Black Furies - Gaben: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(12 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 8: Zeile 8:
Taught by: Spirit servant of Pegasus  
Taught by: Spirit servant of Pegasus  
Book: WW3e
Book: WW3e
Find the Child Within ==
(Black Fury Rank 1)
==Find the Child Within ==
With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't leave without me") or respond favourably to a suggestions ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another opponent. The Garou can, however, use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might turn dangerous.
With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't leave without me") or respond favourably to a suggestions ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another opponent. The Garou can, however, use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might turn dangerous.
System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll vs the target's Willpower. One success allows the character to make as simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enables the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours.  
System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll vs the target's Willpower. One success allows the character to make as simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enables the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours.  
Zeile 16: Zeile 17:
Book: RatH
Book: RatH

== Heightened Senses ==  
== Heightened Senses ==
(Black Fury Rank 1)
Der Garou kann für kurze Zeit seine sensorische Wahrnehmung erheblich steigern. In der Homid- oder Glabro-Form werden ihre Sinne so scharf wie die eines Wolfs, während sie in ihren Wolfsgestalten (Crinos, Hispo, Lupus) übernatürlich stark werden und ihre Wahrnehmung beginnt fast an eine Form von Hellsehen grenzt. Diese Gabe wird von Wolf-Geistern gelehrt.
The Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid or Glabro form, her senses become as sharp as those of a wolf, while in her wolf forms, her senses become preternaturally potent. This gift is taught by Wolf-spirits.
System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. Homid and Glabro forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by two; roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by three; +1 to Primal-Urge Dice Pools.

== Moonshadow ==
== Moonshadow ==
(Black Fury Rank 1 - Moon-Daughters)
By calling on their kinship with Luna, the Daughter may use a moonlight to smooth the way between worlds. The Fury may substitute moonlight for a mirror, making themselves one with the light itself. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
By calling on their kinship with Luna, the Daughter may use a moonlight to smooth the way between worlds. The Fury may substitute moonlight for a mirror, making themselves one with the light itself. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: No roll is necessary to activate the Gift - the Fury may step sideways as if they stared into their reflection. In addition, the difficulty due to the Gauntlet is lowered by one.
System: No roll is necessary to activate the Gift - the Fury may step sideways as if they stared into their reflection. In addition, the difficulty due to the Gauntlet is lowered by one.

== Mother's Touch ==
== Mother's Touch ==
(Black Fury Rank 1 - Order of the Merciful Mother)
Der Garou ist in der Lage durch Handauflegen die Wunden anderer zu heilen, unabhängig davon, ob sie übernatürlicher Art sind oder nicht. Die Gabe erlaubt es sogar Battle Scars zu heilen, solang der Heilungsprozess kurz nach ihrer Entstehung begonnen wird, was aber auch mit mehr Anstrengung von Seiten des Heilers verbunden ist. Es gibt kein Limit wie oft die Gabe auf jemanden angewandt werden kann, aber jede Nutzung zehrt vom Gnosis des Anwenders seperat und es ist einem nicht möglich sich selbst mit dieser Gabe zu heilen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Einhorn-Geist gelehrt.
The Garou is able to heal the wounds of others, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself with the Gift. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.
System: The Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou). Each success heals one Health Level. Even battle scars may be cured in this manner, but this must be done in the same scene the scar was obtained and requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point. There is no limit to how many times this may be used on a person, but each use requires a Gnosis point.  
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 1 - Order of the Merciful Mother)
== Sense Wyld ==
System: Roll Intelligence + Empathy
Der Garou kann Wyld-Energien oder -Geister in der näheren Umgebung aktiv wahrnehmen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Wyld-Geist gelehrt.

== Sense Wyld ==  
== Sense Wyrm ==
(Black Fury Rank 1)
Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.
The Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit
System: The player must roll Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest would be difficulty 5).

== Sense Wyrm ==  
== Wyld Resurgence ==
(Black Fury Rank 1)
The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm." This power requires active concentration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System: The Garou rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty for this Gift is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence (sensing a single formor in a room would have a difficulty of 6). Vampires can be sensed using this Gift, but only those with Humanity scores lower than 7.

== Wyld Resurgence ==
(Black Fury Rank 1)
Bent to Gaia's service, the creative, living essence of the Wyld roars through the Fury's body, shining beneath her skin as a rippling wave of prismatic energy which focuses on and shines out through her wounds. This surge supercharges the werewolf's regenerative powers, quickly mending even the most grievous of wounds. A servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.
Bent to Gaia's service, the creative, living essence of the Wyld roars through the Fury's body, shining beneath her skin as a rippling wave of prismatic energy which focuses on and shines out through her wounds. This surge supercharges the werewolf's regenerative powers, quickly mending even the most grievous of wounds. A servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

Zeile 57: Zeile 44:

== Curse of Aeolus ==
== Curse of Aeolus ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
The Garou summons an eerie, chilling fog to shroud the landscape, unnerving her enemies. The Garou can see through the fog, but others will have trouble navigating the mists. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Aeolus, a totem spirit.
The Garou summons an eerie, chilling fog to shroud the landscape, unnerving her enemies. The Garou can see through the fog, but others will have trouble navigating the mists. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Aeolus, a totem spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty (4 near the sea, 5 near open water, 6 normally, 9 in a desert). The Garou's vision is unhindered by the mist, but all others halve their Perception rolls. Additionally, the mist is creepy and unnerving to enemies; -1 to all Willpower rolls.
System: The Garou rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty (4 near the sea, 5 near open water, 6 normally, 9 in a desert). The Garou's vision is unhindered by the mist, but all others halve their Perception rolls. Additionally, the mist is creepy and unnerving to enemies; -1 to all Willpower rolls.

