Glasswalker - Gaben
Rang 1
Agro Culture
(Glass Walker Rank 1 - City Farmer)
The Garou can cause plants to take root and grow in places where it is usually impossible for plants to grow. This Gift does not make plants grow supernaturally fast; it simply gives them a chance for life where none existed before. The plants must still be tended to and watered. However, the plants can use artificial substances such as concrete and plastic for soil. They dig their roots in and grow. Plants can even be coaxed to grow out of walls, as long as they are nurtured during the process. This Gift is taught by plant spirits. System: The Garou must plant seeds in the area to be fertilized. If this is a concrete wall, he must place the seeds in cracks within the surface. He then rolls Charisma + Science (or Herbology) against a difficulty dependent on the toxicity of the area. An abandoned lot might by 5, a typical city building bathed in the smog of passing cars might be 6 or 7, while an oil spill site might be 9.
Control Simple Machine
The Garou may speak to the primal urban spirits in the simplest mechanical devices (no electronics, et al), causing them to operate or shut down as he sees fit. Levers flip, pulleys roll, screws unscrew, doors unbolt, etc This Gift is taught by any technological spirit. System: The Garou spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Repair (difficulty 7). The Glass Walker's control lasts for the duration of the scene. Alternative Versions
From: WW20 System: The Garou spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Glass Walker's control lasts for the duration of the scene.
At a glance, the Glass Walker can tell what is wrtong with a machine. He can then enlist the aid of the machine's spirit in repairing the faulty device. Any technological spirit can teach this Gift. System: The player rolls Perception + Crafts to determine the problem. She then spends one Gnosis point as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of the device to aid her in fixing it. (Most spirits are happy to do so - they don't want to be junk!) The time to fix the device is halved, and the player may subtract any successes on the Perception + Crafts roll from the successes necessary to fix the device. Taught by: A technological spirit Book: WW3e Alternative Versions
From: WW20 System: The character automatically succeeds at all attempts to diagnose a problem with broken technological devices. The player spends one point of Gnosis as the Garou mentally convinces the spirit of a broken device to aid her in fixing it. The time required to fix the device is halved, as are the number of successes needed to repair it. Taught by: A technological spirit
Diese Gabe stärkt die Überzeugungskraft des Garous und füllt seine Aussagen mit Bedeutung und Glaubwürdigkeit. Der Effekt ist so stark, dass der Garou deutlich mehr Eindruck mit seinen Worten hinterlässt, als gewöhnlich. So kann er Argumente mit Hardlinern gewinnen oder einen kaltherzigen Psychipathen davon überzeugen von seinen Opfern abzulassen (für eine gewisse Zeit). Es wird von Ahnen-Geistern gelehrt.
Plug and Play
All of the Weavers's works are connected through the same web, the same song. The Glass Walkers exploit this truth to draw more power from the modern profusion of technology, making their devices compatible with almost everything. A Net Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the next day, any computer the Glass Walker uses -- no matter how simple -- becomes fully compatible with any other digital device, regardless of obstacles such as different operating systems, lack of physically compatible access ports, or even the complete absence of any means of receiving or interpreting a wireless signal. Generally, Glass Walkers use this Gift to turn their smart phones into omni-compatible access keys to computer networks, security feeds, and even car GPS systems. Taught by: Net Spider Book: WW20
Rope Tricks
(Glass Walker Rank 1 - Iron Riders)
The Garou can perform simple tricks with any length of rope she is touching. From a simple string to a noose, any rope obeys her every wish like a well-trained snake. A Spider-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point and must come in contact with the rope she wishes to control. For the remainder of the scene or until she loses contact, the rope writhes and dances at her command. The Gift affects only one rope at a time and every new contact requires another Willpower point. Taught by: Spider-spirit Book: Wild West Companion
Sense Weaver
The Garou may sense Weaver spirits or energies in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by Informational Geomids. System: This Gift is invoked on a successful roll of Perception + Science. The difficulty is determines by the Storyteller.
