually disrupts Weaver energy by overpowering it with the chaos of the Wyld. Devices may function in reverse of normal (clocks run backward, cars only drive in reverse, computers print out information upside down) or may function in some totally random fashion (guns explode when used; missiles reprogram themselves to hit a random target after initiating their own countdown and firing sequence; cars only function underwater). Creative anarchy should reign. Obviously, this Gift can be highly dangerous - Wyld Chyldren use it with glee and teach it to any one who asks who is not too tainted with Weaver or Wyrm energy.
System: The player must roll Manipulation + Repair (difficulty 6) and spend a Gnosis point to use the Gift. One success is sufficient to discombobulate most small technological targets. Storytellers may require more successes or higher difficulties to affect larger or more complex targets.
== Curse of Corruption ==
(Uktena Rank 4 - Bane Tender)
This Gift allows a Bane Tender to take part of the taint from the Bane he is tending and infuse the one cursed with it. This takes the form of some physical loss or mental instability that makes functioning much more difficult; it may whither limbs, inflict the target with a permanent nausea,make her bones brittle and likely to shatter or cause paralysis. It can also cause unstable personality quirks (foolish risk-taking, being insulting to those of greater rank, refusing to obey orders or cooperate with one's pack, complete unreasoning cowardice) or reduce the target to idiocy. Effects last for one full lunar cycle from the time the curse is inflicted. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar.
System: The Garou must choose to afflict her target either mentally or physically. She then spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (versus a difficulty equal to her target's Gnosis). One success inflicts a minor effect, or one that only functions sporadically, while more successes cause more serious afflictions or ones that constantly affect the target throughout the length of the curse. Storytellers should be creative, but fair, when assigning curses.
== Durance ==
(Uktena Rank 4)
The werewolf dominates a talen-bound spirit, spinning webs of metaphysical authority to forcibly lengthen its service to her. Some consider this Gift disrespectful, but the Shadow Lords find it ridiculous to discard a weapon that might serve Gaia, just for the sake of politeness. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit.
System: Upon using a talen, the player may reflexively spend one Gnosis point to keep the spirit bound within from departing. This Gift is ineffective on talens which are destroyed as an inherent aspect of their use (such as the nightshade talen, which must be drunk to activate its powers), but preserves talens whose destruction is a metaphysical result of their use (such as moon glow and Wyrm scales).
Taught by: Spider
Book: WW20
== Hand of the Earth Lords ==
The Garou can telekinetically move substances weighing up to 500lbs. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental and an air elemental.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). The effect lasts one turn per success.
== Point the Bone ==
(Uktena Rank 4)
The Garou can inflict ranged damage simply by pointing a bone at an opponent. After gathering the bone from a corpse herself, the Uktena can change it into a devastating weapon. A vulture spirit can teach this Gift in exchange for a few scraps.
System: The player rolls Perception + Athletics (difficulty 7) and spends one Gnosis point. The number of successes equals the number of aggravated Health Levels the attack causes to the target (this damage can be soaked as normal). The bone shatters after one use, but any properly harvested bone will suffice.
Alternative Versions
From: PG3e
System: This Gift may also be used to inflict a delayed damage upon the victim. By spending an additional Gnosis point, the damage may suddenly occur a number of days after the attack equal to the successes rolled. This is most common when the Gift is used to execute an offender. Many victims, certain of their own death, are reduced to simply walking aimlessly in this time.
Taught by: Bobbi-bobbi the snake or vultures
==Sideways Attack ==
The Uktena, ever delving into spirit matters, have learned the secrets of attacking Banes in the spirit world without ever leaving the physical realm. The Uktena's arms seem to blur and vanish as she strikes into the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena.
System: The werewolf must first use the Gift: Umbral Sight or some other method to locate their opponent. She may then spend a Gnosis point to attack anything she sees in the Penumbra, including spirits that are not materialised. She rolls her normal attack maneuver (Dexterity + Brawl). The attack difficulty is two higher.
== Spirit's Horse ==
(Uktena Rank 4)
This Gift allow a Garou to make her body a temporary vessel for an ancestral or legendary spirit for a finite length of time determined during the activation of the Gift. It differs from the manifestations of Past Life in that the host does not merely gain the Attributes, Abilities and memories of the inhabiting spirit - she actually "becomes" the spirit for the Gift's duration. The Uktena usually combine this Gift with the Rite of Invitation to the Ancestors (See below), and rarely practice it outside of moots or council gatherings. Its intention is primarily to give honour to an ancestor by allowing her the ability to experience fleshy pleasures and meet her tribal descendants. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8) and spends a point of Gnosis while the Garou calls on a spirit to "ride" her body. The Storyteller may chose to lower the difficulty for those Garou who come from cultures whose spiritual beliefs incorporate the idea of being "ridden" by spirits. One or two successes summons an Ancestor-spirit for a brief sojourn (a scene). Three or four successes allows the Ancestor spirit to remain for a longer time (several scenes). Five successes allows such a complete rapport between spirit and host that the spirit remains until politely asked to return to the Umbra. No successes indicates that no ancestor head the summons or the called spirit refuses the invitation. A botch means that either the spirit refuses to leave its host voluntarily or else that an angry or hostile ancestor (perhaps from one of the Wyrmcomer tribes!) enters the host and must be placated before she will depart. Note that a Garou need not possess the Past Life Background to use this Gift. The Garou who uses this Gift must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) in order to remain aware of her surroundings while her body hosts the ancestor. A failure in the roll indicates that the host's consciousness has become dormant. The Storyteller may allow a player to attempt a second Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to reawaken the character's awareness if the first roll fails. Other characters may converse with the ancestor, thus benefiting form her advice and counsel. Once the spirit departs, the host Garou makes a final Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to remember what happened while her body served as the Spirit's Horse.
== Strange Rain ==
The Garou can evoke a rain of something truly strange and unnatural; frogs, cockroaches, slugs, etc. This can be extremely unnerving to enemies or even allies. This acts like the Bone Gnawer Gift: Infest in every way.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). The size of the horde is determined by the number of successes; one success will cause a certain amount of bafflement from those affected, while five will attract tabloid reporter and crackpots from miles around for years to come.
== Whisper in the Dark ==
This Gift allows the Garou to determine a fact detrimental to an individual. The Garou may then use that piece of knowledge against the target of the Gift, either by holding it over the victim's head or making the information public.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8). Each success enables her to grasp one piece of heretofore-unknown information about the target of the Gift. Thus, a character can learn that an individuall owes millions of dollars in gambling debts, hides a murder in his past or funds a company that systematically pollutes the rivers in a particular state. Failure means that the character learns nothing, while a botch provides the character with erroneous information leading to the character's possible embarrassment or dishonour.  
Taught by: Hakahe
Book: RatH
=Rang 5=
== Fabric of the Mind ==
Garou with this Gift can bring their imaginations to life, creating a Dream Being from the fabric of their thoughts. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.
System: The Garou makes and extended roll of Intelligence + Performance (difficulty 8). She can create any form of life she can imagine, assigning it one point of Traits for each success gained on the roll. The Garou can take as long as she wants to form the creature, accumulating successes from turn to turn, but once she stops, the Dream Being takes form and requires the Garou to spend Gnosis to keep it manifested. The cost is one point per scene if the Dream Being remains relatively inactive (such as cleaning the Garou's home or sitting as a gargoyle on the roof), or one point per turn if the Being engages in combat. Botched rolls manifest an uncontrolled (and often hostile) Dream Being; these cost no Gnosis but will stay as long as they desire.
== Fetish Doll ==
The Garou may harm a victim from afar by mutilating a doll he constructs in the victim's image. He must have a part or article from the being against whom he plans to employ this Gift. He must then construct a mannequin in the shape of the victim. This Gift is taught by a strange Umbral spirit.
System: The Garou spends a week and rolls Perception + Repair (difficulty 8) to construct the doll. To harm the victim, the Garou rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success inflicts one die of aggravated damage, up to a maximum of 10 - beyond 10, the doll is so mutilated that no further damage is possible. Each failure on the roll subtracts one from the 10 possible dice and a botch destroys the doll without harming the victim.
Alternative Versions
From: WW20
System: The doll takes one week to construct and enchant. The player rolls Perception + Crafts (difficulty 8) to do so. When the doll is complete, the player may roll Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty is equal to the victim's Willpower). Each success inflicts one level of aggravated damage on the victim, soakable if the victim is capable of doing so. After 10 successes, the doll is too mutilated to be of further use.
Taught by: Ancestor

