Silver Fangs - Gaben: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:

== Aura of Leadership==   
== Aura of Leadership==   
    Similar to the Level Two Silver Fang Gift: Awe, this Gift surrounds the Garou with an aura of authority that enables her to assume the mantle of leadership for a brief period of time. Others react to the Garou as if she was their pack leader - including the pack leader. Of course, there may be repercussions after the effects of the Gift have passed.
Ähnlich wie die Stufe 2 Gabe Awe, umgibt diese Gabe den Garou mit einer Aura der Autorität, die es ihm ermöglicht, für kurze Zeit die Rolle des Anführers zu übernehmen. Andere reagieren auf den Garou, als wäre er der Anführer seines Rudels - einschließlich des Alphas. Natürlich kann es zu Konsequenzen kommen, wenn die Wirkung der Gabe vorbei ist. Gelehrt von Zarok
    System: Th player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target ground). If successful, the difficulties of all Social rolls against the target group are reduced by one. One success enables the character to affect a single target. Additional successes increase the number of individuals who fall unde the effects of the Gift. The effects last for one scene.  
    Taught by: Zarok  
    Book: RatH

== Eye of the Falcon==  
== Eye of the Falcon==  
    This Gift allows the Garou to see long distances with the acuity of a falcon. It is taught by any of Falcon's brood.
Diese Gabe erlaubt es dem Garou, weite Entfernungen mit der Schärfe eines Falken zu sehen. Sie wird von einem Mitglied der Falkenbrut gelehrt.
    System: All visual Perception, Alertness and long-range weapon rolls are at -1 difficulty. This Gift costs one Gnosis point per scene to use.

Falcon's Grasp (Silver Fang Rank 1)
== Falcon's Grasp ==
    A leader must keep a tight grip on his power, and this Gift allows the Garou to do so literally. The Garou's hands or jaws tighten in a mighty death-grip, making it nearly impossible to escape. A falcon spirit teaches this Gift.
Ein Anführer muss seine Macht fest im Griff haben, und diese Gabe erlaubt es dem Garou, dies buchstäblich zu tun. Die Hände oder Kiefer des Garou ziehen sich zu einem mächtigen Todesgriff zusammen, der ein Entkommen nahezu unmöglich macht, aber dabei keinen Schaden zufügen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Falkengeist gelehrt.
    System: The player spends a point of Rage. For the remainder of the scene, the Garou's grip with either hands or jaws (or both at the cost of two Rage) is much stronger. In game terms, the Garou's Strength is considered three points higher for purposes of grappling or maneuvers such as the jaw lock. The Garou may not use this extra Strength to inflict damage.  
    Taught by: Falcon
    Book: WW3e
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 1)
== Inspiration ==
        System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the scene, the Garou's grip (with both hands and jaws) is much stronger -- her Strength is considered three points higher for grappling or maneuvers such as the jaw lock (see Special Maneuvers, p. 299). This extra Strength does not apply to damage rolls.  
Andere Werwölfe sehen einen Ahrou als Anführer in der Schlacht. Ein Grund dafür ist die Gabe Inspiration. Der Silver Fang mit dieser Gabe verleiht seinen Brüdern neue Entschlossenheit und gerechten Zorn. Diese Gabe wird von einem Löwen- oder Wolfsgeist gelehrt.  

Full Moon Cleansing (Silver Fang Rank 1 - Moon Lodge, Ahroun)
== Sense Wyrm ==
    This Gift allows the Garou to shake off Harano by overpowering it with Rage. (The Gift does not dispel Derangements.) Many Silver Fang Ahroun learn this Gift, regardless of lodge. Blood-warrior spirits teach this Gift. To learn it, the Garou must kill the spirit in ritual combat and then burn it in an Umbral fire, and smearing herself with the ashes.
Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.
    System: The player must spends one point of Rage and make a Rage roll (difficulty 7) for the character to activate this Gift. The Gift's effects last for one scene.
Ice Dance (Silver Fang Rank 1)
    The werewolf can move on ice and snow with supernatural grace and speed.
    System: The player spends a Gnosis point to activate this Gift for one day. This is a Gift of balance; Philodox are especially adept at this art. All Dexterity rolls are -1 difficulty while on ice or snow (-2 for Philodox), and a Garou can run at normal speeds through even the deepest snow and on the slickest ice. A Philodox running on ice can double his normal speed. An Ice Elemental teaches this Gift.
Inspiration (Silver Fang Rank 1)
    Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in combat. The Gift of Inspiration is one reason. The Garou with this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to his bretheren. This Gift is taught by a Lion or Wolf spirit.
    System: The Garou spends one Rage point. Comrades automatically receive one success on any Willpower rolls made during the scene. Not that this Gift does not affect its possessor.
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Ahroun Rank 1)
        System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All comrades (but not the Gift's user) receive one Willpower point, which disappears if it is not used before the end of the scene.  
Lambent Flame (Silver Fang Rank 1)
    The Garou can cause a silvery light to ignite around her body. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
    System: The Garou must spend one Willpower point. The effect lasts for the duration of the scene. The light illuminates in a 100-foot radius, and the ensuing glare adds one to the difficulties of all hand-to-hand attacks on the Garou; the difficulties of all missile attacks, however, are reduced by one.
Sense Wyrm (Silver Fang Rank 1)
    The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm." This power requires active concentration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.
    System: The Garou rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty for this Gift is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence (sensing a single formor in a room would have a difficulty of 6). Vampires can be sensed using this Gift, but only those with Humanity scores lower than 7.

=Rank 2=
=Rank 2=

== Awe ==
== Awe ==
The Garou, simply by her bearing and strength, proves to others her mastery and right to rule other tribes. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit.
Der Garou beweist anderen durch sein Auftreten und seine Stärke, dass er ein Anführer ist und das Recht hat, über andere Stämme zu herrschen. Soziale Interaktionen fallen dem Silber Fang leichter und im Kampf wird der Garou viel schwerer zu treffen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Falkengeist gelehrt.
System: The Garou rolls Appearance + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Willpower). If successful, the difficulties for all Social rolls made by the Garou against that target are reduced by one, and the target's difficulty to hit the Garou in combat is increased by one.
== Empathy ==
== Empathy ==
To be a leader among wolves is largely a matter of physical dominance, but a human leader must understand his charges and follow their will to a degree. With this Gift, a Silver Fang can understand those around him and live up to their expectations. A falcon spirit teaches this Gift.
Ein Anführer unter Wölfen zu sein, ist hauptsächlich eine Frage der körperlichen Dominanz, aber ein menschlicher Anführer muss seine Schützlinge verstehen und ihrem Willen bis zu einem gewissen Grad folgen. Mit dieser Gabe kann ein Silber Fang die Menschen um ihn herum verstehen und ihren Erwartungen gerecht werden. Ein Falkengeist lehrt diese Gabe.
    System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty 7). Success indicates that the Garou knows that the majority would like to see, be it attack, mediation, harsh punishment or clemency. The more successes the player rolls, the better the Garou understands the people's desires, even if the people would rather keep those desires secret. Note that this Gift by no means reveals the wisest or most rational decisions, just the most popular one.
    Taught by: Falcon
    Book: WW3e
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 2)
        System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty 4). One success indicates that the Garou knows the general feelings and expectations of any one group. The more successes the player rolls, the greater her understanding of the group's wants and needs.  