== Form Mastery ==
== Form Mastery ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
This Gift empower the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
This Gift empower the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1, and the player no longer needs to roll a single success just to initiate the transformation (thus, shifting from Homid to Glabro would be difficulty 5 and
System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1, and the player no longer needs to roll a single success just to initiate the transformation (thus, shifting from Homid to Glabro would be difficulty 5 and
Zeile 77: Zeile 64:

== Kneel ==
== Kneel ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
By pointing a finger or claw at a target, a Fury can force him to his knees. Only the strongest-willed can do anything but strain and swear in response. This Gift is taught by one of Pegasus's brood.
By pointing a finger or claw at a target, a Fury can force him to his knees. Only the strongest-willed can do anything but strain and swear in response. This Gift is taught by one of Pegasus's brood.

Zeile 90: Zeile 77:
Taught by: Tambiyah  
Taught by: Tambiyah  
Book: RatH
Book: RatH
The Furies of myth did not use swords or axes to destroy enemies of the Gods; the Black Furies of old did not use weapons to slay enemies of Gaia. They used teeth and claws, and sheer animal might. While many Bacchantes certainly do use the tribe’s ritual labrys and bow, and others carry klaives and other fetish weapons, when they frenzy they most often fight with their natural weapons. Even out of frenzy, the Bacchantes recognize the intimidation factor of rending a foe with fang and claw, and many revel in its primal nature. Rend allows the Bacchantes to rip through substances that they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much damage with their natural weapon as another might with a human’s sword. This Gift is taught – sometimes to great comic effect – by a Wine-spirit.
System: Spend 1 Rage and roll Strength + Primal Urge (difficulty 6).  For each success, the Fury gains the ability to rip through tough substances for one turn. When wearing any of the three “war forms” (Glabros, Crinos, or Hispo) and using hand-to-hand maneuvers, the character ignores the first three dice of the target’s soak pool – the target rolls three fewer dice to soak. This ability to pierce defenses also applies to inanimate objects such as walls and doors, making it considerably harder to hide from Black Furies inside buildings or underground. In case that a given object does not have a soak or armor rating, treat the Fury’s Strength as being three higher for purposes of the Feat of Strength needed to rip through the object.
Successful uses of Rend to destroy a wall, door, or enemy add 3 dice to the Fury’s next Intimidation roll against those who saw her do so.
Source: Tribebook: Black Furies (revised)

== Sense of the Prey ==
== Sense of the Prey ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the Umbra as well as to find beings on Earth. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit.
The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the Umbra as well as to find beings on Earth. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit.
System: No roll is required unless the target is actively hiding, in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit's Gnosis.
System: No roll is required unless the target is actively hiding, in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit's Gnosis.

== Touch of the Muse ==
== Touch of the Muse ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
With the Gift, the Black Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice, calling the favour of the Muses to herself for a time. She can call upon any of the nine muses to help her in any endeavor that falls within their spheres - singing, dancing, history, seduction or oration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of the Muses.
With the Gift, the Black Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice, calling the favour of the Muses to herself for a time. She can call upon any of the nine muses to help her in any endeavor that falls within their spheres - singing, dancing, history, seduction or oration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of the Muses.
System: A Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) reduces the difficulty of all Social rolls by one per success for any activity that would fall under the something of the muses.
System: A Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) reduces the difficulty of all Social rolls by one per success for any activity that would fall under the something of the muses.

== Trail of Pain ==
== Trail of Pain ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
First developed by the Amazons of Diana camp, this Gift allows the user to sense persons in agony. The Amazons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.
First developed by the Amazons of Diana camp, this Gift allows the user to sense persons in agony. The Amazons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.
System: The Garou must focus and spend a Gnosis pint. At least one turn is required for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. A Perception + Empathy roll discerns a single sufferer among many. The Fury can sense any living being in tremendous pain, physical or emotional, within 50 yards. The user senses only the general direction and urgency, but that's typically enough for an angry Black Fury.
System: The Garou must focus and spend a Gnosis pint. At least one turn is required for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. A Perception + Empathy roll discerns a single sufferer among many. The Fury can sense any living being in tremendous pain, physical or emotional, within 50 yards. The user senses only the general direction and urgency, but that's typically enough for an angry Black Fury.

== Whore's Vengeance ==
== Whore's Vengeance ==
(Black Fury Rank 2)
This Gift affects the most sensitive areas of the human or animal anatomy. By causing either minor irritation or wracking pain, Whore's Vengeance can distract or even incapacitate a victim. The target of this Gift need never have visited a house of ill-repute, nor does the Gift user need to practice the profession. A spirit of Lust teaches this Gift.
This Gift affects the most sensitive areas of the human or animal anatomy. By causing either minor irritation or wracking pain, Whore's Vengeance can distract or even incapacitate a victim. The target of this Gift need never have visited a house of ill-repute, nor does the Gift user need to practice the profession. A spirit of Lust teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls her Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty equals the target's Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target breaks out in a painful rash in his or her sensitive region. Each success subtracts one die from the target's Dice Pool for the remainder of the scene. This Gift affects only living animals (including humans) and has no effect on spirits or the undead.  
System: The player rolls her Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty equals the target's Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target breaks out in a painful rash in his or her sensitive region. Each success subtracts one die from the target's Dice Pool for the remainder of the scene. This Gift affects only living animals (including humans) and has no effect on spirits or the undead.  
Taught by: spirit of Lust  
Taught by: spirit of Lust  
Book: Wild West Companion
Book: Wild West Companion