Sheng-Nong's Eyes
(Glass Walker Rank 1 - Boli Zousizhe)
The Boli Zousizhe can see from the perspective of his tools and draw on their concentration for the task at hand, allowing him to perform multiple actions with ease. While this was originally used to wield two swords with equal dexterity, any tools can be used; even the werewolf's own hands count as a "tool". Either a monkey-spirit or a spirit of war teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point to receive an extra action. For the rest of the scene, the Garou need not be able to see his opponents in order to attack them. No visibility modifiers or off-hand penalties affect his actions while this Gift is in effect. Taught by: Monkey; War Book: WW20
Smith's Blessing
(Glass Walker Rank 1 - Warders) The tools of man have great value in a world that resists shaping, and few people can afford to lose even one. This Gift allows the Warder to make a brokem, worn, rotted or dulled tool like new once more - wood becomes hale, notches vanish, cracks mend. Although the item doesn't precisely become new - anyone can tell at a glance that it's obviously been used before - it is once again in good shape, as though lovingly maintained since its creation. This Gift is taught by a Hearth or Forge spirit. System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Crafts, difficulty 6. The more successes, the better the condition of the item; a good roll can even make a flawed creation superior to when it left the forge. Taught by: Hearth or Forge spirits Book: WWtDA
Threads of the Tapestry
This Gift allows the Garou to determine the basic elements of a situation that seems confused or deliberately obfuscated. THe Garou can discern which individual in a group really holds power or whether someone is acting under duress. System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Each success allows the character to unconver one basic behind-the-scenes fact, usually the leader of a group or the emotional context of an otherwise poker-faced contact. Taught by: Shantar Book: RatH
Trick Shot
This Gift, once an acquired taste, has undergone a recent surge in popularity. It allows the Garou to execute brilliant feats of sharpshooting, such as shooting a weapon from an opponent's hand or firing down the barrel of an enemy's gun. The Garou cannot use this Gift to harm an opponent directly, however, and he can use Trick Shot only with rifles, pistols or revolvers. Air-spirits teach this Gift.
System: The player adds the character's permanent Glory rating to his dice pool when performing a really outlandish shooting trick. Again, this Gift does not allow direct damage to targets ("I'll shoot him between the eyes!"), but it can be used to injure opponents indirectly ("I'll shoot the rope that's holding the chandalier over his head!"). The effects are permanent. Taught by: Air spirits Book: WW3e
Rang 2
The Garou, through studying his own senses and the tools of science, may alter his sensory perceptions to those of a machine. Thus, he can change his hearing to detect radar, change his eyes to detect UV emissions or radiation, etc. This Gift is taught by any technological spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point per sense affected. Thereafter, he substitutes a Perception + Science roll for any Perception rolls involving the new sense(s). The effect lasts for a scene.
Der Garou kann herausfinden, was mit einem Gerät nicht stimmt und es an Ort und Stelle reparieren, so dass es für kurze Zeit wieder funktioniert. Je nach dem wie Erfolgreich er ist, kann er den Gegenstand so reparieren, dass er zwischen ein paar Minuten bis mehrere Stunden lang, funktioniert. Wenn er besonders Glück hat, kann er den Gegenstand dauerhaft repariert, sofern er nicht übermäßig benutzt oder beschädigt wurde. Gelehr von Shantar.