== Fool's Silver ==
== Fool's Silver ==
The Silver Fang can trick a victim into thinking an ordinary item is made of silver. Whereas greedy humans flock to the illusion, Garou are usually wary and back away from it. A Lune teaches this Gift.
Der Silberzahn kann einem Opfer vorgaukeln, dass ein gewöhnlicher Gegenstand aus Silber ist. Während gierige Menschen auf die Illusion hereinfallen, sind Garou in der Regel misstrauisch und schrecken davor zurück. Sollte ein Garou dieses Falsche Silber berühren, spührt er für ca. 10 Sekunden den Stich von normalem Silber, danach hört der Phantomschmerz jedoch auf. Ein Lune lehrt diese Gabe.
    System: The Silver Fang concentrates for one turn to make the Gift active. The selected item gleams with a silvery sheen. Garou who hold the item feel the sting of normal silver for about 10 seconds, after which the illusory "pain" vanishes.  
    Taught by: Lune
    Book: Wild West Companion
== Gibbous Moon Song ==
(Silver Fang Rank 2 - Moon Lodge, Galliard)
When used by Fangs of other auspices, this Gift makes the Garou more adept at social situations. It makes Galliards loquacious and silver-tongued in the extreme. Galliard moon-dancers who use this Gift draw upon the moon's mysteries to cast complementary light on their every action. The Galliard naturally draws people's attention. A "social Gaffling" of the Great Green Cheese Spirit (a traditional Bone Gnawer ally) teaches this Gift. This fact is scandalous to most Silver Fangs.
    System: To learn this Gift, the Garou must best the spirit in a word contest (Wits + Enigmas, difficulty 8). The player spends a point of Gnosis for the Garou to use this Gift. All Social Skills are -1 difficulty for the duration of the scene. Galliards who use this Gift are -3 difficulty on all Social rolls.

== Hand Blade ==
== Hand Blade ==
Many Silver Fangs are trained in swordplay as part of their birthright. This Gift
Viele Silver Fangs sind von Geburt an im Umgang mit dem Schwert geübt. Diese Gabe erlaubt es ihnen, sich jederzeit auf diese Fähigkeiten zu verlassen, indem sie ihren Arm in eine rasiermesserscharfe Klinge verwandelt, die schneidet und sticht wie das beste geschmiedete Schwert. Ein Ahnengeist, in der Regel ein ehemaliger Meister des Klaive-Duells, lehrt diese Gabe.
allows them to rely on such skills at any time by turning their arm into a razor-sharp blade that slices and cuts like the best-forged sword. An ancestor spirit, usually a former klaive-dueling master, teaches this Gift.
    System: The player spends a point of Rage to transform one or both hands. For the rest of the scene, he may use his arm like a sword by rolling Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 6). Such attacks inflict Strength + 2 aggravated damage, as his claws are part of the blade.  
    Taught by: Ancestor
    Book: WW20

== Luna's Armour ==
== Luna's Armour ==
The Garou calls upon the blessing of Luna to deter any damaging attacks aimed at her. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
Der Garou ruft den Segen Lunas an, um alle schädlichen Angriffe abzuwehren, die auf ihn gerichtet sind (einschließlich Silber). Diese Gabe wird von einer Lune gelehrt.
System: The Garou concentrates for one turn, spends one Gnosis point, and rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 6). Each success allows the Garou to add one to her Stamina for the purpose of soaking damage (including silver). The effect lasts for one scene.

== Proclamation of Action ==
== Proclamation of Action ==
This Gift enables the Garou to force an end to discussion and take the course of action the character thinks is best. The werewolf can literally command others to act as he bids, although only if they had been previously dithering over a course of action
Diese Gabe ermöglicht es dem Garou, Diskussionen zu beenden und den Weg einzuschlagen, den der Charakter für den besten hält. Der Garou kann anderen buchstäblich befehlen, so zu handeln, wie er es für richtig hält, aber nur, wenn diese zuvor unentschlossen waren, wie sie vorgehen sollen. Gelehrt von Zarok.  
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership to put a damper on discussions that have gone on too long. ("Enough talk. Let's do it"). Each success allows the character to affect a single target. A character desiring to resist the effects of the Gift must make a Willpower roll (difficulty of the Gift user's Willpower + 1, up to a maximum of 10). This Gift lasts for one scene.  
    Taught by: Zarok
    Book: RatH

== Reason ==  
== Reason ==  
The Silver Fang who uses this Gift may temporarily free himself from Harano and Derangements. This Gift may also be used to partially defend against all sanity-endangering attacks. Examples of such attacks include the Galliard Gift: Headgames, and Malkavian Dementation Discipline and invasive uses of Mind magick. A Firebird-spirit teaches this Gift.
Der silber Fang , der diese Gabe einsetzt, kann sich vorübergehend von Harano und Geisteskrankheiten befreien. Diese Gabe kann auch verwendet werden, um sich teilweise gegen alle Angriffe zu schützen, die die geistige Gesundheit gefährden wie bestimmte Galliard-Gaben, Malkavianer-Disziplinen, Sorcery welche den Verstand beeinflussen und invasive sind. Diese Gabe wird von einem Feuervogel-Geist gelehrt.
    System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and roll Willpower (difficulty 7). The Garou overcomes all mental dysfunctions for a number of scenes equal to the number of successes rolled. All psychic attacks against the Garou's sanity are reduced by one die. If the player botches the roll, the character's dementia becomes painfully intense for a day.

== Truce of Helios ==
== Sense Silver ==
(Silver Fang Rank 2 - Sun Lodge)
Als vollkommende Krieger müssen Ahroun auf jede Eventualität vorbereitet sein - Silberwaffen eingeschlossen - und die Natur der Lathos macht dieses Gabe fast schon überlebenswichtig für sie, da sie keine Form besitzen in der sie vor den Effekten des Silbers geschützt sind. Silberfänge wiederrum preisen Silber als Material für Klaives und wollen darauf vorbereitet sein, wenn ein potentieller Rivale solch eine Waffe mit sich trägt. Entsprechend lässt dieses Gift den Anwender spüren ob sich Silber in seiner Nähe befindet und mit ausreichender Konzentration kann sogar der präzise Ort rausgefunden werden. Diese Gabe wird von einer Lune gelehrt.
    Helios is, among other things, a spirit of reason and diplomacy. Garou who follow him are often skilled diplomats. This Gift helps ensure that the other side at least listens to the Garou's words. Helios is also an honorable Celestine; the Silver Fang may not use this Gift as a ruse to gain momentary advantages (gain time to set an ambush, for example). A Garou may learn this Gift from one of the Children of Karnak or from a Firebird-spirit.
    System: The player must roll Charisma + Etiquette (difficulty 7). If successful, the Silver Fang negotiates under a spiritually enforced flag of truce. All those whom he negotiates with must make Willpower rolls (difficulty 9, two successes needed) to attack the Garou. The truce lasts one hour for each success rolled. If the Silver Fang breaks the words of the truce, the effects of the Gift end and will never work on the same target again. Additionally, the Silver Fang loses three points of temporary Honor. This Gift costs a Gnosis point to use.