Pack Mind (Red Talon Rank 5)
    This Gift forces a group of foes to behave like a single-minded pack. All individuals must perform the same task at the same time regardless of its appropriateness to a given situation. For example, if one individual fights, all the others fight; if one person attempts to sneak up behind an opponent, all the others make this attempt as well. This Gift lasts for one combat scene.
    System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). A single success allows the character to inflict Pack Mind on a group of up to four individuals. Additional successes allow the character to increase the number of people affected in increments of two; five successes, therefore, enables the character to affect twelve individuals. For the duration of this Gift, all the affected victims mimic the actions of their leader - or, more typically, the first person in a group to act each turn. If one decides to speak, all of them attempt to do so; if one throws a left hook, all of them choose this form of combat, ignoring any weapons they may have.
    Taught by: Rorg
    Book: RatH

Aktuelle Version vom 31. Juli 2024, 01:15 Uhr

Rang 1

Fast Track

(Uktena Rank 1 - Scouts) This Gift strengthens the Garou's stamina and allows her to travel much more quickly than would be normally possible. Using the Gift allows the Garou to determine the path of least resistance, so she can move from one place to another with great speed and less interference. While not a replacement for a Moon Bridge, Fast Track lets the Garou continue traveling long past the time she would normally become exhausted. She can effectively make a forced march that covers three times the distance she would normally cover in the same amount of time and arrive no more tired than usual. This Gift is taught by a Bear spirit. System: The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7) and spend a point of Gnosis. A single success allows the Garou to make a forced quick-march by trotting at a ground-covering pace that does not exhaust her. This Gift is not meant to make the Garou a speed-demon, and cannot be used to escape pursuit or pursue fleeing foes by running faster. It can be used for those purposes if it is a matter of outlasting pursuers or pursued.