Fu Xi's Honour
(Glass Walker Rank 2 - Boli Zousizhe) When confronted with a threat to a helpless member of the werewolf's family or pack, the Boli Zousizhe can rise above her normal limits to defend them. The spirit of any animal that mates for life may teach this Gift. System: The Storyteller must agree that the member of the Garou's family or pack is indeed helpless and unable to defend himself. (With rare exception, any human facing a werewolf should be considered helpless.) The player may then spend one Rage and add one die to all her character's Physical Attributes for every point of permanent Honor the character possesses, for the duration of the scene. Taught by: Animals that mate for life Book: WW20
Garafena's Crown
Garafena was a mythical serpent in Russian folklore that sat upon a golden crown and was called upon to give blessing to his followers. A recent Gift that has only been known since 1998, Garafena now offers his blessings to any Garou who wears his mark. This Gift is taught by a snake spirit. System: The Glass Walker must don a crown of some description, a hate, or even a scrab of fabric wrapped around their head will do. The player then spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, any guns fired by the Glass Walker will never run out of ammunition. Taught by: Snake spirit Book: PG3e
Gift of Salt
(Glass Walker Rank 2 - Warders)
This unassuming and yet highly useful Gift allows a Warder to preserve food at the peak of its freshness, that he might enjoy its bounty year-round. The Warders use this Gift often, not only to assure that they have a supply of food that won't offend their acute senses, but also to help maintin the health of their Kin. The only drawback is that all food preserved in this manner takes on a slightly salty taste (as if dusted with tears) - but most folk consider this aftertaste, even on fruit, much preferable to the usual flavours of mould and rot. This Gift is taught by a Salt-spirit System: The player spends a Gnosis point for each 20 pounds of food to be preserved, and rolls Intelligence + Herbalism (difficulty 6). The food remains fresh and insect-free for one month per success. Taught by: Salt spirits Book: WWtDA
Hads full of Thunder
Many Glass Walkers regard the gun as the ultimate sign of the power of the modern age, and make pacts with the spirits to assure that their firearms do not become useless, primitive clubs in the midst of battle. A technological spirit or war-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, any gun the Glass Walker fires won't run out of ammunition, so long as it had ammo to begin with. Burst restrictions are still recommended with automatic weapons to keep the gun from overheating and jamming. Taught by: Technology; War Book: WW20
Heat Metal
Glass Walkers - who understand the workings of science and spirits alike - can mystically excite the molecules within metal. Metal heated in such a way can be forged, molded or used to sear flesh. A red-hot crowbar can be a very effective weapon, and heating the exterior of a gasoline tanker can have explosive results. Glass Walkers learn this gift from fire, metal or earth elementals. System: The Glass Walker must spend one Gnosis point and successfully roll Intelligence + Repair. The difficulty varies from base metals (such as copper or lead) at difficulty 6 to complex alloys (such as steel or titanium alloy) at difficulty 7. The number of successes equals the number of rounds the metal stays heated. Touching heated metal causes one aggravated, unsoakable Health Level of damage per round.
Jam Technology
Der Garou kann technische Geräte in seiner Umgebung temporär außer Gefecht setzen. Diese Gabe befällt alle technischen Geräte in einem 15 Meter Radius von ähnlicher Komplexität, wobei der Garou sich aktiv dafür entscheidet auf was für Geräte er sich konzentrieren will. Dies können von Computern über Telefonen oder Autos bis hin zu sogar simplen Messern jede Form von theoretisch "technischen" Werkzeugen oder Geräte sein. Je komplexer, desto einfacher ist es diese mit der Gabe außer Gefecht zu setzen. Computer stürzen ab, Waffen blockieren, Autos versagen oder sogar Messer schneiden schlichtweg nicht mehr. Kein befallenes Gerät wird jedoch dauerhaft zerstört oder beschädigt und funktioniert wie normal sobal die Gabe aufhört zu wirken. Gelehrt wird die Gabe von Gremlins, Wyld-Geistern welche mit einer Vorliebe dafür Dinge zu zerstören.
Mask the Predator
(Glass Walker Rank 2 - Warders)
Even the gentlest Warder unsettles horses, dogs and other domestic animals with his presence. This Gift allows a Warder to temporarily hide his presence. This Gift allows a Warder to temporarily hide his inner Rage, allowing him to ride horses or work with dogs as if he were an ordinary man. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any domesticated animal - a face that has earned the Warders much derision among other tribes. System: The player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken. Success means that animals treat the Warder as if he was an ordinary human for the duration of the scene. However, this power is ineffective against wolves; the Warders have had little luck in winning the confidence of their wild relatives. Taught by: Domesticated animal spirits Book: WWtDA
Pennies From Heaven
The Garou can convince money spirits to improve the value of his money by changing the denominations of the coinage or currency. This Gift is taught by money spirits. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Politics. The difficulty depends on the final desired denomination. It doesn't matter what the money already is, although few Garou will change dollars into pennies at a loss. The amount of money changed depends on the number of successes. (Storytellers of non-U.S. chronicles should adjust the following chart to the closest equivalent foreign currency.) Denomination changed to: Difficulty Penny 3 Nickel 4 Dime 5 Quarter 6 Dollar bill 7 Five dollar bill 8 Twenty dollar bill 9 Any other currency 10 Successes Amount (in coins or bills) 1 5 2 10 3 20 4 50 5 100 Glass Walker financial managers frown on the blatant use of this Gift, since it tends to attract the attention of other supernaturals who are concerned with money (such as the mage Syndicate). If too much of this mutant money hits the market too quickly, there will surely be supernatural retribution from other parties.