== Word of Honor ==
== Word of Honor ==
To a Silver Fang, honour is everything. This Gift imbues a Garou's words with his honourable bearing. As long as the Silver Fang speaks the truth, others believe him. An Eagle spirit teaches the Silver Fangs how to speak clear and true.
Für einen Silver Fang ist Ehre alles. Diese Gabe verleiht den Worten eines Garou seine ehrenvolle Haltung. Solange der Garou  die Wahrheit spricht, glauben ihm die anderen. Jeder, der zuhört, erfährt, dass der Anwender der Gabe die Wahrheit spricht. Die Zuhörer sind nicht unbedingt geneigt, dem Fang zu gehorchen oder seinen Vorschlägen zu folgen, aber die Fakten sind klar. Der Silver Fang muss die Wahrheit sprechen, sonst geht die Gabe automatisch nach hinten los. Ein Adlergeist lehrt die Silver Fangs, wie man klar und wahr spricht.
    System: By spending a Gnosis point, the Silver Fang can make every word he says bear the ring of truth. Anyone who listens hears that the Gift user speaks true. Listeners are not necessarily inclined to obey the Fang or follow his suggestions, but the facts are clear. The Silver Fang must speak the truth, or the Gift automatically backfires.

=Rang 3=
=Rang 3=

== Burning Blade ==  
== Burning Blade ==  
This Gift causes a Garou's weapon, whether it's a sword, klaive or axe, to burn with a deadly fire that burns her enemy even as it bites into their flesh. A firebird spirit teaches this Gift.
Diese Gabe bewirkt, dass die Waffe eines Garou, sei es ein Schwert, eine Klaue oder eine Axt, mit einem tödlichen Feuer brennt, das den Gegner verbrennt, während es sich in sein Fleisch beißt. Entflammbare Gegenstände fangen Feuer, wenn sie von der Klinge getroffen werden. Ein Feuervogelgeist lehrt diese Gabe.
    System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn, and the player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to activate the Gift. The weapon now does two extra dice of aggravated fire damage. Flammable objects will catch fire if struck by the blade. The weapon remains ignited for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.  
    Taught by: Firebird
    Book: WW20

== Claim of Authority ==
== Claim of Authority ==
There are times when a Silver Fang cannot be present at important moots or meetings, and must send another Garou in her place. To make sure that any advantages to be gained aren't neglected, a Silver Fang with this Gift can grant her messenger some of her own natural authority. It is taught by an ancestor spirit.
Es kommt vor, dass ein Silver Fang bei wichtigen Anlässen oder Versammlungen nicht anwesend sein kann und einen anderen Garou an seine Stelle schicken muss. Um sicherzugehen, dass die Vorteile des Purebreeds des Silver Fang, nicht vernachlässigt werden, kann er mit dieser Gabe seinem Stellvertreter etwas von seiner eigenen natürlichen Autorität verleihen. Für eine Woche besitzt der Stellverteter die gleiche Stufe an Purebreed, wie der Silver Fang für den er eintritt. Die Gabe wird von einem Ahnengeist gelehrt.
    System: The Silver Fang spends on one point of Gnosis and one point of Willpower before selecting a Garou as her representative. For a week thereafter, the representative is considered to possess the same level of Pure Breed as the Silver FAng, so long as she notes the name of the Silver Fang she speaks for. This Gift may not be used on an unwilling target.  
    Taught by: Ancestor spirit
    Book: PG3e

== Dominance Blow ==
== Dominance Blow ==
Smart Garou know to pay the Silver Fangs their due. Stupid ones openly challenge them, and force the Silver Fangs to assert their dominance. This Gift allows a Silver Fang to easily knock down would-be rebels by connecting physical dominance with rightful leadership. When this Gift is working, might does make right. Lupus Silver Fangs are fond of this Gift, which resembles wolf understandings of alpha standing. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift
Kluge Garou wissen, dass sie die Silver Fang anerkennen sollen. Dumme Garou fordern sie offen heraus und zwingen die Silver Fangs, ihre Vorherrschaft zu behaupten. Diese Gabe erlaubt es einem Silver Fang, Möchtegern-Rebellen mit Leichtigkeit niederzuschlagen, indem er körperliche Dominanz mit rechtmäßiger Führung verbindet. Wenn diese Gabe funktioniert, dann ist Macht das Recht. Jeder Schlag den ein Silver Fang gegen seinen Kontrahenten ausführt, erhöt das soziale Ansehen des Silber Fangs und schüchtert diesen ein. Die Schläge müssen dabie nicht mit voller Kraft ausgeführt werden. Lupus-Silverfänge lieben diese Gabe, die dem Verständnis der Wölfe vom Alphastatus ähnelt. Ein Wolfsgeist lehrt diese Gabe
    System: The player spends one point of Rage, and rolls Charisma + Brawl, difficulty 7. If the rolls succeeds, then every blow the Silver Fang strikes against a specific target grants the Silver Fang an additional die in all Social rolls against that target, allowing him to browbeat or intimidate the target more easily. The blow need not be full force to grant the bonus, which lasts for one day.
    Taught by: Wolf spirits
    Book: PG3e
== Half-Moon Mnemonics ==
(Silver Fang Rank 3 - Moon Lodge, Philodox)
Luna's Philodox aspect is the teacher of ways and the keeper of memories. The Garou who learns this Gift may recall any moment with crystal clarity, freezing it forever in her mind. The Garou may then study the moment at her leisure, coming at it from almost any angle. Silver Fang Philodox are forever replaying captured memories, and thus seem especially distant to others. A Sea-spirit teaches this Gift; the Garou hears indistinct water-spirit voices throughout her training. Ideally, the Silver Fang stares into water when using this Gift to recall a memory.
    System: The player must spend one point of Gnosis for the character to "photograph" a moment, and must make a Wits + Alertness roll, difficulty 6. If the Garou attempts to access the memory later, the player must make an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7; 5 when the Fang is looking into water). A botch means the image disappears forever, leaving an actual hole in the Garou's memory. A Fang may have on more memories "on file" than her permanent Gnosis score, but may "dump" unwanted images at will.
== Honor Pact ==
(Silver Fang Rank 3 - Sun Lodge)
The Honor Pact is another Gift of diplomacy. All participants must enter into the pact willingly. Those who participate exchange blood (most often by cutting their palms open) and swear oaths to Falcon. Spiritual bonds connect participants, and they may not work against each other's interests in any way. (The Storyteller has final say in what constitutes the edict.) Packmates bound by this oath are highly resistant to the tendrils of the Defiler Wyrm. The Children of Karnak teach this Gift.
    System: Three temporary Gnosis points must be spent by each participant, while four must be spent by the user of the Gift. The players must also make a Charisma + Rituals roll (difficulty 7). Previous rivalries or differences between pactmakers are greatly lessened, reducing the difficulties of all Social rolls among themselves by -2. All attempts by agents of the Defiler Wyrm to corrupt those under an Honor Pact are at +2 difficulty. Garou who invoke this Gift but who frequently squabble or fight destroy the Gift's effects over time. The effects of the Gift last forever or until a participant breaks faith. The person who does so suffers five Health Levels of aggravated damage (as he is rent by the spirit-talons of Falcon), and is marked as an oath-breaker (as the Stone of Scorn rite).