Sense Magic

The Garou is able to sense Garou rituals and Gifts, the Thaumaturgy of the Tremere, the Spheres of the mages, fetishes and other magical phenomena. This Gift senses the presence of magic and its general strength; it reveals only basic information about the magic itself. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena. System: The Garou rolls Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength and subtlety of the magic. The radius is 10 foot for each success.

Sense Secrets

(I can't be bothered changing the text for Uktena). Centuries of association with the fae people have taught the Fianna the nature of secrets. Things deliberately hidden, whether obscured by brush or dropped down a mineshaft, make their presence known to the Fiann. The Gift gives no indication as to the nature of a secret, only to its existence. A Squirrel-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Every success improves the Fianna's sensitivity. One success detects cursory or slipshod concealment, such as tumbleweeds pulled across a cave's mouth; five successes detect the presence of the most painstaking obscurement, including hidden passsageways and the like. Taught by: Squirrel-spirit Book: Wild West Companion

Sense Wyrm

Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.


The Garou can create a patch of inky black darkness. This Gift is taught by a spirit of Night. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty from 3 to 9, depending on the current conditions. For each success, a 10' by 10' area within the Garou's sight is covered in pitch-black darkness.

Spirit of the Lizard

The werewolf's hands and feet spout hundreds of tiny hooks, allowing her to climb across or cling to any surface -- even sheer horizontal surfaces and ceilings. A gecko-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character can move across any solid surface at her normal walking speed. Staying attached to a vertical surface or ceiling while taking any more strenuous movement (fighting, moving faster than walking speed, attempting to dislodge a steam grate) requires a reflexive Stamina + Athletics roll, difficulty 7). Taught by: Gecko Book: WW20

Spirit Speech

Diese Gabe ermöglicht es dem Garou, mit Geistern zu kommunizieren. Der Garou kann mit ihnen sprechen, ob sie es wollen oder nicht. Natürlich kann der Geist (normalerweise) nicht daran gehindert werden den Anwender zu ignorieren oder einfach zu gehen. Einmal erlernt, erlaubt diese Gabe dem Garou, die Kommunikation der Geister intuitiv zu verstehen. Besonders fremdartige Geister können aber immernoch schwierig zu verstehen sein - oder im Falle von Banes sogar schmerzvoll. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Geist erlernt werden.

Uncloak the Hidden

By concentrating on a person, object or area, the Garou can determine whether or not her target is hiding anything. The Garou can spot disguises, concealed weapons and wires; determine if a room contains trapdoors, hidden cameras, microphones and wire taps; or if someone lurks in a hidden passage. The Gift does not, however, allow the Garou to seek beneath the disguise, determine the nature of a concealed weapon or tell what lies within a hidden wall safe - this trick reveals only that a deception is present. The Garou must concentrate on the target in order to invoke this Gift. System: The player rolls Perception + Investigation (difficulty 8). Extra successes might reveal more facts about the subject, if multiple secrets exist to be sought out. The Storyteller should inform the player of her characters' knowledge in general terms ("That man has some sort of disguise"; "The floor contains a hollow beneath the floorboards"). Taught by: Hakahe Book: RatH

Rang 2

Coils of the Serpent

The Garou may summon serpentine ropes of darkness, mist or fog to grasp enemies and render them immobile. Each coil is four feet long and has the Strength, Dexterity and Brawl ratings as the Garou who summons it. A Snake-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 7). Each success beings forth one one coil from the prevailing element (darkness, shadow, mist, fog, dust). The Garou must direct the coils' attacks if she wishes to target multiple opponents; otherwise, the coils focus on the person or creature closest to their manifestation. The coils may only grasp to immobilise; they aren't capable of greater manipulation. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player rolls Dexterity + Occult, difficulty 7. Each success causes a single coil to emerge from the air at a point within 100 feet (30 m) of the Uktena. The player must use a turn's concentration and a Dexterity + Brawl roll to aim the tentacles. The coils focus on a single target, unless the player makes attack rolls against multiple targets, with the normal penalties for multiple actions. The coils only bind; they can't inflict damage. To break free, the victim must make a Strength roll, difficulty 7; if his successes exceed the number of coils entangling him, he struggles free. The tentacles last until the end of the scene or until dismissed, whichever is sooner.