Phone Diving
By invoking this Gift and calling upon his ability to step between worlds, a Glass Walker with this Gift can travel along the phone lines that span the globe. The number must first be dialed and physically answered - answering machines, voicemail and modems prevent this Gift from working. System: By spending a Willpower point and then making a Gnosis roll (difficulty of the local Gauntlet), the Garou can travel from their current location to wherever their call is answered. The time taken is the same as the time to travel through the Gauntlet, but even if the receiver is replaced in that time, the Gift is still successful. A botch on the Gnosis roll sends the Garou catapulting into the unknown.
Power Surge
By speaking with the spirits of electricity, the Garou may cause a blackout over a wide-spread area. This Gift is taught by an electricity elemental. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Science (difficulty 7). The area blacked or browned out depends on the number of successes rolled. One success is a single circuit, two for an entire house or storey and so on.
With this Gift, the Garou does not need to take time to reload her firearm; the Gift reloads the weapon automatically with shells or shot she carries on her person. A Metal-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Garou need spend only one Willpower point and have the appropriate type of ammunition on hand. For the rest of the scene, her gun remains loaded until she runs out of reserves. Shots fired beyond her normal maximum vanish from her gunbelt or satchel. Taught by: Metal-spirit Book: Wild West Companion
Steel Fur
Garou with this Gift can temporarily convert their fur into steel. This Gift is taught by metal or earth elementals. System: the Garou must spend one Willpower point and roll Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success adds one to the Garou's soak dice pool. The effect lasts for one scene or until the Garou decides to convert the metal back into fur. While this Gift is active, the Garou suffers a +1 difficulty to all Social rolls (except among Glass Walkers) and Dexterity rolls.
Rang 3
Control Complex Machines
The Garou may bargain with the strange spirit life of the electronic world, thereby controlling cars, calculators, computers, video games, et al. The Gift is taught by a Net-Spider (the knowledge is sometimes stolen from the spirit, much as a cracker copies protected files). System: The Garou spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + an appropriate skill (Computer, Science, Electronics) against a difficulty ascertained by the Storyteller (usually 8). This control lasts for the duration of the scene.
Data Flow
The Glass Walkers originally developed this Gift as a "remote control" for new electronic devices. As the computer gained importance, this Gift gained a whole new utility. Glass Walkers now use this ability to take control of the data resources that are so important to the world's economy and to the world in general. By focussing her attention on a single computer, a Glass Walker can take control of that machine from across the room. She can order it to erase its memory, alter security clearances, transmit false data or simply print a document. An electrical spirit or the even more complex computer spirits can teach this Gift. System: A successful Wits + Computer roll (difficulty 7) plus the expenditure of one Gnosis point establishes contact with the computer. as long as the Garou keeps her target in line of sight, she can maintain contact with the machine. While this Gift allows remote access, the Garou must still make all the appropriate rolls to manipulate the computer.
The Glass Walkers are the tribe of glass, steel, and electricity. This last element can be used to directly damage opponents that the Glass Walker can either touch, or who are touching a conductive material such as metal or water. An electricity-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a number of Rage points. Each point of Rage spent inflicts two levels of aggravated wounds on the Glass Walker's opponents. These levels of damage may be divided among as many opponents as the number of Rage points invested in this Gift. As usual, the character cannot spend more Rage than half of his permanent rating in one turn. Taught by: Electricity Book: WW20
Elemental Favour
By cajoling a nearby urban elemental, the Garou can get the elemental to perform one "favor" for her. This can include the manipulation or even destruction of the elemental's housing - thus a metal vault door might unlock itself, a glass sheet might explode at the Garou's enemies, cables might coil around the Garou's opponents, etc. This Gift is taught by any urban elemental. System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Subterfuge against a difficulty of the elemental's Gnosis. Alternative Versions
It's impossible to keep a cockroach out of a house, and equally impossible to keep out a Glass Walker with this Gift. Once activated, this Gift allows the Glass Walker to open any barrier presented to her: doors unlock at her approach, and padlocks fall open with no explanation. A cockroach-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). For exactly one minute afterward, all forms of locks and barriers allow her passage, from computerized vault locks to barricades of 2x4s nailed up across doors. Mystically sealed barriers still require a roll to bypass, but every success on the initial Gnosis roll adds one automatic success to such attempts. Barriers disabled by this Gift do not automatically re-seal themselves. Taught by: Cockroach Book: WW20
By invoking this Gift, the Glass Walker can use pseudo-science to create minor gadgets and devices to get him out of a fix. The closer the theory is to the laws of Science, the more likely the Gift can fool reality for the few necessary moments. System: The player must roll Intelligence + Repair (difficulty 8, modified by Storyteller whim). A Gnosis point must be spent to alter the material so that it will work as the Garou intends.
