Archetypes: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 9: Zeile 9:

== Archetypen ==
== Archetypen ==
*Addict - Whatever your fix is, you've GOT TO have it.
*Adherent - Stay true to your goals/beliefs no matter what.
*Adjudicator - Pronounce the solutions to others' problems.
*Advisor - Your wise counsel is sought out.
*Alpha - Born to lead others.
*Analyst - Collection and study of information brings understanding.
*Architect - Creation is your passion.
*Artist - Inspire, challenge or provoke others with your works.
*Autocrat - Control-freak.
*Autist - One who buries their secrets.
*Avant-Garde - A fascination with the trendy and new.
*Barbarian - Civilization is the crutch of the weak
*Believer - You must convince others of the Truth only you know.
*Beta - Second to the alpha, his favored companion and lieutenant.
*Bon Vivant - Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
*Bravo - Cruelty and bullying are your good points.
*Builder/Maker - Your purpose is leaving or creating something lasting behind.
*Bureaucrat - Laws are meant to be followed.
*Caregiver - Actively caring or helping others.
*Cavalier - The fearless hero.
*Child - Working through immaturity and innocence.
*Celebrant - Pursue excitement in all things.
*Competitor - You must win everything to be happy.
*Confidant - A good listener and keeper of secrets.
*Conformist - You would rather follow a powerful figure than lead.
*Conniver - You want something for nothing.
*Critic - You find imperfections in everything.
*Crusader - All action must serve your goal and inspire others likewise.
*Cub - Immature and childish.
*Curmudgeon - Cynicism is the main means of operation.
*Defender - You stand guard over that for which you care.
*Demagogue - Incite others to your side using their fears and prejudices.
*Deviant - The status quo is for suckers.
*Director - Order is the name of the game.
*Dreamer - Focus on the loftiness of your goals, not their practicality.
*Eccentric - Strange times call for strange behavior/attitudes.
*Engine - Utterly implacable, nothing sways you from your goal.
*Explorer - Seek new experiences and ideas.
*Evangelist - Whatever it is you have faith in, you must spread the word.
*Fanatic - One cause, full support for it.
*Gallant - A rogue to themselves, a jerk to most.
*Healer - Ease the pain and suffering of the afflicted.
*Hedonist/Reveler - Have a good time as much as possible.
*Honest-Abe - The simple things in life are best.
*Jester - In the school of life, you are the class clown.
*Jobsworth - The routine is the only comfortable way to exist.
*Judge - Brutal honesty results in improvements.
*Loner/Lone Wolf - Company makes for uncomfortable situations.
*Manipulator - It's fun to tweak the actions of others.
*Martyr - The sacrifice of one is beneficial to others.
*Masochist - It ain't good until it hurts.
*Meddler - You know what's best for everyone.
*Mediator - Balance is the best way.
*Monger - You value only one thing, be it money, fame, power, etc.
*Monster - knows she is a creature of darkness and acts like it.
*Non-Partisan - Avoid external preconceptions, judge things/people for yourself.
*Omega - Your place is at the bottom of the social rank.
*Optimist - Life is good. Live it.
*Paragon - Stick to your code to provide an example to the rest.
*Pedagogue - Learning is what life is all about.
*Penitent - There is no right to exist. It must be earned.
*Perfectionist - Mistakes cannot be made.
*Plotter - Nothing can be done right without a plan.
*Poltroon - Someone cannot shoot at a target they do not have.
*Praise-Seeker - The opinions of others drive existence.
*Predator - You are a killer, or else you would be killed yourself.
*Provider - Your focus is your family's well-being.
*Rebel - The establishment is a joke.
*Reluctant Garou - You never asked to be a Garou.
*Rogue - Only one thing matters to the Rogue: herself. To each his own.
*Show-Off -You get your self-worth entirely from others.
*Soldier - Your firm resolve under pressure keeps the team together.
*Stoic - All hardships must be endured with calm.
*Survivor - Perseverance is the only way to get ahead in life.
*Sycophant - Let others do the hard work and live on praise for it.
*Traditionalist - The old ways are the best ways.
*Thrill-Seeker - Take a chance on everything.
*Trickster - Find the absurd in everything.
*Vigilante - Decide and dispense justice yourself.
*Visionary - There is something more to life and this existence.

Version vom 17. März 2024, 09:20 Uhr

Nature and Demeanor

Jeder spielt jeden Tag eine oder mehrere Rollen. Jedes Individuum besitzt mehrere Persönlichkeitsschichten, von vorgetäuschten bis hin zu ehrlichen. Jede dieser Rollen definiert, wie wir mit Personen und Orten um uns herum interagieren, und wir bestimmen, welchen Teil von uns wir zeigen wollen. Dasselbe gilt für die Wesen in der World of Darkness. Das Konzept von Nature und Demeanor korrespondiert mit den verschiedenen Masken, die wir tragen, wenn wir interagieren. Die Natur ist die wahre Persönlichkeit eines Charakters, das, was er ist, anderen aber vielleicht nicht offenbart. Denn es ist gefährlich, das zu zeigen, da es anderen verrät, wer wir sind und was uns wichtig ist. Deshalb haben Charaktere auch Demeanor, Masken oder spielerisch gesprochen: das, was der Charakter der Welt von sich zeigt. Indem wir bestimmen, wie wir uns der Welt zeigen, können wir bestimmen, wie sie sich uns zeigt, da wir die Reaktionen anderer auf uns steuern.

Philosophie beiseite – die Persönlichkeit wirkt sich bei Vampire auch auf die Spielregeln aus, denn jeder Archetyp gewinnt auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise Willenskraftpunkte zurück. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Charakter die Anforderungen des Archetyps erfüllt, der seinem Wesen entspricht, hat er die Möglichkeit, einen eingesetzten Willenskraftpunkt zurückzuerlangen.