Fetish Fetch

The Uktena need not carry her fetishes with her at all. She may draw them from a hidden cache whenever she needs them, no matter the distance. A Packrat-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The first part of the Gift involves creating the secret hiding spot for the fetishes. The player spends one Gnosis and buries or covers her items. Once this ritual is complete, she needs to spend a Gnosis point to summon any or all of her fetishes. The fetish appears in her hand as if from thin air. Just one hiding spot can exist at any one time, but the Uktena can create a new spot at any time. Taught by: Packrat-spirit Book: Wild West Companion

Medicine Dreams

When the humans began hunting animals, the animals retaliated by sending disease amongst the humans to kill them. Once they saw that their diseases killed good people as well as bad, they relented and herb-spirits came to medicine men in dreams to tell them how to heal the sick. Wise Uktena still know that medicine comes from these spirits in dreams, and this Gift allows them to call forth the herbs for wisdom. It is taught by the spirit of an aloe plant. System: This Gift is used when an Uktena is attempting to heal someone seriously ill. Before the Uktena goes to sleep, the player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Occult, difficulty 8. If the roll is successful, then the Uktena will awaken with new insights in how to heal the sick person. Each success on the Occult roll adds one dice to any Medicine rolls for that day. Should this grant the Uktena more than ten dice on his Medicine dice pool, he may even attempt to cure incurable illnesses such as terminal cancer or HIV/AIDS. To do so, six or more successes are needed on appropriate Medicine rolls. Taught by: Aloe plant Book: PG3e

Natural Camouflage

By crouching down and remaining still in a natural environment (woods, desert, swamp), the Garou may appear as part of the landscape. Unless someone is actively searching for the Garou, she will be dismissed as a hummock, tree stump or some other natural feature. This Gift is taught by a taught by a Chameleon spirit. System: The Garou merely needs to hunker down and think of blending in. Unlike the Ragabash Gift: Blissful Ignorance, the Garou does not actually become invisible, but becomes like an unnoticeable feature of the landscape. Someone searching for the Garou must roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 9) to see through the camouflage. The Garou may spend a Gnosis point to negate being seen in this fashion. If mostly unobserved (ie: the searcher may be scanning the area but has his back to the Garou, only occasionally turning her direction), the Garou may remain camouflaged while moving slowly toward or away from the searcher, stopping whenever the searcher looks her way. Even slow movement while the searcher is looking in the Garou's direction will break the illusion, however.

Shadow of the Ebon Whisperer

This Gift makes the Garou as insubstantial as a shadow and as hard to see. The physical form of the Garou fades to a murky, dark shape that can slither and flow almost anywhere. Although others can use certain Gifts to spot the "shadow" werewolf, anyone wishing to do so must first have a reason to suspect the presence of the Gift's user. This Gift does not function in bright daylight or in places where no shadows exists - such as a brightly lit room (or a room in total darkness, for that matter). System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty as assigned by the Storyteller depending on the surroundings). Each success allows the character to assume the shadow-form for one scene (or one combat round); even one success can give the character the advantage of surprise in a battle. Taught by: Hakahe Book: RatH

Shadows at Dawn

Sometimes one must give information to get information. However, Uktena are notoriously tightfisted with secrets. With this Gift, the werewolf can share a bit of knowledge that later vanishes from the subject's memory. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System: After relating a bit of lore, the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the opponent's Wits + Subterfuge). If the roll succeeds, whatever information the Uktena imparted completely vanishes from the target's memory when the sun next rises. Taught by: Ancestor Book: WW20

Spirit of the Bird

The Garou may hover and float in the air. This Gift is taught by any Bird-spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. He may move at 20 mph, and the duration is one hour. Maneuvering requires a roll of Dexterity + Occult, and the difficulties of all complex actions, such as combat, are increased by two. Taught by: Bird Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player spends one Gnosis point, and with an audible rush of mighty-but-unseen wings, the character takes to the air. The Garou can fly at 20 mph and hover as she desires. The difficulties of all combat maneuvers increase by one. This Gift lasts for one hour.

Spirit of the Fish

The Garou may breathe underwater and swim as fast as he can run in Hispo form. This Gift is taught by any Fish spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). The effect lasts for one hour per success. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 7).

Uktena's Freezing Stare

Like a snake mesmerising its prey, the Uktena can paralyse a foe merely by staring into its eyes. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Uktena. System: The Garou must meet the eyes of whoever she wishes to paralyse, then her player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower). The paralysis lasts one scene or until the foe is physically or magically attacked.

Umbral Compass

(Uktena Rank 2 - Sky Dancer Camp) This Gift helps the Garou cross the Gauntlet and traverse the Umbra more easily. Once in the Umbra, the Gift helps the Garou orient herself so she has less chance of becoming lost or confused as to where she is. Further, it seems to urge the Garou toward a direction she needs to travel. Thus, if something terrible is happening in the Umbra, use of this Gift will point the Garou right toward it. This could be a good thing or very inconvenient and potentially deadly, depending on the Garou's point of view and her ability to talk or fight her way out of difficult situations. This Gift is taught by a Bird spirit. System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 7). A single success allows the Garou to lower the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet by one and to find her way through the Umbra with little difficulty. If she then needs guidance while in the Umbra, she may roll her Gnosis (difficulty 6) to find her way. Should the Garou using Umbral Compass botch her roll to cross through the Gauntlet, she is allowed to make a single Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) to escape the effects of the botch. Failure on this roll means the botch takes effect as normal, while a botched means the caught Garou is difficult for others to find and free.