== Princely Bearing ==
== Princely Bearing ==
This Gift allows a Garou to temporarily raise her Rank. During this time, she is considered to be of that Rank, and thus can issue challenges and rulings appropriate to that Rank. This Gift is not used in the presence of other Silver Fangs, but traditionally only used when interacting with the lesser tribes.
Diese Gabe erlaubt es einer Garou, ihren Rang vorübergehend zu erhöhen. Während dieser Zeit wird sie als Angehörige dieses Ranges betrachtet und kann daher Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen aussprechen, die diesem Rang angemessen sind. Diese Gabe wird nicht in Gegenwart anderer Silver Fangs eingesetzt, sondern traditionell nur im Umgang mit den niederen Stämmen.
    System: The Garou must roll Charisma + Leadership at a difficulty of 9 and spend a Willpower point. One rank is gained for 1 success, 2 ranks if three successes are rolled, and so on. The maximum rank that can be gained is limited by their leadership score. A botch reveals the Silver Fang's perfidity.

== Silver Bullets ==
== Silver Bullets ==
The Gift allows the Silver Fang to change the composition of his ammo. As he fires each shot, the bullet changes to deadly silver. Lunes and Ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.
Die Gabe erlaubt es dem Silver Fang, die Zusammensetzung seiner Munition zu verändern. Bei jedem Schuss, den er abgibt, verwandelt sich die Kugel in tödliches Silber. Lunes und Ahnengeister lehren diese Gabe.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point as he fires his gun. The bullet changes to silver and causes regular damage to normals, but it inflicts terrifying wounds on Garou. The bullet remains silver after it strikes (whether what it hits is its target or not). The altered bullets do not reduce the Silver Fang's Gnosis unless he recovers them.  
Taught by: Lune or Ancestor-spirit
Book: Wild West Companion

== Silver Claws ==  
== Silver Claws ==  
The Garou can turn her claws into silver, making her a terror against other Garou on the battle field. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
Die Garou kann seine Klauen in Silber verwandeln, was sie ihn einem Schrecken gegen andere Garou auf dem Schlachtfeld macht. Die Silberklauen sind effektiv gegen alle Ziele und neben den Garou können auch viele andere Fera die damit zugefügten Wunden nicht ohne weiteres heilen. Solange die Gabe manifestiert ist erleidet der Werwolf gleißende Schmerzen, die seine Rage anfachen und ihn mit der Zeit in Frenzy treiben können. Diese Gabe wird von einem Lune gelehrt.
System: The Garou rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). All claw wounds inflict aggravated damage, which cannot be soaked by Garou. While the Garou manifests the claws, she suffers searing agony. Each turn she gains an automatic Rage point; furthermore, all noncombat difficulties are increased by one because of the distraction. When her Rage points exceed her Willpower, she must check for Frenzy.

== Talons of Falcon ==
== Talons of Falcon ==
This deadly Gift turns the Garou's claws into impaling weapons, allowing her to cut muscle, bone and sinew as if it were paper. Combined with the Gift: Razor Claws, this is a truly devastating attack. A falcon of the Great Flock teaches this Gift.
Diese tödliche Gabe verwandelt die Klauen des Garou in aufspießende Waffen, mit denen er Muskeln, Knochen und Sehnen durchschneiden kann, als wären diese aus Papier. In Kombination mit der Gabe: Razor Claws ist dies ein wahrhaft verheerender Angriff, der bis zum Ende des Kampfes nicht geheilt werden kann. Ein Falke der Großen Schar lehrt diese Gabe.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and makes the usual Dexterity + Brawl roll to attack. The Garou makes a screeching sound like that of a bird of prey as she strikes. The attack does Strength + 3 damage and all healing powers (such as Mother's Touch) are at +1 difficulty to treat the wound.
Alternative Versions
From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 3)
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and makes a Dexterity + Brawl roll to attack. The attack does three additional levels of damage, and its damage may not be regenerated for the rest of the scene.  

== Undisputed Ruler ==
== Undisputed Ruler ==
This Gift allows a Garou to take over the leadership of a small gathering of humans (whether a paramilitary group of town council) or a group of spirits for a period of up to 6 months. During this time, the targeted group accepts the Garou as their leader, rendering her the honor, respect and obedience due her position. The group demonstrates a high degree of loyalty, obeying the Garou's instructions in a manner approrpriate to her position (as orders if they are paramilitary, or as legally binding decisions if the position is akin to that of a town mayor, for instance). If the Garou uses this Gift in the Umbra, the targetted group of spirits will follow the Garou's commands as if she were a greater spirit such as an Incarna. This Gift lasts anywhere from a week to six months.
Diese Gabe ermöglicht es einem Garou, die Führung einer kleinen Gruppe von Menschen (sei es eine paramilitärische Gruppe oder ein Stadtrat) oder einer Gruppe von Geistern für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 6 Monaten zu übernehmen. Während dieser Zeit akzeptiert die Zielgruppe den Garou als ihren Anführer und erweist ihm die Ehre, den Respekt und den Gehorsam, die seiner Position gebühren. Die Gruppe zeigt ein hohes Maß an Loyalität und befolgt die Anweisungen der Garou in einer Weise, die ihrer Position angemessen ist (als Befehle, wenn es sich um eine paramilitärische Gruppe handelt, oder als rechtlich bindende Entscheidungen, wenn die Position beispielsweise der eines Bürgermeisters entspricht). Wenn die Garou diese Gabe im Schattenreich einsetzt, befolgen die Geister der Zielgruppe die Befehle der Garou, als wäre sie ein höherer Geist wie ein Incarna. Diese Gabe hält zwischen einer Woche und sechs Monaten an. Gelehrt von Zarok.  
    System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target group). The Gift lasts for a period of time as follows.
    Success Duration
    One One week
    Two One month
    Three Two months
    Four Four months
    Five Six months
    This Gift is only successful against mortals and spirits of no greater than Jaggling status, although "borderline" supernaturals such as ghouls and Kin are susceptible.
    Taught by: Zarok
    Book: RatH

== Undisputed Ruler ==
== Wrath of Gaia ==
This Gift allows a Garou to take over the leadership of a small gathering of humans (whether a paramilitary group of town council) or a group of spirits for a period of up to 6 months. During this time, the targeted group accepts the Garou as their leader, rendering her the honor, respect and obedience due her position. The group demonstrates a high degree of loyalty, obeying the Garou's instructions in a manner approrpriate to her position (as orders if they are paramilitary, or as legally binding decisions if the position is akin to that of a town mayor, for instance). If the Garou uses this Gift in the Umbra, the targetted group of spirits will follow the Garou's commands as if she were a greater spirit such as an Incarna. This Gift lasts anywhere from a week to six months.
Der Garou wird von seinen Feinden als das enthüllt, was Gaia für ihn vorgesehen hat: Ihr auserwählter Krieger. Wyrm-Bestien (inklusive Vampire mit Menschlichkeit niedriger als 7) werden vor Angst fliehen, wenn sie ihre instinktive Angst vor Gaias Verteidiger nicht überwinden können. Diese Gabe wird von einem Avatar Gaias selbst gelehrt.
    System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target group). The Gift lasts for a period of time as follows.
    Success Duration
    One One week
    Two One month
    Three Two months
    Four Four months
    Five Six months
    This Gift is only successful against mortals and spirits of no greater than Jaggling status, although "borderline" supernaturals such as ghouls and Kin are susceptible.
    Taught by: Zarok
    Book: RatH

== Wrath of Gaia ==
The Garou is revealed by his foes as that which Gaia intended him to be: Her Chosen Warrior. Wyrm beasts will flee in fear unless they can master their instinctual terror of Gaia's Defender. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Gaia Herself.
    System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 6). All agents or minions of the Wyrm (including Kindred with Humanity scores less than 7) in the vicinity must make Willpower rolls (difficulty 7). If a Wyrm creature does not match or exceed the Garou's successes, it will flee in terror for the duration of the scene.