= Rang 3 =
= Rang 3 =
Zeile 122: Zeile 117:

== Coup De Grace ==
== Coup De Grace ==
(Black Fury Rank 3)
The Garou studies her foe, seeking the best place to land a blow, then sets herself up to deliver a devastating attack the following turn. This Gift is taught by an Owl spirit.
The Garou studies her foe, seeking the best place to land a blow, then sets herself up to deliver a devastating attack the following turn. This Gift is taught by an Owl spirit.
System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Medicine (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Dodge). If successful, the Garou doubles the damage dice on her next blow, assuming it hits.  
System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Medicine (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Dodge). If successful, the Garou doubles the damage dice on her next blow, assuming it hits.  
Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 3)
From: WW20
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Athletics). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou's next successful attack.  
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Athletics). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou's next successful attack.  
== Death Whispers ==
Die alten Griechen verbanden den Wolf mit dem Tod. Hekate trug drei Wolfsköpfe, während Charon Wolfsohren trug. Garou mit dieser Gabe spiegeln diese Verbindung wider. Indem der Wolf vollkommen still neben einem kürzlich verstorbenen Körper steht, kann er die letzten Worte des Toten hören. Diese Worte sind oft wirr und unzusammenhängend, können aber Hinweise und Verständnis darüber liefern, was im Moment ihres Todes geschah oder welche Gedanken sie zum Zeitpunkt ihres Ablebens am meisten beschäftigten. Die Gabe wird mit jeder Stunde, die seit dem Tod vergangen ist, schwieriger anzuwenden und je länger der Werwolf sich auf die Gabe konzentriert, desto klarer können dessen letzten Worte gehört werden. Diese Gabe kann nur einmal pro Leiche versucht werden und wird von Geister gelehrt, die direkt oder myhtologisch mit dem Tod zusammenhängen, wie Aasfressern oder Psychopompoi.

== Flames of Hestia ==
== Flames of Hestia ==
(Black Fury Rank 3)
By invoking this Gift, the Fury can produce white flames around her hands. These flames purify whatever they touch; cleansing tainted food or water. They will also help cure any damage caused by things of the Wyrm, and when used in hand to hand combat, the Gift inflicts great harm upon the creatures of the Wyrm. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
By invoking this Gift, the Fury can produce white flames around her hands. These flames purify whatever they touch; cleansing tainted food or water. They will also help cure any damage caused by things of the Wyrm, and when used in hand to hand combat, the Gift inflicts great harm upon the creatures of the Wyrm. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
System: By spending a Gnosis point and then rolling Gnosis against a difficulty of 8, the Fury can produce these flames. Each success reduces damage done by radiation, poison or disease by one Health Level. The flames do one Health Level per success in aggravated damage to Banes, fomori and Black Spiral Dancers if the Fury scores a successful hit while the Gift is invoked.  
System: By spending a Gnosis point and then rolling Gnosis against a difficulty of 8, the Fury can produce these flames. Each success reduces damage done by radiation, poison or disease by one Health Level. The flames do one Health Level per success in aggravated damage to Banes, fomori and Black Spiral Dancers if the Fury scores a successful hit while the Gift is invoked.  
Zeile 148: Zeile 148:

== Song of the Siren ==
== Song of the Siren ==
(Black Fury Rank 3)
The sound of the Garou's voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Glass Walkers have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight, but can rarely stop a heated combat already in process. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
The sound of the Garou's voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Glass Walkers have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight, but can rarely stop a heated combat already in process. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance versus the target's Willpower and spends one Gnosis point. Enchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. The audience can spend Willower to overcome the enchanting effects; to act freely, a listener must spend one point for each of the Galliard's successes.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance versus the target's Willpower and spends one Gnosis point. Enchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. The audience can spend Willower to overcome the enchanting effects; to act freely, a listener must spend one point for each of the Galliard's successes.

== Veil of the Mother ==
== Veil of the Mother ==
(Black Fury Rank 3)
This Gift allows the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. Primarily useful in Homid form, the Veil of the Mother alters the physical features of the face, causes the user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 6 inches and changes the body size to reflect a gain or loss of up to 30 pounts. This Gift does not alter the sex or age of the Garou, though it can change skin, hair or eye colour and hair texture or length. The Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual, usually someone she is trying to hide or draw attention from.
This Gift allows the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. Primarily useful in Homid form, the Veil of the Mother alters the physical features of the face, causes the user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 6 inches and changes the body size to reflect a gain or loss of up to 30 pounts. This Gift does not alter the sex or age of the Garou, though it can change skin, hair or eye colour and hair texture or length. The Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual, usually someone she is trying to hide or draw attention from.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (Difficulty 7). The number of successes indicate the degree to which the character can alter her appearance or that of another individual. One success allows only minor details in height weight, facial features, skin tone and other similar qualities. Three successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her physical form, even to the extent of appearing to be a specific person. (The Garou must, of course, be familiar with the appearance of anyone whose form she assumes). The effect of this Gift lasts for one scene.  
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (Difficulty 7). The number of successes indicate the degree to which the character can alter her appearance or that of another individual. One success allows only minor details in height weight, facial features, skin tone and other similar qualities. Three successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her physical form, even to the extent of appearing to be a specific person. (The Garou must, of course, be familiar with the appearance of anyone whose form she assumes). The effect of this Gift lasts for one scene.  
Zeile 165: Zeile 165:

== Wings of Pegasus ==
== Wings of Pegasus ==
(Black Fury Rank 3)
By invoking their kinship with Pegasus, the Black Fury can sprout majestic wings, white and feathery like that of the Tribe Totem. The Fury can use these wings in lupus or hispo forms, and may fly along at a considerable speed, even carrying others if her strength permits.
By invoking their kinship with Pegasus, the Black Fury can sprout majestic wings, white and feathery like that of the Tribe Totem. The Fury can use these wings in lupus or hispo forms, and may fly along at a considerable speed, even carrying others if her strength permits.
System: The wings appear whenever the Garou invokes them. The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7 to launch, 6 to fly along and variable depending on other maneuvers). The Fury's speed is approximate 50 mph (85 kph)  
System: The wings appear whenever the Garou invokes them. The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7 to launch, 6 to fly along and variable depending on other maneuvers). The Fury's speed is approximate 50 mph (85 kph)  
Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 3)
From: WW20
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to produce the wings capable of 50 miles per hour (80 kph) flight, which last until dismissed. Fine flying maneuvers requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller.  
System: The player spends a Gnosis point to produce the wings capable of 50 miles per hour (80 kph) flight, which last until dismissed. Fine flying maneuvers requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller.

= Rang 4 =

== Rang 4 ==
== Anger of the Goddess ==

== Anger of the Goddess ==
(Black Fury Rank 4)
With the force of Gaia Herself, the Black Fury elder strikes down even the most powerful enemies. Few can withstand the righteous anger of Gaia unleashed. The power can take many forms: a lightning bolt from the heavens, an avalanche, or even a tornado. The wrath of the Goddess blindly ravages the innocent and guilty alike. An avatar of Gaia Herself is the only spirit that teaches this Gift.
With the force of Gaia Herself, the Black Fury elder strikes down even the most powerful enemies. Few can withstand the righteous anger of Gaia unleashed. The power can take many forms: a lightning bolt from the heavens, an avalanche, or even a tornado. The wrath of the Goddess blindly ravages the innocent and guilty alike. An avatar of Gaia Herself is the only spirit that teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends three Rage points to summon Gaia's wrath. The Storyteller determines what freak natural events follow, but the full force of the Goddess strikes the target (multiple lightning bolts, a tornade touching down at his feet, etc.). Unfortunately, the Gift affects everyone around the target as well, as the power of nature is indifferent to innocence.  
System: The player spends three Rage points to summon Gaia's wrath. The Storyteller determines what freak natural events follow, but the full force of the Goddess strikes the target (multiple lightning bolts, a tornade touching down at his feet, etc.). Unfortunately, the Gift affects everyone around the target as well, as the power of nature is indifferent to innocence.  
Zeile 189: Zeile 188:
Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 4)
From: WW20
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty equals the victim's Stamina + 3). If successful, the target is left stunned and convulsing for one round per success. Additionally, the target subtracts one die from all rolls for the rest of the scene.  
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty equals the victim's Stamina + 3). If successful, the target is left stunned and convulsing for one round per success. Additionally, the target subtracts one die from all rolls for the rest of the scene.  

== Calm Before the Stor ==
== Calm Before the Stor ==
m (Black Fury Rank 4)
The Black Furies are at heart a tribe of contradiction, they both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of the same. Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. It lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat spirit.
The Black Furies are at heart a tribe of contradiction, they both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of the same. Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. It lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat spirit.
System: The Black Fury spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge, difficulty 7. A simple success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. If they expect an ambush, they may roll Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion within their own group. If they obtain more successes than the Black Fury on her Primal Urge roll, they can sense the impending assault and run. Otherwise, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of their rolls for every success the Black Fury initially rolled.  
System: The Black Fury spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge, difficulty 7. A simple success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. If they expect an ambush, they may roll Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion within their own group. If they obtain more successes than the Black Fury on her Primal Urge roll, they can sense the impending assault and run. Otherwise, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of their rolls for every success the Black Fury initially rolled.  
Zeile 200: Zeile 199:

== Motherly Guardian ==
== Motherly Guardian ==
(Black Fury Rank 4)
This Gift allows the Garou to "tag" an individual so that she can keep track of her target's health and welfare. The Garou gains a general sense of the individual's location at all times and can sense when the target is in trouble and needs assistence. The Gift lets the Garou know what kind of aid the target needs. The Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. The effects of the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.
This Gift allows the Garou to "tag" an individual so that she can keep track of her target's health and welfare. The Garou gains a general sense of the individual's location at all times and can sense when the target is in trouble and needs assistence. The Gift lets the Garou know what kind of aid the target needs. The Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. The effects of the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower) to set the "tag" on the designated individual. Whenever she concentrates on that person, she receives information about the target's general state of health and present circumstances. When the character attempts to concentrate on the targetted individual, she performs all other actions at a +1 difficulty due to her preoccupation with her charge.  
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower) to set the "tag" on the designated individual. Whenever she concentrates on that person, she receives information about the target's general state of health and present circumstances. When the character attempts to concentrate on the targetted individual, she performs all other actions at a +1 difficulty due to her preoccupation with her charge.  
Zeile 207: Zeile 206:

== Wasp Talons ==
== Wasp Talons ==
(Black Fury Rank 4)
The Garou may actually hurl her claws through the air at a foe. The Garou is incapable of using this Gift or making a claw attack the next turn, for her claws must actually regenerate. This Gift is taught by a Wasp spirit.
The Garou may actually hurl her claws through the air at a foe. The Garou is incapable of using this Gift or making a claw attack the next turn, for her claws must actually regenerate. This Gift is taught by a Wasp spirit.
System: The Garou rolls Dexterity + Brawl. Damage is normal for the Garou's Strength, while the difficulty is determined by range as though the Garou was using a firearm. The medium range is 20 yards; the Garou receives no modifier at this range. Twice this range (40 yards) is the farthest the claws can be hurled. The difficulty at long range is increased by one. On the other hand, attacks made at targets within a yard of the Garou are considered "point-blank" (difficulty 4).  
System: The Garou rolls Dexterity + Brawl. Damage is normal for the Garou's Strength, while the difficulty is determined by range as though the Garou was using a firearm. The medium range is 20 yards; the Garou receives no modifier at this range. Twice this range (40 yards) is the farthest the claws can be hurled. The difficulty at long range is increased by one. On the other hand, attacks made at targets within a yard of the Garou are considered "point-blank" (difficulty 4).  
Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 4)
From: WW20
The Fury with this Gift can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She can't make claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, of course, but this is rarely a problem when her opponent lies eviscerated on the other side of the room. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.
The Fury with this Gift can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She can't make claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, of course, but this is rarely a problem when her opponent lies eviscerated on the other side of the room. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl to hit. The difficulty is figured as though the character is using a firearm; the medium range is 20 yards (18 m). Damage is calculated normally for a claw strike. Regenerating fired claws takes one turn.
System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl to hit. The difficulty is figured as though the character is using a firearm; the medium range is 20 yards (18 m). Damage is calculated normally for a claw strike. Regenerating fired claws takes one turn.
Zeile 223: Zeile 222:
Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions

From: WW20 (Black Fury Rank 5)
From: WW20
System: After making eye contact, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The victim is completely paralyzed for one turn per success; five successes permanently transform the target to stone.  
System: After making eye contact, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The victim is completely paralyzed for one turn per success; five successes permanently transform the target to stone.  

Aktuelle Version vom 19. August 2024, 15:53 Uhr

Rang 1

Breath of the Wyld

As the Furies see it, the problem with most humans (and some Garou) is that they have forgotten that the energy of Creation is nourishing, refreshing and ever present. With this Gift, the Black Fury may intill a feeling of vitality and life in a living being. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

System: The Fury must touch her target's skin, and this Gift must be used outdoors in a natural setting (a city park is sufficient for the Gift to function). The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6 for humans, 5 for Garou). Success grants a rush of energy and clarity of thought. In game terms, this Gift grants one extra die on all Mental rolls for the next scene. Its also adds one to the difficulty of any Rage rolls the target makes in that time. Taught by: Spirit servant of Pegasus Book: WW3e

Find the Child Within

With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't leave without me") or respond favourably to a suggestions ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another opponent. The Garou can, however, use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might turn dangerous. System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll vs the target's Willpower. One success allows the character to make as simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enables the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours. Taught by: Tambiyah Book: RatH

Heightened Senses

Der Garou kann für kurze Zeit seine sensorische Wahrnehmung erheblich steigern. In der Homid- oder Glabro-Form werden ihre Sinne so scharf wie die eines Wolfs, während sie in ihren Wolfsgestalten (Crinos, Hispo, Lupus) übernatürlich stark werden und ihre Wahrnehmung beginnt fast an eine Form von Hellsehen grenzt. Diese Gabe wird von Wolf-Geistern gelehrt.


By calling on their kinship with Luna, the Daughter may use a moonlight to smooth the way between worlds. The Fury may substitute moonlight for a mirror, making themselves one with the light itself. This Gift is taught by a Lune. System: No roll is necessary to activate the Gift - the Fury may step sideways as if they stared into their reflection. In addition, the difficulty due to the Gauntlet is lowered by one.

Mother's Touch

Der Garou ist in der Lage durch Handauflegen die Wunden anderer zu heilen, unabhängig davon, ob sie übernatürlicher Art sind oder nicht. Die Gabe erlaubt es sogar Battle Scars zu heilen, solang der Heilungsprozess kurz nach ihrer Entstehung begonnen wird, was aber auch mit mehr Anstrengung von Seiten des Heilers verbunden ist. Es gibt kein Limit wie oft die Gabe auf jemanden angewandt werden kann, aber jede Nutzung zehrt vom Gnosis des Anwenders seperat und es ist einem nicht möglich sich selbst mit dieser Gabe zu heilen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Einhorn-Geist gelehrt.

Sense Wyld

Der Garou kann Wyld-Energien oder -Geister in der näheren Umgebung aktiv wahrnehmen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Wyld-Geist gelehrt.

Sense Wyrm

Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.