Rang 3

Ancestral Recall

(Uktena Rank 3 - Earth Guide Camp) By accustoming themselves to a particular area or tribal group, the Earth Guides can "recall" pertinent information about tribal practices or traditions that may have been lost over time. This might uncover hidden lore of the tribe or simply reveal everyday information not generally known by outsiders. The Gift is taught by an Uktena Ancestor spirit. The Garou using this Gift need not have Past Life. System: The Garou must have spent at least 24 hours in the presence of those whose tribal memories she is trying to access. The player then rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 7). The number of successes determines the strength and obscurity of the information available. If the Garou can access hidden or forgotten lore, the player must spend a point of Gnosis to learn it.

Banish Totem

By speaking words of forbiddance, the Uktena can bar pack or personal totems from giving their children aid. Doing so also disrupts the spiritual rapport between packmates, making it difficulty for them to execute pack tactics or work in concert. An ancestor spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Uktena must concentrate for a full turn, and he must know which totem his victim's follow. The player spends a Gnosis point and a Willpower point and he rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the pack's combined Totem scores (max 10). If successful, the pack members lose all Traits associated with their totem, and they cannot use pack tactics or act in concert for the remainder of the scene.If the Uktena is rendered unconscious or killed, the Gift is cancelled. Taught by: Ancestor spirits Book: WW3e

Call Flame Spirit

The Garou may summon a spirit of fire to perform one task for her. She must have a fire source for this Gift, even if it is only a cigarette lighter. The fire spirit will ignite flammable objects or hurl itself at her foe, blasting it in a great explosion as it departs the material world. This Gift is taught by a fire elemental. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). A spirit's explosion inflicts two dice of aggravated damage plus another dice for each success rolled. A botch on the summoning roll calls a hostile spirit.

Chains of Mist

Silvery filaments spin out from the Garou's claws, becoming streamers of mist that enwrap and confound nearby spirits, sapping their strength. A fog-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Uktena concentrates for a turn; and the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 7). One spirit of the player's choice within 200 feet (60 m) is affected per success. Spirits struck by this Gift treat their Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower ratings as though they were one lower than they truly are for the purpose of all dice rolls for the rest of the scene. Taught by: Fog Book: WW20

Hidden Heart

This Gift allows the Garou to take a dangerous piece of knowledge she possesses and lock it away in her mind so that it becomes inaccessible without a key. The concealed information cannot be taken from her through mental powers or coercion; she can neither access the information nor remember that she has something hidden away in her mind. Until someone speaks the trigger word, performs the appropriate jesture or enacts the conditions set forth in the activation of the Gift, the Garou remains blissfully unaware of the information she has hidden from everyone - including herself. System: Before using this Gift, the Garou must set the conditions which will cause the information to become available to her. This information should be given a trusted ally - after all, the Garou herself won't even remember that she has a key word, much less a secret. After describing the trigger, the player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls the character's Willpower (difficulty 8). Only one success is necessary for the Gift to take effect. The effect of the Gift lasts until the hidden information is triggered. Taught by: Hakahe Book: RatH


This Gift makes the Garou invisible to sight and difficult to hear or smell. When employing this Gift, the Garou must concentrate on its use at all times; the Garou may not move any faster than half speed, nor may he do anything that would distract her. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena. System: The Garou concentrates for a turn and spends a Gnosis point. He then rolls his Intelligence + Occult against a difficulty set by the Storyteller (based on conditions). The number of successes must be recorded; anyone who attempts to see through the invisibility must roll more successes on a Perception + Alertness roll than the Garou rolled when invoking this Gift. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if already concealed, 6 if in the open, 9 in plain sight). Anyone looking for the Garou must score more successes on a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8) than the player did on the initial roll. Anyone not actively seeking the Garou will not spot her at all.

Name the Spirit

Der Werwolf gewinnt ein instinktives Verständnis für die Bewohner der Umbra. Er kann die Art von Geistern erkennen und ihre ungefähre, spirituelle Stärke einschätzen. Eulen- und Raben-Geister, sowie andere Diener des Ghost Council Totems lehren diese Gabe.