Archetypen erlauben Spielern, ein Gefühl für die Persönlichkeit ihrer Charaktere zu entwickeln und ein wenig davon zu definieren, wie sie ticken. Es sollte noch erwähnt werden, dass Archetypen nicht starr sind; Charaktere müssen sich nicht sklavisch an ihre Natur und ihr Verhalten halten. Der Charakter sollte vielmehr handeln, wie der Spieler es in der jeweiligen Situation für angemessen hält. Spieler und Erzähler wollen vielleicht ihre eigenen Archetypen entwickeln, um die Natur oder das Verhalten der in ihrer Runde vertretenen Charaktere und ihre Reaktionen auf ihre Umwelt besser zu beschreiben. Schließlich ist jeder Charakter ein Individuum, und speziell auf ihn zugeschnittene Archetypen sollten ein logischer Auswuchs eines runden Charakters sein.

Es folgen einige grundlegende Archetypen für eine große Bandbreite von Charakteren. Manche Archetypen sind für bestimmte Charkonzepte (Wesen, Clan, Sekte, Stamm etc) besser geeignet als andere.


  • Addict - Whatever your fix is, you've GOT TO have it.
  • Adherent - Stay true to your goals/beliefs no matter what.
  • Adjudicator - Pronounce the solutions to others' problems.
  • Advisor - Your wise counsel is sought out.
  • Alpha - Born to lead others.
  • Analyst - Collection and study of information brings understanding.
  • Architect - Creation is your passion.
  • Artist - Inspire, challenge or provoke others with your works.
  • Autocrat - Control-freak.
  • Autist - One who buries their secrets.
  • Avant-Garde - A fascination with the trendy and new.
  • Barbarian - Civilization is the crutch of the weak
  • Believer - You must convince others of the Truth only you know.
  • Beta - Second to the alpha, his favored companion and lieutenant.
  • Bon Vivant - Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
  • Bravo - Cruelty and bullying are your good points.
  • Builder/Maker - Your purpose is leaving or creating something lasting behind.
  • Bureaucrat - Laws are meant to be followed.
  • Caregiver - Actively caring or helping others.
  • Cavalier - The fearless hero.
  • Child - Working through immaturity and innocence.
  • Celebrant - Pursue excitement in all things.
  • Competitor - You must win everything to be happy.
  • Confidant - A good listener and keeper of secrets.
  • Conformist - You would rather follow a powerful figure than lead.
  • Conniver - You want something for nothing.
  • Critic - You find imperfections in everything.
  • Crusader - All action must serve your goal and inspire others likewise.
  • Cub - Immature and childish.
  • Curmudgeon - Cynicism is the main means of operation.
  • Defender - You stand guard over that for which you care.
  • Demagogue - Incite others to your side using their fears and prejudices.
  • Deviant - The status quo is for suckers.
  • Director - Order is the name of the game.
  • Dreamer - Focus on the loftiness of your goals, not their practicality.
  • Eccentric - Strange times call for strange behavior/attitudes.
  • Engine - Utterly implacable, nothing sways you from your goal.
  • Explorer - Seek new experiences and ideas.
  • Evangelist - Whatever it is you have faith in, you must spread the word.
  • Fanatic - One cause, full support for it.
  • Gallant - A rogue to themselves, a jerk to most.
  • Healer - Ease the pain and suffering of the afflicted.
  • Hedonist/Reveler - Have a good time as much as possible.
  • Honest-Abe - The simple things in life are best.
  • Jester - In the school of life, you are the class clown.
  • Jobsworth - The routine is the only comfortable way to exist.
  • Judge - Brutal honesty results in improvements.
  • Loner/Lone Wolf - Company makes for uncomfortable situations.
  • Manipulator - It's fun to tweak the actions of others.
  • Martyr - The sacrifice of one is beneficial to others.
  • Masochist - It ain't good until it hurts.
  • Meddler - You know what's best for everyone.
  • Mediator - Balance is the best way.
  • Monger - You value only one thing, be it money, fame, power, etc.
  • Monster - knows she is a creature of darkness and acts like it.
  • Non-Partisan - Avoid external preconceptions, judge things/people for yourself.
  • Omega - Your place is at the bottom of the social rank.
  • Optimist - Life is good. Live it.
  • Paragon - Stick to your code to provide an example to the rest.
  • Pedagogue - Learning is what life is all about.
  • Penitent - There is no right to exist. It must be earned.
  • Perfectionist - Mistakes cannot be made.
  • Plotter - Nothing can be done right without a plan.
  • Poltroon - Someone cannot shoot at a target they do not have.
  • Praise-Seeker - The opinions of others drive existence.
  • Predator - You are a killer, or else you would be killed yourself.
  • Provider - Your focus is your family's well-being.
  • Rebel - The establishment is a joke.
  • Reluctant Garou - You never asked to be a Garou.
  • Rogue - Only one thing matters to the Rogue: herself. To each his own.
  • Show-Off -You get your self-worth entirely from others.
  • Soldier - Your firm resolve under pressure keeps the team together.
  • Stoic - All hardships must be endured with calm.
  • Survivor - Perseverance is the only way to get ahead in life.
  • Sycophant - Let others do the hard work and live on praise for it.
  • Traditionalist - The old ways are the best ways.
  • Thrill-Seeker - Take a chance on everything.
  • Trickster - Find the absurd in everything.
  • Vigilante - Decide and dispense justice yourself.
  • Visionary - There is something more to life and this existence.