Wyld Resurgence

Bent to Gaia's service, the creative, living essence of the Wyld roars through the Fury's body, shining beneath her skin as a rippling wave of prismatic energy which focuses on and shines out through her wounds. This surge supercharges the werewolf's regenerative powers, quickly mending even the most grievous of wounds. A servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

System: The Fury spends a turn in concentration and the player spends one Gnosis point. The werewolf immediately heals either three levels of bashing damage or two levels of lethal damage. With the expenditure of a Willpower point in addition to the Gnosis point, one level of aggravated damage may be healed instead. Damage caused by silver weapons cannot be healed with this Gift Taught by: Servant of Pegasus Book: WW20

Rang 2

Curse of Aeolus

The Garou summons an eerie, chilling fog to shroud the landscape, unnerving her enemies. The Garou can see through the fog, but others will have trouble navigating the mists. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Aeolus, a totem spirit. System: The Garou rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty (4 near the sea, 5 near open water, 6 normally, 9 in a desert). The Garou's vision is unhindered by the mist, but all others halve their Perception rolls. Additionally, the mist is creepy and unnerving to enemies; -1 to all Willpower rolls.

Form Mastery

This Gift empower the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: When shapeshifting (see p. 285), all difficulties are reduced by 1, and the player no longer needs to roll a single success just to initiate the transformation (thus, shifting from Homid to Glabro would be difficulty 5 and require only one success). Additionally, when enacting partial transformations (see p. 286), the player need no longer spend a Willpower point, and the difficulty of the roll is 7. This Gift's effects are permanent. Taught by: Wolf spirit Book: WW20

Kali's Tongue

(Black Fury Rank 2) A terrible Wyrm-creature terrorized the land in ancient days of myth. For every drop of blood it spilled, another monster would spring up from the ground. A goddess of destruction spread out her tongue to catch each drop of blood as it fell, and in this fashion enabled the monster's defeat. Modern Black Furies apply similar magic in their struggles against Black Spiral Dancers and other resilient foes. A cobra-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Medicine (difficulty equals the target's Rage or Willpower -3, whichever is lower). Each success prevents the target from healing damage by any means (including Gifts like Mother's Touch) for one turn. Taught by: Cobra Book: WW20


By pointing a finger or claw at a target, a Fury can force him to his knees. Only the strongest-willed can do anything but strain and swear in response. This Gift is taught by one of Pegasus's brood.

System: The Fury rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the subject's Willpower). Her target falls to his knees unless he spends a Gnosis point to resist the Gift's effects (other supernatural beings may spend their own form of mystic energy, such as blood or quintessence, but mortals remain helpless). The target kneels for one turn per success. Taught by: Pegasus' brood Book: WW20

Mantle of the Land

(Black Fury Rank 2) The Garou draws forth a mist or fog from water in the atmosphere. This misty mantle provides cover in which a Garou may hide herself or someone under her protection. The Gift may be used while the Garou is in motion in order to confuse persuers by enveloping them in an obscuring fog. The mantle can also surround a Garou and her pack in order to allow them to attack from concealment or ambush. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. The fog is dense and heavy, obscuring the vision of anyone within, even muffling sound. Anyone save the Garou and her pack are at +3 difficulty on all Perception rolls while the mist ensures. This Gift lasts one scene. Taught by: Tambiyah Book: RatH


The Furies of myth did not use swords or axes to destroy enemies of the Gods; the Black Furies of old did not use weapons to slay enemies of Gaia. They used teeth and claws, and sheer animal might. While many Bacchantes certainly do use the tribe’s ritual labrys and bow, and others carry klaives and other fetish weapons, when they frenzy they most often fight with their natural weapons. Even out of frenzy, the Bacchantes recognize the intimidation factor of rending a foe with fang and claw, and many revel in its primal nature. Rend allows the Bacchantes to rip through substances that they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much damage with their natural weapon as another might with a human’s sword. This Gift is taught – sometimes to great comic effect – by a Wine-spirit.

System: Spend 1 Rage and roll Strength + Primal Urge (difficulty 6). For each success, the Fury gains the ability to rip through tough substances for one turn. When wearing any of the three “war forms” (Glabros, Crinos, or Hispo) and using hand-to-hand maneuvers, the character ignores the first three dice of the target’s soak pool – the target rolls three fewer dice to soak. This ability to pierce defenses also applies to inanimate objects such as walls and doors, making it considerably harder to hide from Black Furies inside buildings or underground. In case that a given object does not have a soak or armor rating, treat the Fury’s Strength as being three higher for purposes of the Feat of Strength needed to rip through the object.

Successful uses of Rend to destroy a wall, door, or enemy add 3 dice to the Fury’s next Intimidation roll against those who saw her do so.

Source: Tribebook: Black Furies (revised)

Sense of the Prey

The character, if he knows anything about his prey, can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and is used to track spirits through the Umbra as well as to find beings on Earth. This Gift is taught by a Wolf- or Dog-spirit. System: No roll is required unless the target is actively hiding, in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target's Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit's Gnosis.

Touch of the Muse

With the Gift, the Black Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice, calling the favour of the Muses to herself for a time. She can call upon any of the nine muses to help her in any endeavor that falls within their spheres - singing, dancing, history, seduction or oration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of the Muses. System: A Gnosis roll (difficulty 8) reduces the difficulty of all Social rolls by one per success for any activity that would fall under the something of the muses.