Rending the Craft

The werewolf's claws burn with mystic force, rending apart the delicate workings of magic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System: After the werewolf makes a successful claw attack, the player may spend a point of Willpower to end the effects of any ongoing magical power enhancing the target (such as the Gift: Razor Claws, or the Armor Charm). Permanent magical effects cannot be rent asunder by this Gift, nor powers that are innate to the nature of the target. For example, a werewolf's Gifts could be cancelled, but not her ability to shapeshift; a vampire's Disciplines could be disrupted, but not her immortality or her ability to spend blood to raise her Attributes. In the event that a magical effect mixes permanent and temporary elements, the permanent elements are retained while transitory elements are disabled. For example, a vampire's Potence would continue to passively grant extra Strength dice, but blood could not be spent to transform those dice into automatic successes. Taught by: Ancestor Book: WW20


By starting into a mirror or other reflective surface, the Uktena can witness distant events or spy on rivals. She can follow a comrade's progress into a dangerous ambush or sneak a peak into a Tremere chantry house. Other supernaturals, especially ones with similar abilities, may have defenses against this Gift, which is taught by a Fly-spirit. System: After spending one Gnosis point, the player must roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). The difficulty increases to 10 if the Garou does not possess an item owned by the target or something taken from the chosen area. The Uktena can see everything as if she was the proverbial fly on the wall. Taught by: Fly-spirit.


(Uktena Rank 3) Uktena are said to possess more hidden knowledge than any other tribe. This Gift may be one reason it is so. With Secrets, an Uktena can have one specific questions answered by touching somebody who knows the answer. The answer to any question - such as "Where is the vampire;s lair?" - leaps into the Garou's mind if, in fact, the target knows the answer in the first place. A Dream-spirit can teach this Gift after being caught. System: After formulating a mental question, the Garou must touch the target. She must also roll Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8) and spend one Gnosis point. The deeper the secret, the more successes are required. Learning a target's favourite colour requires only one success, whereas uncovering his secret lair might be four or more. If the target is aware of the mental intrusion, she may resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8).

Sing Down the Rain

By intoning a ritual chant, the Garou can call down rain for the purpose of cleansing or watering the ground, or, adversely, to cause flooding or mudslides. This Gift is taught by a Frog spirit. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the amount of rainfall summoned. One success calls down a light drizzle; three successes results in a full rain shower. For or more successes causes a torrential rain to fall. The effect lasts for one scene, although the Garou may extend the duration by continuing to spend Gnosis. Depending on the affected terrain and the Garou's intent, this Gift can cleanse a piece of ground ravaged by acid rain, return moisture to a parched field or cause rivers to overflow their banks.

Strength of the Guardian

(Uktena Rank 3 - Bane Tender) This Gift provides Bane Tenders with extra power when attempting to bind or destroy a Bane (or other troublesome spirit) or keep it locked within its bindings. This is usually used against a Bane that the Garou is responsible for overseeing. Occasionally, another Bane Tender will be overcome, and the Garou must use this to regain control over the loosed Bane. Even more rare are those instances when a Garou is asked to locate and bind a particular Bane. This Gift is never used simply to overcome a Bane met by chance - it is too costly. The Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit. System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6). Each success allows her to boost a chosen Attribute by one point - even if goes beyond normal maximum. When used, the Garou decides whether she wishes to increase her Strength, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation and/or Willpower to aid her in the battle. Thus a Garou who gets five successes might raise her Willpower by 2, her Charisma by 1 and her Strength by 2. The cost of this over-exertion is a conmeasurate exhaustion. When the Gift comes to an end, the Garou loses an equal number of points from the Attributes and Willpower raised as she gained. This loss remains for 24 hours. Raising one's Attributes beyond their normal doubling is very dangerous, for if they then fall below zero, the Garou dies unless immediately healed with Mother's Touch.

Wyrm Whispers

Considered too dangerous by the other tribes, this Gift gives the Uktena insight into the thoughts of Wyrm creatures. The Uktena can read even the most vile thoughts of Banes, if the Garou can hold her stomach. A Dream-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls her Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). With one success, she can detect nearby sentient Wyrm creatures. For every additional success, she telepathically reads one complete thought from the creature's mind. If she receives five or more successes, she must make a frenzy roll. Regular use of this gift can cause Derangements or even Wyrm-taint. Taught by: Dream-spirit Book: Wild West Companion

Rang 4

Bare the Heart

(Uktena Rank 4 - Earth Guide Camp) This Gift is only taught to those who join the Earth Guide camp and utilises the Uktena's noted penchant for delving into the deepest secrets. The Earth Guides use this Gift to examine Bane Tenders for signs of Wyrm-taint. Using the clear sight granted to him by this Gift, the Uktena can look beyond outward manifestations, internal manipulations and even magical disguises that might mask Wyrm-taint, corruption or evil intent and pierce straight to the heart of the truth. Thus, the Garou might note that an otherwise normal-looking person is really a fomor or a Black Spiral Dancer by use of this Gift. Garou using the Gift could also determine that someone is disguised (via cosmetic means or magical change), but only if that person has evil intent (ie: intends to commit some evil - as defined by the Garou's concept of evil - while so disguised. Thus, if a bank robbery was in the offing, the Garou might not see through the mask unless he cares about that bank, but he would unmask someone intending to clear-cut a virgin forest). This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar. System: The Garou using this Gift must spend at least one turn intently observing the person he wishes to examine. While doing so, he attunes himself to the person's innermost core, the truth of the heart, and spend two points of Gnosis. The player then rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6). Even one success uncovers a falsehood if one exists and the nature of the mask (cosmetic, magical, etc). Two successes pinpoint how deeply the taint runs and the exact nature of the hidden heart (ie: the target is Wyrm-corrupted, a Bane, a vampire, etc) while three successes allows the Garou to discover such a creature's immediate intent (ie: what its plans are for the rest of the scene).