=Rang 4=
=Rang 4=

== Command the Heart of Rage ==
== Command the Heart of Rage ==
Zeile 202: Zeile 90:
== Enthronement ==
== Enthronement ==
The Garou can create small or simple objects out of thin air - including mist, clouds or wind. By shaping the air around him with his hands, the Garou may form a solid block of matter to serve as a chair, create a bowl or cup for holding liquid or construct some other useful item. Alternatively, the Garou can form small, stone-sized balls of air to use as hurled weapons against his enemies. The items last until the Garou disperses them.
The Garou can create small or simple objects out of thin air - including mist, clouds or wind. By shaping the air around him with his hands, the Garou may form a solid block of matter to serve as a chair, create a bowl or cup for holding liquid or construct some other useful item. Alternatively, the Garou can form small, stone-sized balls of air to use as hurled weapons against his enemies. The items last until the Garou disperses them.
    System: The player simply rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 7). The character may form one small item of solidified air for each success, or use two or more successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne-like seat). "Air-stones" used as weapons do the character's Strength + 1 normal damage, and dissipate upon contact with their target (or any other solid substance). In addition, the victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to remain on her feet when the "air-stone" discharges its mass. If she fails the Stamina roll, the victim is stunned for the remainder of the round and can take no action.  
    Taught by: Zarok  
System: The player simply rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 7). The character may form one small item of solidified air for each success, or use two or more successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne-like seat). "Air-stones" used as weapons do the character's Strength + 1 normal damage, and dissipate upon contact with their target (or any other solid substance). In addition, the victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to remain on her feet when the "air-stone" discharges its mass. If she fails the Stamina roll, the victim is stunned for the remainder of the round and can take no action.  
    Book: RatH
Taught by: Zarok  
Book: RatH

== Ignore Death Blow ==
== Ignore Death Blow ==
Tales say that the first Silver Fang died and was reborn; since that time, the Fangs have passed down this Gift. A Fang with this Gift can choose to ignore what would be a killing blow. This Gift is taught by a Lion spirit.
Tales say that the first Silver Fang died and was reborn; since that time, the Fangs have passed down this Gift. A Fang with this Gift can choose to ignore what would be a killing blow. This Gift is taught by a Lion spirit.
    System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack. The damage simply does not occur; no special handicaps take effect, either.  
System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack. The damage simply does not occur; no special handicaps take effect, either.  
    Alternative Versions
Alternative Versions
From: PG3e (Silver Fang Rank 5)
The Fangs claim they rule by divine right, and after seeing this Gift in action, few garou disagree. The Silver Fang simple ignores a blow that would otherwise kill him. Seeing a blade swung with perfect accuracy toward someone's neck and watching it fail to sever the head is something few Garou will forget - especially if they were swinging the sword. A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack.
Taught by: A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon

        From: PG3e (Silver Fang Rank 5)
Sidestep Death - From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4)
        The Fangs claim they rule by divine right, and after seeing this Gift in action, few garou disagree. The Silver Fang simple ignores a blow that would otherwise kill him. Seeing a blade swung with perfect accuracy toward someone's neck and watching it fail to sever the head is something few Garou will forget - especially if they were swinging the sword. A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon teaches this Gift.
System: Once per scene, the player may spend three Willpower points to evade a single attack that would inflict enough damage to place the Fang's health levels below Crippled (before soak). The Garou simply appears instantly at the nearest location not affected by the attack, which may be an inch, a mile, or even farther away.
        System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack.
        Taught by: A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon
        Sidestep Death - From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4)
        System: Once per scene, the player may spend three Willpower points to evade a single attack that would inflict enough damage to place the Fang's health levels below Crippled (before soak). The Garou simply appears instantly at the nearest location not affected by the attack, which may be an inch, a mile, or even farther away.  

== Mastery ==
== Mastery ==
Zeile 224: Zeile 115:
== Mindblock ==
== Mindblock ==
The Garou possesses a powerful psychic shield, increasing the difficulty of all attempts to affect or attack her mentally. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit.
The Garou possesses a powerful psychic shield, increasing the difficulty of all attempts to affect or attack her mentally. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit.
    System: All attempts to affect or attack the Garou mentally are made against a difficulty of 10. This includes vampiric Domination and Presence.
    Alternative Versions

        From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4)
From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4)
        System: The difficulties of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou's mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading, illusions, possession, and so forth) are raised to 10. The effects of this Gift are permanent, but do not apply to magic which sways the Garou's emotions.  
System: The difficulties of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou's mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading, illusions, possession, and so forth) are raised to 10. The effects of this Gift are permanent, but do not apply to magic which sways the Garou's emotions.

=Rang 5=
=Rang 5=
Zeile 239: Zeile 128:
Taught by: Falcon  
Taught by: Falcon  
Book: WWtDA
Book: WWtDA
== Grand Jesture ==
By bestowing appropriate gifts on an individual or a group, the Garou increases her esteem and reputation in the eyes of the recipients of her largesse. The targets of this Gift tend to listen favourably to suggestions made by the Gift's user and to support her arguments or come to her aid in a battle of words or weapons. This Gift lasts for an entire scene. When the effects of the Gift come to an end, the individuals affected may still continue to regard the Garou with some residual respect depending on their experiences while the Gift was active.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the highest Willpower in the target group). Each success allows her to affect one individual. While the Gift is in effect, all Gifts or Social rolls involving persuasion are automatically successful against the affected individuals.
Taught by: Zarok
Book: RatH

== Luna's Avenger ==
== Luna's Avenger ==
The Garou can transform her entire body into purest silver. She becomes a nigh-unstoppable warrior. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
The Garou can transform her entire body into purest silver. She becomes a nigh-unstoppable warrior. This Gift is taught by a Lune.
System: The Garou concentrates for a turn and spends one Gnosis point. This Gift confers immunity to silver, and all of the Garou's attacks gain benefits equivalent to those conferred by the Silver Claws Gift (level three Ahroun). In addition, the Garou gains two extra Stamina levels, and an extra Ok Health Level. The effect lasts for one scene.
System: The Garou concentrates for a turn and spends one Gnosis point. This Gift confers immunity to silver, and all of the Garou's attacks gain benefits equivalent to those conferred by the Silver Claws Gift (level three Ahroun). In addition, the Garou gains two extra Stamina levels, and an extra Ok Health Level. The effect lasts for one scene.
== New Moon Legerdemain ==
(Silver Fang Rank 5 - Moon Lodge, Ragabash)
This no-moon Gift represents Luna's deepest mysteries. Garou who invoke this Gift attract and command dozens of invisible, minor trickster spirits (strangelings, chimaera and Wyldlings). The creatures dance maddeningly around the Garou in the Penumbra, protecting her from harm, but causing consternation among those in the area. The spirits play tricks on everyone around them, saving their most dangerous pranks for the Garou's enemies. However, the nature of this Gift only allows the spirits to be summoned at night.
    System: An avatar of Luna herself teaches this Gift, and learning it puts a Garou in Luna's service forever. Only Garou who perform a great service in Gaia's name may learn this Gift. It costs a permanent point of Gnosis to learn, and the spirits it attracts stay with the Garou until she dies. Although the spirits generally like "their Garou", they do not always listen to her orders and may even play minor pranks on her. (Furthermore, those who fail to keep their spirits in line may suffer penalties to Social rolls.) Keeping one's spirits under control should be roleplayed, but should not interfere too much with the game. The spirits are semidormant most of the time, playing only the occasional halfhearted prank. They become genuinely active during a New Moon or when the Garou wishes it. To awaken the spirits requires a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6), and the player must spend one Gnosis point. The spirits awaken for one night per success. The Garou may also put them back to sleep until needed again with the expenditure of another Gnosis point and with another roll (two successes are needed). When activated, mischievous spirits beset all the Garou's enemies in a 25-foot radius, pinching and tripping them. All rolls made by the Garou's enemies are at a +2 difficulty, and their Dice Pools are reduced by two. The spirits can also steal one item from one enemy in a given battle, as long as that enemy is in the Umbra. The nature of the item is completely random (Storyteller's discretion), but usually of little worth. The creatures may or may not show their treasures to their Garou, depending on how they regard her. Some powerful creatures (Jagglings or Incarna) may temporarily disperse a Garou's spirits by spending Gnosis. Otherwise, the spirits fade away completely during the day.