Trail of Pain

First developed by the Amazons of Diana camp, this Gift allows the user to sense persons in agony. The Amazons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus. System: The Garou must focus and spend a Gnosis pint. At least one turn is required for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. A Perception + Empathy roll discerns a single sufferer among many. The Fury can sense any living being in tremendous pain, physical or emotional, within 50 yards. The user senses only the general direction and urgency, but that's typically enough for an angry Black Fury.

Whore's Vengeance

This Gift affects the most sensitive areas of the human or animal anatomy. By causing either minor irritation or wracking pain, Whore's Vengeance can distract or even incapacitate a victim. The target of this Gift need never have visited a house of ill-repute, nor does the Gift user need to practice the profession. A spirit of Lust teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls her Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty equals the target's Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target breaks out in a painful rash in his or her sensitive region. Each success subtracts one die from the target's Dice Pool for the remainder of the scene. This Gift affects only living animals (including humans) and has no effect on spirits or the undead. Taught by: spirit of Lust Book: Wild West Companion

Rang 3

Bacchantes' Rage

(Black Fury Rank 3) When deep in the wilds, the Black Furies can use this Gift to inflict extra damage. Even the toughest Get have walked away with a battle scar due to the effects of this potent Gift - and some haven't walked away at all. This Gift is taught by a Wyld spirit. System: The Garou spends two Gnosis points to activate the Gift. During combat, she may spend Rage points to deal extra damage after a wounding hit; every point spent causes one additional, unsoakable Health Level of damage.

Coup De Grace

The Garou studies her foe, seeking the best place to land a blow, then sets herself up to deliver a devastating attack the following turn. This Gift is taught by an Owl spirit. System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Medicine (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Dodge). If successful, the Garou doubles the damage dice on her next blow, assuming it hits. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target's Stamina + Athletics). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou's next successful attack.

Death Whispers

Die alten Griechen verbanden den Wolf mit dem Tod. Hekate trug drei Wolfsköpfe, während Charon Wolfsohren trug. Garou mit dieser Gabe spiegeln diese Verbindung wider. Indem der Wolf vollkommen still neben einem kürzlich verstorbenen Körper steht, kann er die letzten Worte des Toten hören. Diese Worte sind oft wirr und unzusammenhängend, können aber Hinweise und Verständnis darüber liefern, was im Moment ihres Todes geschah oder welche Gedanken sie zum Zeitpunkt ihres Ablebens am meisten beschäftigten. Die Gabe wird mit jeder Stunde, die seit dem Tod vergangen ist, schwieriger anzuwenden und je länger der Werwolf sich auf die Gabe konzentriert, desto klarer können dessen letzten Worte gehört werden. Diese Gabe kann nur einmal pro Leiche versucht werden und wird von Geister gelehrt, die direkt oder myhtologisch mit dem Tod zusammenhängen, wie Aasfressern oder Psychopompoi.

Flames of Hestia

By invoking this Gift, the Fury can produce white flames around her hands. These flames purify whatever they touch; cleansing tainted food or water. They will also help cure any damage caused by things of the Wyrm, and when used in hand to hand combat, the Gift inflicts great harm upon the creatures of the Wyrm. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia. System: By spending a Gnosis point and then rolling Gnosis against a difficulty of 8, the Fury can produce these flames. Each success reduces damage done by radiation, poison or disease by one Health Level. The flames do one Health Level per success in aggravated damage to Banes, fomori and Black Spiral Dancers if the Fury scores a successful hit while the Gift is invoked. Taught by: Servant of Hestia

Heart Claw

(Black Fury Rank 3) The Fury one of her claws off in a wound, imbuing it with all of her killing intent. The claw continues to burrow into her opponent's flesh, and will not stop until it finds his heart A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: Upon making a successful claw attack, the player spends one point of Willpower. The burrowing claw inflicts one automatic level of unsoakable lethal damage each subsequent turn until it either kills the target or is dug out of the wound (a Dexterity + Medicine action, difficulty 7, requiring a turn's full oncentration). Taught by: Wasp Book: WW20

Song of the Siren

The sound of the Garou's voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Glass Walkers have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight, but can rarely stop a heated combat already in process. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance versus the target's Willpower and spends one Gnosis point. Enchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. The audience can spend Willower to overcome the enchanting effects; to act freely, a listener must spend one point for each of the Galliard's successes.

Veil of the Mother

This Gift allows the Garou to assume a different appearance for a short period of time in order to confuse pursuers or escape detection. Primarily useful in Homid form, the Veil of the Mother alters the physical features of the face, causes the user to seem either shorter or taller by up to 6 inches and changes the body size to reflect a gain or loss of up to 30 pounts. This Gift does not alter the sex or age of the Garou, though it can change skin, hair or eye colour and hair texture or length. The Garou may use the Gift on herself or on another individual, usually someone she is trying to hide or draw attention from. System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Subterfuge (Difficulty 7). The number of successes indicate the degree to which the character can alter her appearance or that of another individual. One success allows only minor details in height weight, facial features, skin tone and other similar qualities. Three successes enables the character to effect a drastic change in her physical form, even to the extent of appearing to be a specific person. (The Garou must, of course, be familiar with the appearance of anyone whose form she assumes). The effect of this Gift lasts for one scene. Taught by: Tambiyah Book: RatH

Visceral Agony

(Black Fury Rank 3) The Garou turns her claws into barbed talons dripping with black venom. The pain caused by these claws is excruciating. The Gift is taught by a pain spirit. System: The Garou spends one Rage point with each attack. The claws inflict no extra damage, but any penalty to actions caused by the claws' wounds is doubled for the duration of the scene (ie: a foe at Wounded would have a -4 penalty to actions). Even if the foe is in frenzy or otherwise resistant to pain, he suffers normal wound penalties.