Call Elemental

The Garou is able to call one of the four classical elementals (air, earth, water, fire) of his choice to him. This Gift is taught by an elemental spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the area's Gauntlet) to summon the elemental. He must then roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to cause the elemental to look favourably upon him. At the end of the scene, the elemental will return from whence it came.

Call Forth the Wyld

(Uktena Rank 4 - Wyld Children) Using this Gift, a Garou can summon the Wyld in its raw essence to disrupt manifestations of the Weaver. This energy must be concentrated to interfere with the working of machinery or technological items to be effective. Unlike the Homid Gift: Jam Technology, Call Forth the Wyld permanently disrupts the devices it affects. Barring costly repairs and replacements of fizzled parts, the item will never work properly again. Not that items cease to function; they just work in an odd, and unforeseen manner. Rather than merely creating a glitch, this Gift actually disrupts Weaver energy by overpowering it with the chaos of the Wyld. Devices may function in reverse of normal (clocks run backward, cars only drive in reverse, computers print out information upside down) or may function in some totally random fashion (guns explode when used; missiles reprogram themselves to hit a random target after initiating their own countdown and firing sequence; cars only function underwater). Creative anarchy should reign. Obviously, this Gift can be highly dangerous - Wyld Chyldren use it with glee and teach it to any one who asks who is not too tainted with Weaver or Wyrm energy. System: The player must roll Manipulation + Repair (difficulty 6) and spend a Gnosis point to use the Gift. One success is sufficient to discombobulate most small technological targets. Storytellers may require more successes or higher difficulties to affect larger or more complex targets.

Curse of Corruption

(Uktena Rank 4 - Bane Tender) This Gift allows a Bane Tender to take part of the taint from the Bane he is tending and infuse the one cursed with it. This takes the form of some physical loss or mental instability that makes functioning much more difficult; it may whither limbs, inflict the target with a permanent nausea,make her bones brittle and likely to shatter or cause paralysis. It can also cause unstable personality quirks (foolish risk-taking, being insulting to those of greater rank, refusing to obey orders or cooperate with one's pack, complete unreasoning cowardice) or reduce the target to idiocy. Effects last for one full lunar cycle from the time the curse is inflicted. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar. System: The Garou must choose to afflict her target either mentally or physically. She then spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (versus a difficulty equal to her target's Gnosis). One success inflicts a minor effect, or one that only functions sporadically, while more successes cause more serious afflictions or ones that constantly affect the target throughout the length of the curse. Storytellers should be creative, but fair, when assigning curses.


(Uktena Rank 4) The werewolf dominates a talen-bound spirit, spinning webs of metaphysical authority to forcibly lengthen its service to her. Some consider this Gift disrespectful, but the Shadow Lords find it ridiculous to discard a weapon that might serve Gaia, just for the sake of politeness. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit. System: Upon using a talen, the player may reflexively spend one Gnosis point to keep the spirit bound within from departing. This Gift is ineffective on talens which are destroyed as an inherent aspect of their use (such as the nightshade talen, which must be drunk to activate its powers), but preserves talens whose destruction is a metaphysical result of their use (such as moon glow and Wyrm scales). Taught by: Spider Book: WW20

Hand of the Earth Lords

The Garou can telekinetically move substances weighing up to 500lbs. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental and an air elemental. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). The effect lasts one turn per success.

Point the Bone

(Uktena Rank 4) The Garou can inflict ranged damage simply by pointing a bone at an opponent. After gathering the bone from a corpse herself, the Uktena can change it into a devastating weapon. A vulture spirit can teach this Gift in exchange for a few scraps. System: The player rolls Perception + Athletics (difficulty 7) and spends one Gnosis point. The number of successes equals the number of aggravated Health Levels the attack causes to the target (this damage can be soaked as normal). The bone shatters after one use, but any properly harvested bone will suffice. Alternative Versions

From: PG3e System: This Gift may also be used to inflict a delayed damage upon the victim. By spending an additional Gnosis point, the damage may suddenly occur a number of days after the attack equal to the successes rolled. This is most common when the Gift is used to execute an offender. Many victims, certain of their own death, are reduced to simply walking aimlessly in this time. Taught by: Bobbi-bobbi the snake or vultures

Sideways Attack

The Uktena, ever delving into spirit matters, have learned the secrets of attacking Banes in the spirit world without ever leaving the physical realm. The Uktena's arms seem to blur and vanish as she strikes into the Umbra. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Uktena. System: The werewolf must first use the Gift: Umbral Sight or some other method to locate their opponent. She may then spend a Gnosis point to attack anything she sees in the Penumbra, including spirits that are not materialised. She rolls her normal attack maneuver (Dexterity + Brawl). The attack difficulty is two higher.