== Paws of the Newborn Cub ==
== Paws of the Newborn Cub ==
(Silver Fang Rank 5)
The Garou prevents a target from using any special or supernatural abilities. She is as a newborn cub, with only mundane powers at her disposal. This Gift is taught by Falcon-spirit.
    The Garou prevents a target from using any special or supernatural abilities. She is as a newborn cub, with only mundane powers at her disposal. This Gift is taught by Falcon-spirit.
From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 5)
    System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the victim's Stamina + 3). Each success removes all special abilities of the opponent (aggravated damage, claws, Gifts, vampiric Blood Pool, mage Spheres, regenerative powers, special attacks) for one turn.
System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success removes all supernatural powers (shapeshifting, Gifts, Disciplines, and any other sort of supernatural or magical power) from the target for one turn.  
    Alternative Versions
        From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 5)
        System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success removes all supernatural powers (shapeshifting, Gifts, Disciplines, and any other sort of supernatural or magical power) from the target for one turn.  
== The Secret of Gaia ==
(Silver Fang Rank 5)
    When the Great White Wolf died to save Gaia, he learned her secrets. The nature of the actual "Secret of Gaia" is obscure, but few question that the Silver Fangs have a deep and ancient connection with the Earth Mother. This Gift is a powerful aspect of this relationship. The Garou who uses this Gift becomes completely aware of her immediate vicinity in vivid detail. The Fang is aware of the area's topography, wildlife and the local spirit population. The Silver Fang also becomes aware of Gaia's condition in the area, but in a very general sense - Gaia is pained, feels trapped, whatever. An avatar of Gaia teaches this Gift, but only to the worthy. Silver Fangs of any auspice may learn it, but it is most common among Theurges and those of House Wise Heart.
    System: The Secret of Gaia is a more powerful version of the Theurge Gifts: Spirit Speech and Pulse of the Invisible. The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) and spends one point of Gnosis to activate this Gift. The Garou becomes preternaturally aware of a one-mile radius for each success, almost becoming part of it. The Garou can automatically see into the Penumbra and all Perception rolls are at -3 difficulty. Furthermore, all local non-Wyrm spirits are well-disposed toward the character, granting +2 on all Social rolls involving them. Finally, one extra die is added to all Dice Pools (save those involving combat) while the Garou is in the higher state bestowed by this Gift. The Gift's effects last one hour for each point of permanent Gnosis the Garou possesses. If the player botches the roll, the character becomes acutely aware of Gaia's agonies and succumbs to the most severe pangs of Harano for an entire scene.


Aktuelle Version vom 9. September 2024, 01:07 Uhr

Rang 1

Aura of Leadership

Ähnlich wie die Stufe 2 Gabe Awe, umgibt diese Gabe den Garou mit einer Aura der Autorität, die es ihm ermöglicht, für kurze Zeit die Rolle des Anführers zu übernehmen. Andere reagieren auf den Garou, als wäre er der Anführer seines Rudels - einschließlich des Alphas. Natürlich kann es zu Konsequenzen kommen, wenn die Wirkung der Gabe vorbei ist. Gelehrt von Zarok

Eye of the Falcon

Diese Gabe erlaubt es dem Garou, weite Entfernungen mit der Schärfe eines Falken zu sehen. Sie wird von einem Mitglied der Falkenbrut gelehrt.

Falcon's Grasp

Ein Anführer muss seine Macht fest im Griff haben, und diese Gabe erlaubt es dem Garou, dies buchstäblich zu tun. Die Hände oder Kiefer des Garou ziehen sich zu einem mächtigen Todesgriff zusammen, der ein Entkommen nahezu unmöglich macht, aber dabei keinen Schaden zufügen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Falkengeist gelehrt.


Andere Werwölfe sehen einen Ahrou als Anführer in der Schlacht. Ein Grund dafür ist die Gabe Inspiration. Der Silver Fang mit dieser Gabe verleiht seinen Brüdern neue Entschlossenheit und gerechten Zorn. Diese Gabe wird von einem Löwen- oder Wolfsgeist gelehrt.

Sense Wyrm

Der Werwolf kann in der Nähe Manifestationen des Wyrm spüren. Diese Gabe beinhaltet einen mystischen Sinn, kein visuelles oder olfaktorisches Bild, obwohl Garou die spirituellen Ausströmungen des Wyrm oft als "Gestank" beschreiben und sagen: "Es riecht nach Wyrm". Die Garou müssen sich aber erinnern, dass der Taint des Wyrms auch an relativ unschuldigen Seelen haften kann. So kann der Anwender auch schuldlose Personen spüren, die lediglich in einer vom Wyrm verseuchten Fabrik arbeiten oder spirituell verdorbenes Essen zu sich genommen haben. Die Kraft ist nicht reflexartig und benötigt aktive Konzentration um Quellen von Wyrmtaint auszumachen. Es ist dabei deutlich einfacher einen Fomor im Nebenraum zu aufzuspüren, als die Fährte eines Banes der auch nur vor einer Stunde am gleichen Ort wie der Garou war. Vampire mit einer Menschlichkeit von weniger als 7 registrieren als Kreaturen des Wyrms, unabhängig ob der Blutsauger überhaupt von dessen Existenz weiß. Diese Gabe kann von jedem Gaian Spirit gelehrt werden.

Rank 2


Der Garou beweist anderen durch sein Auftreten und seine Stärke, dass er ein Anführer ist und das Recht hat, über andere Stämme zu herrschen. Soziale Interaktionen fallen dem Silber Fang leichter und im Kampf wird der Garou viel schwerer zu treffen. Diese Gabe wird von einem Falkengeist gelehrt.


Ein Anführer unter Wölfen zu sein, ist hauptsächlich eine Frage der körperlichen Dominanz, aber ein menschlicher Anführer muss seine Schützlinge verstehen und ihrem Willen bis zu einem gewissen Grad folgen. Mit dieser Gabe kann ein Silber Fang die Menschen um ihn herum verstehen und ihren Erwartungen gerecht werden. Ein Falkengeist lehrt diese Gabe.