Lightning Rage
(Glass Walker Rank 3 - Iron Riders) The Iron Rider can channel her Rage into an electrical charge. With this Gift, she can shock opponents whom she is able to touch or who are in contact with a conductive material (e.g., metal or water). A Lightning-spirit teaches this Gift. System: For every Rage point the player spends, she can inflict three soakable, aggravated wounds on as many Garou (or fewer). Taught by: Lightning-spirit Book: Wild West Companion
Reshape Object
Der Garou kann ein ehemals lebendiges Material (aber kein untotes) in eine Vielzahl von Objekten verwandeln. So können Bäume zu einer Unterkunft werden, ein Hirschgeweih zu einem Speer, Tierfelle zu Rüstung und Blumen zu Parfüm. Das hergestellte Objekt wird äusserlich immernoch an das Material erinnern, aus dem es gemacht wird - der Speer wäre z.B. komplett aus Horn und nicht aus Holz. Die Verwandlung ist dabei nicht permanent, ausser der Garou verbringt einen längeren Zeitraum damit die Gabe auf das Material und das Resultat anzuwenden, was spirituell fordern für den Anwender ist. Hergestellte Waffen können mit dem Gnosis des Garous erfüllt werden um ihre Potenz zu erhöhen und übernatürlichen Schaden zu verursachen. Eine Pattern Spider - ein Geist der Weberin - lehrt diese Gabe.
Tangling the Skein
This Gift enables the Garou to cause confusion among her enemies by mixing up their perceptions so that they cannot decide who to follow or what to do next. The effect resembles that of the Gift: Mitanu's Deliberate Misinformation, except it distorts what others discern through sight or memory, rather than through what they hear. Victims may mistake one person for another and follow the wrong leader or they may go to the wrong meeting place in the mistaken impression they are proceeding to the correct spot. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). Each success allows the character to alter one visual or remembered perception for her victim. She can cause a Black Spiral Dancer to confuse the weakest member of his pack for the pack leader or make a rival show up at the wrong caern for an important meeting. Taught by: Shantar Book: RatH
== Tongues == (Glass Walker Rank 3 - Warders) This Gift allows the user to read or write any human language encountered, no matter how ancient or obscure. Galliards often use this Gift when translating ancient texts to revive old legends or compose new songs for Moots. This Gift is taught by a Raven-spirit. System: After spending one Willpower point, the player rolls her Intelligence+Linguistics. The obscurity and relative age of the language determines the difficulty. A common modern language such as Spanish is difficulty 4. An ancient and obscure tongue such as Etruscan, would be difficulty 8 (the difficulty increases in later years as more time has passed since the death of the most ancient tongues). The number of successes determines the character's fluency with the language. Taught by: Raven Book: WWtDA
== Weaponmaster (== Glass Walker Rank 3 - Warders) Over the past few centuries, humans have developed a bewildering array of weapons. The Warders have great respect for this talent for war, and have learned this Gift to take advantage of that talent. A Warder with this Gift can utilise any man-made weapon as if he were fully trained in it from childhood; this Gift is particular popular among lupus. This Gift is taught by a War spirit System: No roll is necessary; the granted expertise is automatic. When using any weapon, no matter how unfamiliar, the Warder's attach dice pool is squal to the total of his Dexterity + Melee (or Archery, as appropriate) or his Gnosis pool, whichever is higher. In addition, no matter how many modifiers may apply, the difficulty of his attack roll cannot exceed 8. This Gift is not effective when dealing with firearms, a fact that contributes to its eventual obsolenescence. Taught by: War spirit Book: WWtDA
Web Walker
This Gift allows a Glass Walker to move along the Pattern Web through the Umbra. Possessing this Gift prevents a Garou from being trapped in the Gauntlet - while they cannot leave the Gauntlet for an hour, they can move within its structure. System: To move onto the pattern web requires the expenditure of a point of Gnosis. Once there, Weaver spirits will ignore the Glass Walker on a roll of Charisma + Science against a difficulty of 7. To avoid the chance of being trapped within the Gauntlet, the Garou must spend a point of Gnosis before rolling to step sideways.