Spirit's Horse

(Uktena Rank 4) This Gift allow a Garou to make her body a temporary vessel for an ancestral or legendary spirit for a finite length of time determined during the activation of the Gift. It differs from the manifestations of Past Life in that the host does not merely gain the Attributes, Abilities and memories of the inhabiting spirit - she actually "becomes" the spirit for the Gift's duration. The Uktena usually combine this Gift with the Rite of Invitation to the Ancestors (See below), and rarely practice it outside of moots or council gatherings. Its intention is primarily to give honour to an ancestor by allowing her the ability to experience fleshy pleasures and meet her tribal descendants. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor spirit. System: The player rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8) and spends a point of Gnosis while the Garou calls on a spirit to "ride" her body. The Storyteller may chose to lower the difficulty for those Garou who come from cultures whose spiritual beliefs incorporate the idea of being "ridden" by spirits. One or two successes summons an Ancestor-spirit for a brief sojourn (a scene). Three or four successes allows the Ancestor spirit to remain for a longer time (several scenes). Five successes allows such a complete rapport between spirit and host that the spirit remains until politely asked to return to the Umbra. No successes indicates that no ancestor head the summons or the called spirit refuses the invitation. A botch means that either the spirit refuses to leave its host voluntarily or else that an angry or hostile ancestor (perhaps from one of the Wyrmcomer tribes!) enters the host and must be placated before she will depart. Note that a Garou need not possess the Past Life Background to use this Gift. The Garou who uses this Gift must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) in order to remain aware of her surroundings while her body hosts the ancestor. A failure in the roll indicates that the host's consciousness has become dormant. The Storyteller may allow a player to attempt a second Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to reawaken the character's awareness if the first roll fails. Other characters may converse with the ancestor, thus benefiting form her advice and counsel. Once the spirit departs, the host Garou makes a final Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to remember what happened while her body served as the Spirit's Horse.

Strange Rain

The Garou can evoke a rain of something truly strange and unnatural; frogs, cockroaches, slugs, etc. This can be extremely unnerving to enemies or even allies. This acts like the Bone Gnawer Gift: Infest in every way. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). The size of the horde is determined by the number of successes; one success will cause a certain amount of bafflement from those affected, while five will attract tabloid reporter and crackpots from miles around for years to come.

Whisper in the Dark

This Gift allows the Garou to determine a fact detrimental to an individual. The Garou may then use that piece of knowledge against the target of the Gift, either by holding it over the victim's head or making the information public. System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8). Each success enables her to grasp one piece of heretofore-unknown information about the target of the Gift. Thus, a character can learn that an individuall owes millions of dollars in gambling debts, hides a murder in his past or funds a company that systematically pollutes the rivers in a particular state. Failure means that the character learns nothing, while a botch provides the character with erroneous information leading to the character's possible embarrassment or dishonour. Taught by: Hakahe Book: RatH

Rang 5

Fabric of the Mind

Garou with this Gift can bring their imaginations to life, creating a Dream Being from the fabric of their thoughts. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling. System: The Garou makes and extended roll of Intelligence + Performance (difficulty 8). She can create any form of life she can imagine, assigning it one point of Traits for each success gained on the roll. The Garou can take as long as she wants to form the creature, accumulating successes from turn to turn, but once she stops, the Dream Being takes form and requires the Garou to spend Gnosis to keep it manifested. The cost is one point per scene if the Dream Being remains relatively inactive (such as cleaning the Garou's home or sitting as a gargoyle on the roof), or one point per turn if the Being engages in combat. Botched rolls manifest an uncontrolled (and often hostile) Dream Being; these cost no Gnosis but will stay as long as they desire.

Fetish Doll

The Garou may harm a victim from afar by mutilating a doll he constructs in the victim's image. He must have a part or article from the being against whom he plans to employ this Gift. He must then construct a mannequin in the shape of the victim. This Gift is taught by a strange Umbral spirit. System: The Garou spends a week and rolls Perception + Repair (difficulty 8) to construct the doll. To harm the victim, the Garou rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success inflicts one die of aggravated damage, up to a maximum of 10 - beyond 10, the doll is so mutilated that no further damage is possible. Each failure on the roll subtracts one from the 10 possible dice and a botch destroys the doll without harming the victim. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The doll takes one week to construct and enchant. The player rolls Perception + Crafts (difficulty 8) to do so. When the doll is complete, the player may roll Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty is equal to the victim's Willpower). Each success inflicts one level of aggravated damage on the victim, soakable if the victim is capable of doing so. After 10 successes, the doll is too mutilated to be of further use. Taught by: Ancestor