Fool's Silver

Der Silberzahn kann einem Opfer vorgaukeln, dass ein gewöhnlicher Gegenstand aus Silber ist. Während gierige Menschen auf die Illusion hereinfallen, sind Garou in der Regel misstrauisch und schrecken davor zurück. Sollte ein Garou dieses Falsche Silber berühren, spührt er für ca. 10 Sekunden den Stich von normalem Silber, danach hört der Phantomschmerz jedoch auf. Ein Lune lehrt diese Gabe.

Hand Blade

Viele Silver Fangs sind von Geburt an im Umgang mit dem Schwert geübt. Diese Gabe erlaubt es ihnen, sich jederzeit auf diese Fähigkeiten zu verlassen, indem sie ihren Arm in eine rasiermesserscharfe Klinge verwandelt, die schneidet und sticht wie das beste geschmiedete Schwert. Ein Ahnengeist, in der Regel ein ehemaliger Meister des Klaive-Duells, lehrt diese Gabe.

Luna's Armour

Der Garou ruft den Segen Lunas an, um alle schädlichen Angriffe abzuwehren, die auf ihn gerichtet sind (einschließlich Silber). Diese Gabe wird von einer Lune gelehrt.

Proclamation of Action

Diese Gabe ermöglicht es dem Garou, Diskussionen zu beenden und den Weg einzuschlagen, den der Charakter für den besten hält. Der Garou kann anderen buchstäblich befehlen, so zu handeln, wie er es für richtig hält, aber nur, wenn diese zuvor unentschlossen waren, wie sie vorgehen sollen. Gelehrt von Zarok.


Der silber Fang , der diese Gabe einsetzt, kann sich vorübergehend von Harano und Geisteskrankheiten befreien. Diese Gabe kann auch verwendet werden, um sich teilweise gegen alle Angriffe zu schützen, die die geistige Gesundheit gefährden wie bestimmte Galliard-Gaben, Malkavianer-Disziplinen, Sorcery welche den Verstand beeinflussen und invasive sind. Diese Gabe wird von einem Feuervogel-Geist gelehrt.

Sense Silver

Als vollkommende Krieger müssen Ahroun auf jede Eventualität vorbereitet sein - Silberwaffen eingeschlossen - und die Natur der Lathos macht dieses Gabe fast schon überlebenswichtig für sie, da sie keine Form besitzen in der sie vor den Effekten des Silbers geschützt sind. Silberfänge wiederrum preisen Silber als Material für Klaives und wollen darauf vorbereitet sein, wenn ein potentieller Rivale solch eine Waffe mit sich trägt. Entsprechend lässt dieses Gift den Anwender spüren ob sich Silber in seiner Nähe befindet und mit ausreichender Konzentration kann sogar der präzise Ort rausgefunden werden. Diese Gabe wird von einer Lune gelehrt.

Word of Honor

Für einen Silver Fang ist Ehre alles. Diese Gabe verleiht den Worten eines Garou seine ehrenvolle Haltung. Solange der Garou die Wahrheit spricht, glauben ihm die anderen. Jeder, der zuhört, erfährt, dass der Anwender der Gabe die Wahrheit spricht. Die Zuhörer sind nicht unbedingt geneigt, dem Fang zu gehorchen oder seinen Vorschlägen zu folgen, aber die Fakten sind klar. Der Silver Fang muss die Wahrheit sprechen, sonst geht die Gabe automatisch nach hinten los. Ein Adlergeist lehrt die Silver Fangs, wie man klar und wahr spricht.

Rang 3

Burning Blade

Diese Gabe bewirkt, dass die Waffe eines Garou, sei es ein Schwert, eine Klaue oder eine Axt, mit einem tödlichen Feuer brennt, das den Gegner verbrennt, während es sich in sein Fleisch beißt. Entflammbare Gegenstände fangen Feuer, wenn sie von der Klinge getroffen werden. Ein Feuervogelgeist lehrt diese Gabe.

Claim of Authority

Es kommt vor, dass ein Silver Fang bei wichtigen Anlässen oder Versammlungen nicht anwesend sein kann und einen anderen Garou an seine Stelle schicken muss. Um sicherzugehen, dass die Vorteile des Purebreeds des Silver Fang, nicht vernachlässigt werden, kann er mit dieser Gabe seinem Stellvertreter etwas von seiner eigenen natürlichen Autorität verleihen. Für eine Woche besitzt der Stellverteter die gleiche Stufe an Purebreed, wie der Silver Fang für den er eintritt. Die Gabe wird von einem Ahnengeist gelehrt.

Dominance Blow

Kluge Garou wissen, dass sie die Silver Fang anerkennen sollen. Dumme Garou fordern sie offen heraus und zwingen die Silver Fangs, ihre Vorherrschaft zu behaupten. Diese Gabe erlaubt es einem Silver Fang, Möchtegern-Rebellen mit Leichtigkeit niederzuschlagen, indem er körperliche Dominanz mit rechtmäßiger Führung verbindet. Wenn diese Gabe funktioniert, dann ist Macht das Recht. Jeder Schlag den ein Silver Fang gegen seinen Kontrahenten ausführt, erhöt das soziale Ansehen des Silber Fangs und schüchtert diesen ein. Die Schläge müssen dabie nicht mit voller Kraft ausgeführt werden. Lupus-Silverfänge lieben diese Gabe, die dem Verständnis der Wölfe vom Alphastatus ähnelt. Ein Wolfsgeist lehrt diese Gabe

Princely Bearing

Diese Gabe erlaubt es einer Garou, ihren Rang vorübergehend zu erhöhen. Während dieser Zeit wird sie als Angehörige dieses Ranges betrachtet und kann daher Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen aussprechen, die diesem Rang angemessen sind. Diese Gabe wird nicht in Gegenwart anderer Silver Fangs eingesetzt, sondern traditionell nur im Umgang mit den niederen Stämmen.

Silver Bullets

Die Gabe erlaubt es dem Silver Fang, die Zusammensetzung seiner Munition zu verändern. Bei jedem Schuss, den er abgibt, verwandelt sich die Kugel in tödliches Silber. Lunes und Ahnengeister lehren diese Gabe.

Silver Claws

Die Garou kann seine Klauen in Silber verwandeln, was sie ihn einem Schrecken gegen andere Garou auf dem Schlachtfeld macht. Die Silberklauen sind effektiv gegen alle Ziele und neben den Garou können auch viele andere Fera die damit zugefügten Wunden nicht ohne weiteres heilen. Solange die Gabe manifestiert ist erleidet der Werwolf gleißende Schmerzen, die seine Rage anfachen und ihn mit der Zeit in Frenzy treiben können. Diese Gabe wird von einem Lune gelehrt.

Talons of Falcon

Diese tödliche Gabe verwandelt die Klauen des Garou in aufspießende Waffen, mit denen er Muskeln, Knochen und Sehnen durchschneiden kann, als wären diese aus Papier. In Kombination mit der Gabe: Razor Claws ist dies ein wahrhaft verheerender Angriff, der bis zum Ende des Kampfes nicht geheilt werden kann. Ein Falke der Großen Schar lehrt diese Gabe.