Rang 4
By standing in a particular area, the character can commune with the spirits of the area, thus getting an overview or what exists or has happened in the area - rough population, secret tunnels, places of note and so on. This Gift is taught by a Rat spirit to Bone Gnawers and a Cockroach spirit to the Glass Walkers. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Streetwise (difficulty 6). The amount of information gathered depend on the number of successes; on a botch, the spirits lie. This Gift may only be used in urban areas, as the Gnawers have become desensitised to the wilderness.
Camera Eye
The Garou can "film" events simply by looking at them. They will be recorded onto the retina of the werewolf who uses this Gift and can be later transferred onto video tape or still film. While the images thus captured can be as artful as any photographic shot, they cannot be altered until they are later transferred to a physical medium. System: Any sight that the Garou witnesses can be captured with the expenditure of a Gnosis point and a roll of Perception + Alertness (or Performance for artistic shots) at a difficulty 5. To transfer the images to a viewable medium, the Garou must stare at the object and spend a Willpower point. This Gift lasts for a scene.
Corner Shot
This Gift makes any Glass Walker goodfella a feared opponent. Any single bullet fired will "home in" on its target, regardless of any cover or changes in direction is needs to take. Only single shots will work - autofire in not possible. System: The Garou player must spend a point of Gnosis, and then roll Dexterity + Firearms at the normal difficulty. As long as the named target is within the range of the gun and within 90 degrees either side of the way the Garou is pointing, they will be hit with the bullet as if it was fired in a straight line.
The Garou may take the exact likeness of a particular human or wolf, or even another Garou. This is taught by a Chameleon spirit, or a spirit of Illusion. System: The Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8). The effect lasts for one day per success.
Phone Travel
Much like the level 2 Gift of Phone Diving, Phone Travel lets the Garou step through the phone lines, surfing the phone networks until he arrives at his destination. Unlike the original Gift, however, the phone need not be answered for the Garou to appear. System: The Garou simply steps sideways as per normal, but chooses to travel down the phoneline. No Willpower point is spent, and if the Gnosis roll is botched, the Gift simply fails. However, because the phone receiver at the far end does not need to be lifted (although the Garou needs to know the number) there is a chance that the Garou can be trapped at the far end of the line. If the other end of the phone line is a modem, answering machine or voice mail, the Garou must make a Wits + Athletics roll (difficulty 7) to dodge ending up in the wrong place. If they fail - well, listening to the voicemail or answering machine message will surprise its owner. If the other end of the line is a modem, then the Garou is catapulted into the Computer Realm.
Shantar's Loom
The use of this Gift allows the Garou to craft some item from the energy provided by either Gnosis, Rage or Willpower. The item may not involve multiple parts or have an overly complex make-up. For example, a Garou cannoy make a gun using this Gift, but she can craft a dagger or hunting knife. System: The Garou spends either a Gnosis, Rage or Willpower point and rolls Dexterity + Repair (difficulty 8 for simple items, 9 for more sophisticated ones). One success produces the item desired, while additional successes refine its quality and durability. The Storyteller may require additional successes to make an item from an inappropriate trait - such as making a child's blanket from a Rage point. The item lasts a day per success. Taught by: Shantar Book: RatH
Signal Rider
From the telegraph to the cell phone, the Glass Walkers have always kept up good relations with spirits of cutting-edge communication. This Gift allows the Garou to open a moon bridge that rides the back of a telephone signal, transporting her instantly to the location of whoever is on the other end of the line. A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower and one Gnosis to open the moon bridge. The Garou must have a connection between a telephone at her location and one at the target destination to use this Gift, although it doesn't discriminate between landlines or cell phones -- some werewolves have even reported success in riding the back of online conferencing software, although doing so successfully requires a Wits + Computers roll (difficulty 7). Signal Rider can take the character no more than (Gnosis x 5) miles (or 8 km per Gnosis dot) -- if the other end of the line isn't within that range, the Gift fails.