Wings of Pegasus

By invoking their kinship with Pegasus, the Black Fury can sprout majestic wings, white and feathery like that of the Tribe Totem. The Fury can use these wings in lupus or hispo forms, and may fly along at a considerable speed, even carrying others if her strength permits. System: The wings appear whenever the Garou invokes them. The player must roll Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7 to launch, 6 to fly along and variable depending on other maneuvers). The Fury's speed is approximate 50 mph (85 kph) Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player spends a Gnosis point to produce the wings capable of 50 miles per hour (80 kph) flight, which last until dismissed. Fine flying maneuvers requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller.

Rang 4

Anger of the Goddess

With the force of Gaia Herself, the Black Fury elder strikes down even the most powerful enemies. Few can withstand the righteous anger of Gaia unleashed. The power can take many forms: a lightning bolt from the heavens, an avalanche, or even a tornado. The wrath of the Goddess blindly ravages the innocent and guilty alike. An avatar of Gaia Herself is the only spirit that teaches this Gift. System: The player spends three Rage points to summon Gaia's wrath. The Storyteller determines what freak natural events follow, but the full force of the Goddess strikes the target (multiple lightning bolts, a tornade touching down at his feet, etc.). Unfortunately, the Gift affects everyone around the target as well, as the power of nature is indifferent to innocence. Taught by: An avatar of Gaia Book: Wild West Companion

Body Wrack

(Black Fury Rank 4) The Garou can cause a target to suffer immense pain. This Gift is taught by a pain spirit. System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + 4). Each successes causes the victim to lose one die from all Dice pools as agonising pain sweeps over his body. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty equals the victim's Stamina + 3). If successful, the target is left stunned and convulsing for one round per success. Additionally, the target subtracts one die from all rolls for the rest of the scene.

Calm Before the Stor

m The Black Furies are at heart a tribe of contradiction, they both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of the same. Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. It lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat spirit. System: The Black Fury spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Primal Urge, difficulty 7. A simple success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. If they expect an ambush, they may roll Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8) in order to sense the sudden change of emotion within their own group. If they obtain more successes than the Black Fury on her Primal Urge roll, they can sense the impending assault and run. Otherwise, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the targets to lose one die on each of their rolls for every success the Black Fury initially rolled. Taught by: Cat spirits Book: PG3e

Motherly Guardian

This Gift allows the Garou to "tag" an individual so that she can keep track of her target's health and welfare. The Garou gains a general sense of the individual's location at all times and can sense when the target is in trouble and needs assistence. The Gift lets the Garou know what kind of aid the target needs. The Garou must concentrate on her target in order to gain these insights. The effects of the Gift remain in place for a full cycle of the moon. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower) to set the "tag" on the designated individual. Whenever she concentrates on that person, she receives information about the target's general state of health and present circumstances. When the character attempts to concentrate on the targetted individual, she performs all other actions at a +1 difficulty due to her preoccupation with her charge. Taught by: Tambiyah Book: RatH

Wasp Talons

The Garou may actually hurl her claws through the air at a foe. The Garou is incapable of using this Gift or making a claw attack the next turn, for her claws must actually regenerate. This Gift is taught by a Wasp spirit. System: The Garou rolls Dexterity + Brawl. Damage is normal for the Garou's Strength, while the difficulty is determined by range as though the Garou was using a firearm. The medium range is 20 yards; the Garou receives no modifier at this range. Twice this range (40 yards) is the farthest the claws can be hurled. The difficulty at long range is increased by one. On the other hand, attacks made at targets within a yard of the Garou are considered "point-blank" (difficulty 4). Alternative Versions

From: WW20 The Fury with this Gift can fire her claws from her hand like darts. She can't make claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, of course, but this is rarely a problem when her opponent lies eviscerated on the other side of the room. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl to hit. The difficulty is figured as though the character is using a firearm; the medium range is 20 yards (18 m). Damage is calculated normally for a claw strike. Regenerating fired claws takes one turn.

Rang 5

Gorgon's Gaze

This hideous power of legend can turn living flesh into stone with but a gaze. Victims who make eye contact with the user of this Gift find themselves changed into statues where they stand. This Gift is a closely guarded secret, not to be shared with the other Tribes. Rumours persist that the elder Black Furies can make the effect permanent. Difficulty to find and even more dangerous to approach, the legendary Basilisk spirit can teach this Gift. System: After making eye contact, the player rolls Perception + Occult (Difficulty of the target's willpower) to determine the number of rounds the victim remains stone. The player can double this time with a Willpower point. Alternative Versions

From: WW20 System: After making eye contact, the player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Appearance + Occult (difficulty of the target's Willpower). The victim is completely paralyzed for one turn per success; five successes permanently transform the target to stone.

Wyld Warp

The Garou calls out to the Wyld, the primal force of chaos itself. Success summons one of the great Wyld spirits, or a number of lesser ones, to the Realm. They (or it) will probably help the Garou, but nothing is certain about these creatures of chaos; this is a desperate tactic at best. This Gift is taught by a Wyldling. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and then one Rage point. She then rolls Wits + Enigmas against a difficulty of the area's Gauntlet. Success summons a variable number of Wyld spirits.