Undisputed Ruler

Diese Gabe ermöglicht es einem Garou, die Führung einer kleinen Gruppe von Menschen (sei es eine paramilitärische Gruppe oder ein Stadtrat) oder einer Gruppe von Geistern für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 6 Monaten zu übernehmen. Während dieser Zeit akzeptiert die Zielgruppe den Garou als ihren Anführer und erweist ihm die Ehre, den Respekt und den Gehorsam, die seiner Position gebühren. Die Gruppe zeigt ein hohes Maß an Loyalität und befolgt die Anweisungen der Garou in einer Weise, die ihrer Position angemessen ist (als Befehle, wenn es sich um eine paramilitärische Gruppe handelt, oder als rechtlich bindende Entscheidungen, wenn die Position beispielsweise der eines Bürgermeisters entspricht). Wenn die Garou diese Gabe im Schattenreich einsetzt, befolgen die Geister der Zielgruppe die Befehle der Garou, als wäre sie ein höherer Geist wie ein Incarna. Diese Gabe hält zwischen einer Woche und sechs Monaten an. Gelehrt von Zarok.

Wrath of Gaia

Der Garou wird von seinen Feinden als das enthüllt, was Gaia für ihn vorgesehen hat: Ihr auserwählter Krieger. Wyrm-Bestien (inklusive Vampire mit Menschlichkeit niedriger als 7) werden vor Angst fliehen, wenn sie ihre instinktive Angst vor Gaias Verteidiger nicht überwinden können. Diese Gabe wird von einem Avatar Gaias selbst gelehrt.

Rang 4

Command the Heart of Rage

The Silver Fang can reach into the heart of another Garou and stifle her opponent's Rage. Even a frenzied Garou must obey the Fang's command. An avatar of Falcon teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point and selects a target. The Fang and the victim make resisted Willpower rolls. If the Silver Fang wins, she can dictate when and how much Rage the victim spends. This Gift works on frenzied Garou as well. Taught by: avatar of Falcon Book: Wild West Companion

Crescent Moon Fata

(Silver Fang Rank 4 - Moon Lodge, Theurge) Garou with this Gift can examine the tapestry of fate itself, carefully discerning individual threads to learn something of an object's past or destiny. System: To learn this Gift, a Garou must best a potent spider or firefly Jaggling of Moira (a moon incarna). The challenge is usually a contest of arcane game-craft (Wits + Occult or Enigmas; difficulty 9; 7 for Theurges). If the roll is botched, the Jaggling becomes offended and leaves, stealing three temporary Gnosis in the process. The player must make a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 5) and spend a point of Gnosis to activate this Gift. The Garou sees one "thread" per success. The Storyteller should be inventive, though somewhat cryptic, in relating visions of fate. The Garou may see the fate of a given person, place or thing. (A Garou with four successes could apply one thread to four separate targets, or all four threads to one target). The Garou may see into the past or future (character's choice); to see into both, two threads must be applied to the same target. A thread grows indistinct the further it stretches into the past or future. How far the Garou sees depends on how many successes are applied in either direction. One success allows him to see several hours into the past or a few minutes into the future. Five successes applied in a single direction may allow the Garou to see several days into the future or hundreds or years into the past.


The Garou can create small or simple objects out of thin air - including mist, clouds or wind. By shaping the air around him with his hands, the Garou may form a solid block of matter to serve as a chair, create a bowl or cup for holding liquid or construct some other useful item. Alternatively, the Garou can form small, stone-sized balls of air to use as hurled weapons against his enemies. The items last until the Garou disperses them.

System: The player simply rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 7). The character may form one small item of solidified air for each success, or use two or more successes to shape a larger item (such as a throne-like seat). "Air-stones" used as weapons do the character's Strength + 1 normal damage, and dissipate upon contact with their target (or any other solid substance). In addition, the victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) to remain on her feet when the "air-stone" discharges its mass. If she fails the Stamina roll, the victim is stunned for the remainder of the round and can take no action. Taught by: Zarok Book: RatH

Ignore Death Blow

Tales say that the first Silver Fang died and was reborn; since that time, the Fangs have passed down this Gift. A Fang with this Gift can choose to ignore what would be a killing blow. This Gift is taught by a Lion spirit. System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack. The damage simply does not occur; no special handicaps take effect, either.

Alternative Versions

From: PG3e (Silver Fang Rank 5) The Fangs claim they rule by divine right, and after seeing this Gift in action, few garou disagree. The Silver Fang simple ignores a blow that would otherwise kill him. Seeing a blade swung with perfect accuracy toward someone's neck and watching it fail to sever the head is something few Garou will forget - especially if they were swinging the sword. A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon teaches this Gift. System: Once per scene, the Fang can spend a Willpower point and ignore all damage from a single attack. Taught by: A lion-spirit or avatar of Falcon

Sidestep Death - From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4) System: Once per scene, the player may spend three Willpower points to evade a single attack that would inflict enough damage to place the Fang's health levels below Crippled (before soak). The Garou simply appears instantly at the nearest location not affected by the attack, which may be an inch, a mile, or even farther away.


The Garou can command other Garou (including Wyrm-tainted Garou such as Black Spiral Dancers) to do her bidding. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit. System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty of the target's Wits + 3). The Garou can cause the target to obey any non-suicidal command for one turn per success. This Gift works only against Garou.


The Garou possesses a powerful psychic shield, increasing the difficulty of all attempts to affect or attack her mentally. This Gift is taught by a Falcon spirit.

From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 4) System: The difficulties of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou's mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading, illusions, possession, and so forth) are raised to 10. The effects of this Gift are permanent, but do not apply to magic which sways the Garou's emotions.

Rang 5

Divine Regalia

The Silver Fang girds himself in shimmering, mystical armor, and a terrible light plays about his countenance. His very appearance causes even the boldest warriors to flee, but brings hope to the hearts of his packmates. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Falcon. System: THe player spends one Rage and one Gnosis to invoke the armor; the effects last for a scene. While the Gift is in effect, the Fang gains three extra soak dice, which can be used to soak even silver. Anyone meeting the Silver Fang's eyes (for example, if attempting to Dominate the Fang) must make Willpower rolls, difficulty 9, or immediately flee in panic as if entering a fox frenzy. For as long as his packmates are within line of sight of the Fang, they gain one extra die on all their dice pools, and two bonus successes on all Willpower tests. Divine Regalia cannot be invoked if the Garou is already wearing armor of any sort, whether mundane mail or a Gift such as Luna's Armor. Taught by: Falcon Book: WWtDA

Luna's Avenger

The Garou can transform her entire body into purest silver. She becomes a nigh-unstoppable warrior. This Gift is taught by a Lune. System: The Garou concentrates for a turn and spends one Gnosis point. This Gift confers immunity to silver, and all of the Garou's attacks gain benefits equivalent to those conferred by the Silver Claws Gift (level three Ahroun). In addition, the Garou gains two extra Stamina levels, and an extra Ok Health Level. The effect lasts for one scene.

Paws of the Newborn Cub

The Garou prevents a target from using any special or supernatural abilities. She is as a newborn cub, with only mundane powers at her disposal. This Gift is taught by Falcon-spirit. From: WW20 (Silver Fang Rank 5) System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the target's Willpower). Each success removes all supernatural powers (shapeshifting, Gifts, Disciplines, and any other sort of supernatural or magical power) from the target for one turn.