Taught by: Pattern spider Book: WW20
Tech Speak
By mentally interfacing with the Machine, the Garou can send communications through any technological device. By concentrating her will upon the individual(s) whom she wishes to communicate with, communication devices will project the information at the intended individuals: telephones shout, stereos blare and printers print out the message. If no communication device is present, other devices can be activated: alarms will go off, lights flash or plumbing turns on. This Gift is taught by Pattern Spiders. System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Science. The difficulty depends on the distance to the target: the next room is 4, the same building is 5, one block away is 6, one mile away is 7, one time-zone away (from Eastern to Central Standard Time) is 8, anywhere in the world (as long as there is a technological device present at the location) is 9. The clarity of the message depends on the number of successes. One success may only communicate one word, such as "run", while five successes may allow a reading of the Gettysburg Address. Alternative Versions
From: WW20 System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science.
Tractor Beam
The Garou can transport non-dedicated objects with her to the Umbra when she steps sideways. She may not take living creatures, only objects. This Gift is taught by Weaver spirits. System: The Garou spends on Willpower point for each object brought over to the Umbra. It must be something she can carry and it must weigh no more than her own body weight. However, two or more Garou with this Gift can team up and carry larger items into the Spirit World. Despite its name, the user of this Gift does not emit a beam.
Virtual Umbra
This Gift allows a Glass Walker to be instantly transported into the Computer Web from any section of the Pattern Web, or when stepping sideways near a known computer terminal in the real world. System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Intelligence + Computers (difficulty 8), the Garou may travel instantly to the Computer Web. The Glass Walker can transport other beings with him at a cost of one Willpower point per individual.
=Rang 5=
Chaos Mechanics
Werewolves pulse with the Wyld's energies, of course, but all creatures with form and nature have something of the Weaver in them, or so the Glass Walkers argue. Upon learning this Gift, the Glass Walker reconciles the two halves of his being, and he can summon primal energy and mystic form at the same time. System: A Garou with this Gift may use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn without penalty. Doing so allows the Garou to use Rage actions to activate fetishes and use Gifts requiring Gnosis (providing that the Gift does not require a full turn to activate). What's more important is that it allows the Garou to take Rage actions in the same turn that he steps sideways, provided that the player rolls enough successes to get to or from the Umbra instantly. This Gift's effects are permanent. Book: WW3e
Summon Net-Spider
The Garou can summon a Net-Spider - one of the Weaver spirits that dwell within the Realm of electronic reality. Within reasons, the Net-Spider gives its summoner absolute control over computers. The Garou can also send the Spider into someone else's system to disrupt it - the effects of this are left up to the Storyteller, but should be destructive. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Cockroach. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Computers (difficulty 8). If successful, the Net-Spider appears and will heed the Garou. The Spider allows the Garou to halve all difficulty rolls involving computers.
Technotheocratic Apocalyptica
They say the Glass Walkers worship their technology. That's foolishness. Worshipping mere tools confuses the master with the servant. Worshipping monsters, now, that has some more flair. This Gift allows the Glass Walker to turn all machines in the room into posessed monsters; mobile phones suddenly beginning ringing at thei loudest volume and hurl themselves at the person nearest to them, televisions deliberately explode, and electrical wires whip around, tripping and strangling whomever they can see. This Gift is taught by a Pattern Spider. System: The player spends three Rage and rolls Charisma + Science, difficulty 8. Assuming at least one success, every electric device in the room the Glass Walker is in will begin to shake. Two turns after that, the entire room is flled with monstrous electrical appliances, and everyone in the room suffers a number of unsoakable aggravated wounds equal to the number of successes rolled. Since this includes the Glass Walker, it behooves him to leave the room in the time he has. Taught by: Pattern spider Book: PG3e